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Weight Loss the Old Style Way Part 11



  • Izadora
    Izadora Posts: 2,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Morning All, I'm pleased to be able to report -2.5lb for this week.

    It should probably have been more but I ended up going out with friends on Saturday night and drinking way more than is sensible and then ate a bit more than I should've done yesterday. It was really good to get out though and definitely needed so I'm not going to beat myself up about empty booze calories and I ate way less than I would normally do when hungover, including limiting myself to a tiny sliver of lemon meringue pie that I'd made for my husband.

    Best of luck to everyone for the week ahead.
  • Ginmonster
    Hello again! I missed last week as we had half term and I took the 6 year old to stay with my parents for most of the week. I managed to mostly stick to my porridge for breakfast and fruit for puddings rules and although we did have a drink every night I only had the one whereas before when I was in holiday mode I would happily have gone for 2 or 3. I wasn't expecting to have lost anything but I'm down by 1 1/2 lb.

    I'm pleased with the slow and steady approach as I think I can stick to these rules for life without feeling I'm on a diet.

    I had my usual porridge for breakfast today and am planning egg on toast for lunch and some leftover veggie chili and rice for tea.
  • enthusiasticsaver
    Afternoon all. Hope those of you who are at home with kids on half term are surviving ok. We have the granddaughters who are 10 months and 3 and a half but luckily both having a rest/nap now so I have 5 minutes to myself ;)

    Thanks for adding me to the list Cranky. I think I will declare on Fridays as I have loads of weekends away over the next month or so starting with this coming weekend. A strong resolve to stay eating healthy will be needed. I weighed myself again this morning as I do every morning at the moment and the scales showed another 1lb loss but I am not declaring that for now as I have noticed it goes up and down from day to day. Been avoiding the unhealthy stuff for two weeks now and it definitely makes a difference both in terms of weight loss and lack of cravings for high sugar/fatty stuff.

    Food today is porridge for breakfast with blueberries and banana for snack
    wholemeal ham and tomato sandwich and clementine.
    Will have some hummus and celery for a snack and roast chicken, potatoes and veg tonight.
    As usual if my calories are in limit I will have some greek yogurt and strawberries tonight.

    Apart from walking around with the baby I see no possibility whatsoever of getting my 10k steps in today so will do a walk and the gym tomorrow.

    Good luck to all for the week ahead.
    I’m a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on the Debt free Wannabe, Budgeting and Banking and Savings and Investment boards. If you need any help on these boards, do let me know. Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any posts you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button, or by emailing All views are my own and not the official line of MoneySavingExpert.
    SIRENS Posts: 1,233 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Photogenic
    Evening All
    Reporting in with a loss of -1lb I am very surprised as I've eaten everything in sight over the weekend and have done no exercise at all, I managed to trip on the stairs at the station coming home from work on Wednesday resulting in a hugely swollen and cut knee. The swelling has gone down now but it's badly bruised so I know I must have whacked it badly as I never bruise! Managed to get to work and back today but found I need to remain sitting or standing as going between the two is pretty sore. Still only working tomorrow as off the rest of the week with the kids, who want to go for a nice long walk up to the Tate and then down to borough market, then shopping at the local shopping centre so no resting this week!

    I was wondering if anyone has done the couch to 5k I've been thinking about trying it next month, I am massively overweight and have never run before so am a little worried about damage to my joints but want to give it a go?

    Today's meals
    B porridge with tsp honey splash of milk and chopped mango
    L curried chicken noodle soup, pear
    D potatoes and leek soup, broccoli, little bit of lo taco mince.
    S cereal bar and 10 Malteasers.

    Cranky sorry to hear about your friend, you would have helped if you could, don't beat yourself up over it.

    Good luck zafiro hope all goes well xx
    'You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose' - Dr Suess

  • hatful-of-hollow
    Evening all,

    Just checking in on my weigh-in day and I've STS this week. Hopefully, there'll be a loss next week. I thought I had eaten well/healthily this week and have really been watching the calories. Had plenty of brisk walks too. Oh well, keep on going.

    B Black coffee
    L HM minestrone soup with crackers
    D HM spanish chicken, 5 baby potatoes, sugar snap peas, broccoli followed by berries and yogurt.

    E 2.5 mile brisk walk and some work in the garden
  • CRANKY40
    CRANKY40 Posts: 5,778 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    SIRENS wrote: »

    I was wondering if anyone has done the couch to 5k I've been thinking about trying it next month, I am massively overweight and have never run before so am a little worried about damage to my joints but want to give it a go?

    Cranky sorry to hear about your friend, you would have helped if you could, don't beat yourself up over it.

    Thanks and thanks also to everyone else who has mentioned it. I think I was mostly angry that her daughter let her down so badly....I've spoken to my friend and we're good.

    Me, me, me, I've done the Couch to 5K. Are you ready for story time? September 2017 I fell down 5 carpeted stairs at home and got a huge bruise on the bottom of my leg. I gave my head a good bang on the wall at the bottom too but that was ok. I am hupermobile and bruise easily (delicate stretchy skin) but I never expected what happened next. The area of the bruise (roughly 5cm by 5cm) went black. I thought it was some kind of scab from a graze but my friend looked at it and said if I didn't go to the walk in centre she'd carry me there myself. The bruise had turned into a haematoma which needed to be lifted from my leg. I'll spare you the next 6 weeks procedures as they're not for the squeamish. I ended up with a large open wound.

    Next step....I was referred to the leg ulcer clinic as every open leg wound that doesn't heal in 2 weeks is classified as an ulcer no matter how you acquire it. They did tests on a Thursday afternoon and pressure bandaged me. By Saturday morning the nurse on duty was in my house cutting me out of the bandages as I was very, very allergic to them. The leg ulcer team said my leg would take months to heal without the bandages but as I couldn't have their bandages they couldn't help and discharged me from their care. I went back to my doctors.

    This is the bit when I struck lucky. One of the nurses in my GP practice was an ex ulcer specialist. She had a tube of honey ointment stashed in her cupboard. We tried it on my leg and the wound improved. To cut a long story short the honey ointment healed my leg in the same time frame that the bandages would have done. (It's called Activon if anyone is interested and it's not expensive). I was left with my leg looking like I'd been in a bad accident as the wound had reached a depth of about 1cm, with no feeling down that side of my leg and bad swelling above my ankle.

    I decided to learn to run as although bad circulation wasn't the reason I had the wound, it was now an issue due to blood vessels etc being cut because of how deep the injury was. At this point I weighed 16 stone and I'm 5ft tall. The first week of C25K nearly killed me :rotfl: I found an online graph of what each week's running looked like so I knew what to expect which was very helpful. I also took my time moving from week to week. I waited until I could run each week easily before I moved to the following week. It took me four months to finish it rather than nine weeks but I'm OK with that.

    There's an online NHS forum for people doing the program which I also found very helpful. You can have it as an app too and chat to other would be runners. I did finally manage to run 5K although I think I'm probably the slowest runner on Merseyside. To that end I've started it again from the beginning but I'm doing it faster this time. I'm never going to be a medal winner, but I enjoy it and I am in a better mood on run days. I'm also 1.5 stone lighter which to me justifies the strain that I put on my joints. Thirty minutes running three times a week has to be better for them than carrying around that extra 21 lbs....and I'm still losing weight.

    Running alone won't make you lose weight - there has to be proper sensible calorie control alongside but I eat better once I'm training (I had December and January off due to a chest infection and the diet went to pot) as I see food as fuel rather than in terms of treats. I love the positive mindset that running gives me. I was inspired by a lady on facebook who lost 8 stone and she started by doing the C25K. If you have facebook let me know and I'll give you the link so that you can see her photos. Last of all, good luck, go for it, it's totally worth it.

    I'll be back later to update the list folks. Take care :)
  • katiepants
    Hi All,

    Feeling pretty rubbish today. I suffer from night terrors, and I had one last night for the first time in ages. It was pretty bad I believe and caused me to fall out of bed. I forget how distressing they are (for both me and my poor OH - and probably the neighbors as well!), and have woken up this morning still feeling very shaken up. My RH side feels bruised as well, so I think I scraped it on the side of the bed.

    The shakiness leads to a craving for sugary things, which I assume is down to the stress hormones still in my body. I admit I had a kitkat on my way to work, but have since had my normal breakfast to try and sort me out. I'll still go for my lunchtime walk and see how I get on.

    B: 1 shredded wheat, 1 weetabix, s/s milk (+ a 4 finger kitkat :o)
    L: Tuna sandwich, pom bear crisps, clementine
    T: Pasta bake made from leftover pulled BBQ chicken
    S: Fibre 1 bar, and if I'm honest probably a hot chocolate as well...

    I went out on my bike for the first time this year on Sunday. I was sort of dreading it but thanks to the weightloss/increased exercise it was bearable and actually enjoyable in parts. Cycling where I live is VERY strenuous, but the hills were OK thanks to my increased cardio fitness. I've also definitely noticed that I'm starting to look a bit slimmer, and even my OH has commented. So that's good motivation.

    Sorry if none of that made any sense... not quite firing on all cylinders today!!
    Sealed pot challenge 11: number 594
  • natlie
    natlie Posts: 1,688 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    Still poorly, no more weight loss yet, but been ill so not much exercise and I've got my period

    B: Trek Bar 227 cals
    S: Chickpea Crisps from Aldi 97 cals
    L: Soulful Pot - African Peanut Stew - also from Aldi 353 cals

    Don't know what to make for dinner yet, will have a think when I get home

    DMP: £30,668 £3,364.02 DFD July 2024
  • enthusiasticsaver
    Good afternoon all and well done on weight losses and no gains. Not sure how far into your weight loss journey you all are but I always find I lose well in first month or so then it seems to plateau after a bit. Not got to that point yet but might be seeking inspiration as to how to keep going as I have to get to grips with staying at a healthy weight now I am facing 60 next year.

    My weight has gone up and down but when I got on the scales earlier on this month and saw 13 stone 8lb it gave me a shock as I think that is the heaviest I have ever been. I have high blood pressure anyway (inherited from both parents but pretty sure being overweight does not help). Actually technically according to the NHS BMI calculator I am 31.4 BMI which takes me into the obese category so I really want to sort this out once and for all for the sake of my health. I have lost 6 lb so far since recording my weight so this morning was 13 stone 2lb. I know not many put their actual weight on here but I am hoping actually typing this up will give me the resolve to stick with this.

    I looked after my young grandchildren yesterday and did more than 5k steps just running around after them. Today I did a long walk this morning 9.5k steps and will do an hour in the gym this afternoon.

    I had porridge and blueberries for breakfast
    Banana for snack
    Leek and potato soup with one slice wm bread and a pear for lunch
    Plan for later today is celery with hummus for after gym
    Chicken and bacon risotto with salad this evening and as usual strawberries and greek yogurt if my calorie limit allows.

    CrankyBrilliant achievement on the running and well done on 1.5 stone weight loss. I can run on a treadmill but not overkeen on running out on roads. Too many hills in Cornwall
    I’m a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on the Debt free Wannabe, Budgeting and Banking and Savings and Investment boards. If you need any help on these boards, do let me know. Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any posts you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button, or by emailing All views are my own and not the official line of MoneySavingExpert.
  • CRANKY40
    CRANKY40 Posts: 5,778 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    I run on a treadmill too enthusiasticsaver. Hypermobility means that uneven terrain is dangerous as muscles aren't correctly supported by ligaments. The other thing is I can imagine some of the comments I'd get as an overweight, older lady running round our estate. Umm, no thank you :rotfl:
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