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The Garden Fence - proper Old Style support and chat!



  • silvasava
    silvasava Posts: 4,433 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Fuddle - dinna fash yersel! That's why we are all on this thread - to give support when needed and to get support when needed.
    Must admit I'm a !ittle bit concerned as I'm now due to have an angiogram. Not worried about the procedure but what may the outcome. All my family - aunt, uncle, parents and grandparents have had heart & circulatory problems. I'm pretty active ( much more than any of them at the same age) and like you Monna - eat sensibly but not obsessively. Hey ho - there's folk much worse off than me so I'll woman up!
    Small victories - sometimes they are all you can hope for but sometimes they are all you need - be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
  • [Deleted User]
    Hey FUDS have a hug or twenty, life has been less than generous with you for quite a while now, it's not so easy to be scared stiff and feel awful to boot so you're allowed to be tetchy if you need to! the cold and dismal weather of late doesn't help either does it? what you need is time off for good behaviour from the woes of life and some nice spring warmth to cheer you up and give you time outside on your allotment in the sunshine. We'll all be brighter in mood when the better weather comes. It doesn't change what you're dealing with love but it does always seem to make life feel better in every way when the sky is blue, the sun is warm and mother nature is giving us the first spring growth xxx.
  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    Fuds, why can't you be more like me ?? Calm, cool, collected, slim, fit, healthy, great cook, terrific housekeeper, immaculate garden.. ;)
    I realise it must be hard but do try pet.
  • nursemaggie
    nursemaggie Posts: 2,608 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    I have just watched this, The stuff is about America but some of it translates to here.
  • fuddle
    fuddle Posts: 6,823 Forumite
    I have seen your garden and it took my breath away. :D Away with your sarcasm woman! ;)

    I have frog spawn in my plot pond! I don't know how as it's been frozzin' for weeks and I am worried about an Easter cold snap but I'm chuffed. I also have 1 crocus in my flower patch. :D
  • Softstuff
    Softstuff Posts: 3,086 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Mardatha, I don't know about Fuddle, but you remain my shining example. I wake up and I think "What would Mard do?". As opposed to when I go to bed and think "What would Hester do?" :p

    Hugs Fuddle. It's hard and stressful to make changes, if it was easy everyone would do it.

    I'm picking up vanilla today, my ice cream maker (who I've not yet named) is quivering with excitement. Chilly Willy? Frozen Fred? Shivering Steve?
    Softstuff- Officially better than 007
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Hard_Up_Hester Posts: 4,656 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Thank you Softstuff.
    True to form I caused a mini riot in the supermarket, I'll not sully the delicate ears on here with it, it's on my blog.
    Also true to form I have an ouchie, my foot was painful yesterday, my beloved offered to take my mind off the pain, he was successful to a degree until I decided to change position and wrench a ligament in my ankle!
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • greenbee
    greenbee Posts: 16,207 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Mar's garden always looks so immaculate and restful under that blanket of snow...
  • silvasava
    silvasava Posts: 4,433 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    It's a good job I went to yoga tonight and tightened up my base chakra otherwise I'd have needed a tena lady from laughing softstuff.
    Hester I'm assuming CHS offered the usual cure - mine told me it would cure a hangnail once ;)
    Small victories - sometimes they are all you can hope for but sometimes they are all you need - be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle
  • mardatha
    mardatha Posts: 15,612 Forumite
    Mardatha, I don't know about Fuddle, but you remain my shining example. I wake up and I think "What would Mard do?".
    I should think so too, I would as well, even if I wasn't me.
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