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  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    nursemaggie, I am so happy for you. You won't know yourselves with all that space.Do you have a garden where you can hang out clothes again? It may be a bit smaller than you like upstairs, but do you need lots of space in your bedrooms?
    My DS had a problem when he first left home because he had no credit history, he didn't even have a credit card having seen the mess some of his friends had got themselves into. He said at the time that it seemed ridiculous that if you'd kept yourself debt-free, it counted against you. I can't remember how he got over it, so I can't help you there.

    Busy day today. DS is taking me to T*sc*s on his way to take Pickle and her friend to their ballet lesson, and picking me up on the way home. I have a list as long as my arm. I've not done any shopping apart from fresh fruit and veg for about 6 or 7 weeks and am out of everything. Added to that l am doing HM foodie gifts for most people for Christmas this year and will need to get the wherewithal to make them.
    Having driven most of my life I find not having a car inconvenient . Cheaper, but inconvenient.
    I must also do some ironing, make a few phone calls and get on with the editing.

    Have a good Saturday if you can.


    You have nothing to prove.
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • Hard_Up_Hester
    Ouch karcher that sounds painful.
    Fingers crossed for NM and Monna that both moves go ahead without any problems.
    Burtha, hugs, keep on keeping on, it's all you can do for now.
    Dgd stayed last night but she has a rotten cough so she's gone home early laden down with all the arts and crafts she did last night and enough chocolate to sink a battleship!
    CHS announced that his shifts have changed yet again, I can't keep track, they change so often. There is also talk of making his team work until midnight every night on the late shift, which isn't going down well with any of them.
    Chin up, Titus out.
  • ivyleaf
    ivyleaf Posts: 6,431 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Oh Hester, that doesn't sound good :eek:

    Poor karcher, I do hope you heal quickly xx
  • burtha
    burtha Posts: 903 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Combo Breaker First Post
    Hi ....
    Estate agents gave been around ...., amazing when you take someone around your house and you see the shock and realisation of what your living in, in someone else's face ... and they try to be kind ....
    Real world and the ex are miles apart .... don't know where we go from here , yesterday was bad ... today I don't care anymore .... let him talk to the agents , see if they can get somewhere .
    Ran 4 miles first thing thus morning , came back put fire on drank coffee .... better go in the shower soon ....before I decide what to do next
    £223/ £250 GC
  • nursemaggie
    nursemaggie Posts: 2,608 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Oh karcher you will have to make something up about you being a hero rescuing someone. What are you going to do today to make it three. Be careful to close all kitchen cupboards as soon as you finish or you may end up with a black eye as well.

    Hester I don't think your CHS's employers want any workers the way they treat their staff. The contrast with Ald! is remarkable.

    monna the house is quite small upstairs. It is badly designed so the second bedroom is also a single bedroom. There is a big space on the landing, my chest of draws will have to go there because it won't go in my bedroom. Yes DS has placed all the furniture in the house.

    This house is "Location Location" it's so near DS's work and it has open fields at the back. By the way the house they would not let us view except when DS was at work, it was not the first time they had done that, is still on the market. The price has come down so we may go after that one if this one falls through. Stay away from Your Move they mess you about a lot.
  • pollyanna_26
    NM My first ever job was with the then Inland Revenue . Advice then was to keep 5 years bank statements for all sorts of reasons . I still do it , 60 sheets of A4 covers a 5 year period . Wont trust keeping it online as things can go awol .
    That's not going to help you now but is a good idea for tracking things . I have helped a couple of people in the last few years to get bank statements to prove false reporting to DWP which led to compliance interviews . I'm assuming you were using high st banking at your previous flat . If you paid your rent and possibly the initial deposit via your account you will be able to obtain paper copies of statements which will also show the agency or landlord they went to assuming you haven't already remembered .
    I'd ask for the 1st and last showing payment .
    With those and a payment reference from both tenancies you should be ok .
    Just one thing you've found the ideal location but if you have any qualms concerning the upstairs space think carefully . Things wont be as impossible as your present flat but make sure this house will be ok .

    polly x
    It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

    There but for fortune go you and I.
  • nursemaggie
    nursemaggie Posts: 2,608 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    polly it was not a flat it was a house. It has a code for each payment that I don't get told so I have to call head office to find out from them who the payment was to. I also have to have the exact date which there is no way I can remember what day, in 2014 I actually paid the deposit. My rent due date was changed twice. I had to pay a few days rent on the last day because of not being able to get removers for the date of moving out (31st Dec) removers don't work between Christmas and New Year.

    I think I shall find them by looking up the Housing Association the company owns. It is a big national company. The agents reorganised twice while we had that house and so it moved offices twice. The Landlord also changed the name of the company who owned the house half way through the tenancy.

    I paid the deposit to the Landlord and the rent through Your Move half way through the day we moved in. Of course it will have gone to the letting agency.

    We have worked out DS goes onto his full time contract on Monday so that is good.

    Our big problem here with space is there is just no where to store anything. I wont have the vacuum cleaner, ironing board etc in my bedroom nor the buckets, brooms and mops in the shower. We will have a big understair cupboard in this house. I shall be able to use my steam mop (this flat has none slip floors) steam mop wont work, in the kitchen and bathroom. Thankfully I have kept my mop for laminate floors so even the vacuum cleaner won't get used as often. The kitchen is an extension so that also makes upstairs smaller.

    I have had the occasion to have to go back a while on bank statements as someone once claimed I had not paid a bill 3 years before. They were very quick to retract when I showed them my bank statement showing I had paid promptly. I think they were trying it on.

    You'll have to stop worrying for other people polly. It is a wasted effort for yourself nevermind other people. Its very nice to be worried about.
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post

    I take it that the three minute wonder's rose coloured view of the house and its value match with his delusions of himself as a wonderful father and human being ;) Let the estate agents deal with him as you can't argue with stupid! Well, you can but when you add selfish, devious, cheating, dishonourable and useless to the long, long list of his qualities it seems pointless. Grhh on your behalf.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • karcher
    karcher Posts: 2,069 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Good evening all :)

    Thank you for the sympathy regarding my swollen lip and face. It has subsided somewhat now but I can still see and feel the damage inside my mouth/cheek! My lip is still swollen...liken it to how you feel after an injection at the dentist!

    However, your sympathy may be short lived when you find out how I managed to bite both my tongue then the inside of my mouth/cheek on successive days...:o

    The truth is on both occasions I was chewing a toffee :o :rotfl:..I am rather partial to toffee and these ones were of the chocolate eclair variety and in my keenness I inflicted pain and damage the toffees really were not worthy of!

    Oh well...serves me right for buying them in the first place! I don't have much of a sweet tooth but saw them whilst I was in the shop and thought 'ooo I could just do with a choc eclair toffee'..lesson learnt!'s about time 3MW got a reality check. Make sure you get the house on the market for a price that will sell not some airy fairy figure 'he' thinks it's worth. Really he needs bringing down to earth with a huge bump. He's alright jack but he ain't living there and trying to pick up the pieces of his life. This may be wrong of me but I so hope he gets his comeuppance and soon.

    Take care of yourself Burtha...I may not know you but I do worry about and think of you xxx

    Hester...some employers deserve nothing more than contempt from their many of those who want shifts to end at midnight will be there supporting their workforce? It's disgraceful!

    NM still got everything crossed you get your new home soon.

    Talking of new homes; Monna I spend hours looking on a certain website at houses for is another one of my interests..I can't afford any of them, but I like to look. With that in mind if you need a researcher just fill me in with your specifications and I will happily spend hours finding you your perfect new home :)

    Happy Saturday evening to you all :A xx
    'I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought
    And I ain't got the power anymore'
  • nursemaggie
    Polly I found them exactly were I thought I would just a few more steps than I thought.

    I read the history of the company and found all of the subsidiaries.

    Karcher so do I but I don't let myself between moves. It takes up too much time.
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