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All change..... Determined to be solvent, single and successful



  • joeyjimbles
    joeyjimbles Posts: 2,221 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Have followed your lead and just done a major sort out of my bathroom shelves where I store toiletries and make-up etc.
    I now have a basket full of half-used shampoo and conditioners, those little ones you take on holiday and the conditioners that come with home hair dye. I've put it outside the shower and removed my big bottles so that I'll use them first. I need to intersperse the big brand ones with those with no parabens etc or my psoriasis will flare but there's enough of them to hopefully work out.
    I chucked a little pile of old razors - what was I keeping them for? - and the recycling now smells lovely as I rinsed out several almost empty plastic and glass bottles of various unguents. I feel quite saintly.
    My make up brushes are cleaned and drying. There is a bag full of make up that I never use ready to be donated to DS2's school drama dept, and I've found my favourite tweezers.

    So thank you very much as I've been thinking I should do this for ages but probably wouldn't have done it if it weren't for you.
    NF 05.24 £18.00/£00.00 £72.00/£72.00
    LD 11.24 £1000.00/£580.00         Fn £510                                                     
    Renewal 24 £400.00/£406.00      Renewal 25 £450.00/£092.50 (20%)    
    Avch 08.24 £100.00/£070.00       NPt 12.24 £250.00/£088.00
    FD £3600.00/£1200.00                 X24 £1500.00/£0900.00

  • mumblingtaff
    mumblingtaff Posts: 1,826 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 13 August 2018 at 8:11PM
    Joey! I forgot about make up! I too have a core set that i use every day and lots of other stuff that's never been touched or is on its last legs. You've prompted another little sort out..... I might even try washing the make up bags with the next load of washing to see if they can revive themselves.

    So, today is the official start of the second half of the summer holidays and, looking back over the past three weeks, I feel like I've achieved quite a bit. I feel quite organised at home and much fitter. But, there are still some things left on the list to work through.

    Slept really badly last night - went off ok but just kept waking up in pools of sweat then freezing again 2 mins later. Flipping menopause inducing tablets - grrr!!!!! :( Gave up at 5.45 and got up after what probably added up to 4 hours sleep at most.
    I'm ignoring it and getting on with things though - can't give in and if I need a little nap later it's not the end of the world.

    So, today's little list of things to do....
    1. Dog walks x2 or 3, weather dependent - done 2
    2. Run - done medium length run
    3. Phone vet to order tablets - done
    4. Look into PPI reclaim
    5. Phone mum - done
    6. Use up fajita leftovers from last night - done
    7. Work email - done
    8. Write results overview template doc - done
    9. Create new template for subject specific results - done
    10. Give wood work in downstairs loo another quick coat of paint - done

    Other than that I have no plans except to see OH after his golf game this evening. Might watch another episode of The Sinner, watched two last night and it's really getting good now. There's only 8 to get through and I'm on number 5 now so it's not a huge investment of time :). Still feel a bit guilty about sitting down doing nothing but I'm getting better at it;)

    Right, time for dog walk number 1 .......
  • mumblingtaff
    mumblingtaff Posts: 1,826 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    Had quite a productive day - did lots of work and feel like I'm back in the swing of it again. Will do some more tomorrow.
    Also have done a run and walked the dog twice and touched up the painting now it's all dry.
    Watched a couple of Grace and Frankie episodes - am on the last series now.
    Quite tired now but may go over to OHs once he's finished golfing.
    Will need to make myself presentable again first though - think bag lady .......
  • Honeysucklelou2
    Second half of the holidays already :eek:. I'm on a decorating mission, so trying to get it done this week before thinking about the new term ahead!
    paydbx2024 #2 £480/£5000 . Mortgage £144k start ~ £148k Jun 23 -
    2024 savings challenge £5/£2000
    EF £140. Savings 2 £30.00. Weekly savings envelope #17
  • mumblingtaff
    mumblingtaff Posts: 1,826 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 17 August 2018 at 3:29PM
    I know what you mean Honeysuckle - the days are starting to whizz by! Good luck with the decorating - I hate it but it's a necessary evil.....

    Just back from the big park with the dog who had a lovely time playing with all the other dogs. Was hoping to go straight out for a run afterwards but have woken up with an upset stomach and I'm not sure it's over yet so am giving it a little while before straying too far.... Feel ok otherwise as I slept a bit better last night (stayed in and had an earlyish night).

    My family are coming to stay on Sunday until Tuesday and they'll take the dog home with them and look after him while I'm in Ibiza. Saves me a trip to Wales and they like visiting, even if it drives me around the bend ;)
    I'll be working next Wednesday doing the GCSE results download and analysis and again on Thursday giving results to students (it's come around too quickly and I'm a bit nervous about them with all of the changes). We're flying on Thursday evening so the mum arrangement helps out really as I'll be short on time.

    I have a few errands and jobs to do before the visitors arrive but should get them all done comfortably this week so I won't be rushing around next week when I'm really busy.
    Little listypops.....
    1. Collect dogs tablets from the vet - done
    2. Pick up dry cleaning - done
    3. Buy holiday toiletries - done
    4. Buy euros - done
    5. Buy dog holiday supplies
    6. Holiday ironing - done
    7. Paint the bathroom
    8. Sort out driving licence - done
    9. Get decorator quotes
    10. Mend knicker drawer in chest of drawers
    11. Give conservatory a deep clean - done

    Going to do a bit of work this morning, planning my first actions in my new job - bit scary but I'm sure I'll be fine once I'm into it.
    I'm going over to OHs for tea and to spend the evening so need to get a bit done during the day today.
    I'm meeting my friend tomorrow afternoon for drinks and food so the rest of the day can be written off after that ;)

    Little victory - I washed my make up bag yesterday and it's come up almost like new - saves buying a new one. I would have chucked it in the past. :)
  • Starmummy
    Starmummy Posts: 537 Forumite
    You managed to encourage me to get my running shoes on again last night. The hot weather has really put me off this summer so I admire your determination.

    Well done on keeping so busy in the summer break. I can imagine it's really easy to procrastinate when faced with a lack of routine for a prolonged period.
    debt consolidated 16/8/18 £9,788.01/£12,618.12 :( (Total debt at LBM 1st Jan '18 c..£19.5k)
    EF/FIT savings £97.24 Other Savings £12.17 House Deposit £4,762.64/£20,000 23.8% :D
  • crazy_cat_lady
    Can’t believe the results are in next week! Where are my holidays going?
  • mumblingtaff
    mumblingtaff Posts: 1,826 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    Well done StarMummy ! Getting started again is always the hardest part. No running for me today apart from to the loo and back I'm afraid..... :(

    Cat - it's definitely too soon! I'm not ready !

    Not feeling great - just an upset tummy but inconvenient. So, I have spent the morning sorting out my PPI reclaim (fingers crossed) and looking at autumn clothes online. I've been very good and only allowed myself to order one top that's in the sale. It's exactly the same one as I bought last week but in Ivory (rather than navy that I have). I love it and it's easy to wear and can be dressed up or down so I'll get plenty of wear out of it.

    I'm going to try to build an autumn/winter non-work wardrobe of classy clothes around what I already have, that are age appropriate (I'm 46) but don't make me look like my mother! Youngish but knowing my limits and strengths and weaknesses. Want to be slightly sexy and attractive but in a subtle way. I need to think more about accessories and finishing the outfit off - just being a bit more polished. I'm at that age that it could all go a bit wrong - especially with my menopausal tendencies ;) - and I'm determined not to let myself go. It's not just about being slim or losing weight - it's about how I present myself, grooming, health and confidence.
    I have regular hair appointments (been grey since my early twenties and it's a constant battle) and am now exercising regularly but I could eat better and think more about skin care. I use moisturiser and do the occasional face mask but I need my eyebrows professionally sorting and I think I lack the little bit of "finishing off" if you know what I mean. I'm not the sort to spend hours preening but I do like to look nice and need to make a bit more of an effort to fight the ageing process. I'm a size 10/12 depending on the shop and the time of the month so not hugely overweight but would like to be more toned. I've noticed in the last year that my arms are starting to look wobbly (not quite bingo wings but on the way) and my previously always flat stomach is developing a "menopause belly" (when I put on weight it usually goes on my bum, hips and legs). Since being on my medication, my chest has changed size and shape (smaller and saggier) and I'm not a fan.
    So, I need to take action. ;)
  • Starmummy
    Starmummy Posts: 537 Forumite
    It's interesting you talking about wanting to feel a bit more polished. It's something I'm conscious I need to work on too. People seem to think I am a lot younger than I am, not personality wise but in appearance and I could probably pin that on my lack of polish. while being thought of as youthful is a complement I do think it hinders me professionally when I'm mistaken for early twenties rather than a respectable 30 year old.

    I bought a gorgeous jacket recently in the sale and i've yet to take the lable off as I always get scared that looking polished will make me look like I'm wearing a costume rather than naturaly elegant.
    I think I need a stylist :rofl:
    debt consolidated 16/8/18 £9,788.01/£12,618.12 :( (Total debt at LBM 1st Jan '18 c..£19.5k)
    EF/FIT savings £97.24 Other Savings £12.17 House Deposit £4,762.64/£20,000 23.8% :D
  • mumblingtaff
    mumblingtaff Posts: 1,826 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
    I too need a stylist!!
    I was talking to OH about it all last night and he was really lovely and very complimentary about me. He also told me that one of his friends had told him that he was lucky to have me and I was fabulous! Nice of him to say but I'm not sure why they were talking about me ......

    I'm definitely not fabulous today - the stomach trouble is continuing (not the most attractive of conditions!) and I'm a bit worried that it's a recurrence of the C diff infection I had last year. Could really do without that but the symptoms are the same, not pleasant. I have a telephone appointment with a nice doctor this afternoon - don't want to go into the surgery and spread it around if it is that again. The receptionist was unusually helpful when I explained! Fingers crossed it's just a run of the mill bug and will pass.
    Stayed at OHs last night but I'm home now after taking the dog to the park, the fresh air did me good.
    I've cancelled my afternoon out with my friend - I might feel better by then but don't want to take the chance being out and about whilst being iffy. She was very understanding and we'll rearrange.

    Not sure what the day will bring yet - just pottering about at home until I know how I feel I suppose. Have a bit of tidying I can do and I might do a bit of work. We'll see .......
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