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5 OS pleasures in your day today - part 3



  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,269 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Hi just in from work. A very pleasant evenings work. Passed by quickly.

    Much pottering around in a hoovering/ washing / ironing/ bed changing/ bathroom cleaning kind of way.

    Had last bit of celebratory cake warmed up in microwave with a dollop of cream.

    The company of my dog.

    Quite mild today. Probably didn't need the 72 layers of clothing for work!
  • Purple_kitten
    1 I am doled up by that I mean I am wearing make up for the 2nd time this year we went out to a show of “an evening with Jasper Carrot”, and it was a good laugh. Did cheat and take something to eat and drink in with us. :)
    2 Clearing more stuff and clothes out, I seem to be on a roll.We are thinking of using the cupboard where my clothes are for the new boiler so it has to clear, I’m not so sure thou as I am terrible at sleeping and need to talk to the chap to get confidence that the boiler may be quieter, then our current steam engine house rattler that I can lay in bed and still hear clearly from the kitchen!
    3 An early fish dinner as we were off out. Back to a cuppa and garlic bread cooking now.:)
    4 A bit of a weird pleasure but quite enjoying the Christmas ads…

    5 Fed the Christmas cake brandy, and cleared some festive space in the freezer.
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,203 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Pleasures for today (Tuesday) - an annoying day in parts.

    1) Good to wake up after almost no sleep at all.

    2) Hens OK.

    3) Made it to the dentist by 9am. My teeth and bigger son's fine. Smaller son needs 2 fillings (the first he has had). I just can't see that happening without some sort of sedation.

    4) New front door! Very pleased with it so far. 2 large glass panels so you can peer down the garden. No draughts, leaks or noise coming in. Unfortunately the panel at the base has come in the wrong colour so they'll come back and change that. Some replastering above the door will be done too and the handle of the bathroom window will be replaced (same company fitted it about 6 years ago).

    5) Had a very quick cup of tea with my school friend as I was late due to waiting for the door man to finish.

    6) Watched Hunted and Holby.

    An irritating day with smaller son who refused to go to school, do any work whilst at home and indeed, to get out of bed from 11am - 8pm. Apart from the 15 minutes where he got out of bed to celebrate locking me out while I was out with my friend and waved cheerfully from every window while I was stood out in the rain.

    Still no playstation for him. He has also been looking into his human rights (what a teenage clich!) for the "appalling" treatment he has had to endure at school...

    Up at the crack of dawn tomorrow as I left bigger son to make his own doctor's appointment and he did - at 7am !!!!! Who knew they were even open at that time!
  • house_elf
    house_elf Posts: 1,073 Forumite
    Good Morning Folks,

    Frith Your new door sounds fabulous :D

    Managed to sleep a bit longer this morning......

    1. We made salt dough poppies with Both my groups yesterday. .....a bit of a sensory overload for lots of the kids with ASC, so there was much hand washing :rotfl: They had fun. They have all made a poppy for the display, and I am very proud of them. :D

    2. Showing DD's first music video to a TA at school, and he was very impressed.

    3. Some more classes have given me poppies for the display, and it is really starting to look good. :D

    4. Stopped off at Mr T on the way home for frozen chips and ice cream. (Fish and chips from the freezer for tea). Got some good yellow sticker items. :j

    5. Too tired to do any more work.......A square of quilt and The Imitation Game. (Slightly irritating that it is not filmed at Bletchley Park)...........such genius cut short.

    No classes today, just meeting, admin and trying to get the DT room organised. No pressure then! :rotfl:

    Have a lovely day :)
  • Hopeless_Case
    Hopeless_Case Posts: 949 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Rampant Recycler
    edited 7 November 2018 at 8:32AM
    Frith wrote: »
    BoP - I’m one of those unfortunate people whose mother only allowed the diphtheria/tetanus/polio vaccine...

    Hence catching mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox then being so ill with measles at 15 that I thought I was dying.

    Measles wrecks your immune system for 2-3 years so from 15-18 I had scarlet fever, glandular fever then viral meningitis. After the meningitis I weighed 6.5 stones - at 5 foot 7.

    Sons have had every vaccination on offer!

    The vaccines weren't available when I was young so i had chicken pox, mumps and measles - fortunately no long term damage but 45 years later I can still remember how awful I felt with measles, lying in a darkened room for days on end hardly able to move, wouldn't wish that on anyone - nor the couple of weeks mum had to have off work to look after me!

    Day on the sofa full of cold yesterday so my 5 are thanks to Netflix - 3 episodes of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and 2 of Jack Whitehall Travels With my Father! :rotfl:

    Also very grateful for central heating and a big warm sofa throw!
  • Olliebeak1951
    Morning, all :wave:. My five for yesterday -

    1. Had a r-e-a-l-l-y long lie-in - haven't done that for absolutely ages!

    2. Washed a dried my fleece jacket/outer waterproof - so it looks 'respectable' once again :j.

    3. 'Somehow' I managed to tread on a 'fruit jelly sweet' and noticed that I was sticking to the carpet with one foot :eek:. Checked my flip-flop to find a 'dead blackcurrant pastille' - but it had left its mark wherever I'd walked. Bucket of soapy water, scrubbing brush and lots of 'back-breaking bending' made sure that I got all the marks out :cry:. Also scrubbed the sole of the flip-flop under running hot water with nailbrush/soap. NOTE TO SELF - stop eating fruit pastilles in bed and hiding the packet under the pillow ;)!

    4. Phone call from DD - could I have DGD2 (Caitlin age 11) overnight and for today. She was having Asthma trouble and DD had to go to College today. Arrived half an hour later with an overnight bag and 'starving hungry'.

    5. I had to have kidneys for my evening meal - gave DGD my share of the sausages ................. no way she'd have eaten the kidneys :rotfl:.

    6. She wanted to watch the 'Pride of Britain Awards' - not my thing normally, but let her have her own way while I pottered on the 'puter. Had to explain about the 'Old Man of Hoy' to her - she was so impressed with the young lad (age 8) who climbed it for his mum.
  • MandM90
    MandM90 Posts: 2,246 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    Mine for yesterday...

    1. Back on the FlyLady bandwagon. My house is very minimalist so there isn't any clutter, but I'm loving the little reminders to drink water and do thinks like reorganise/scrub a shelf. Quite interested in trying TOMM (The Organised Mum Method) too, and see what works best. I feel less stressed about not cleaning enough if I have a system to follow.
    2. Great personal training sesh at my CrossFit gym yesterday. My squats are getting soooo much better, and I'm gaining confidence. They were expensive but I'm getting loads of value out of them.
    3. Nice dinner with DD last night. I had vegan quinoa chilli from the freezer, she had fish in butter sauce. Both had half a broccoli head with it. Yummy and filling. We had a good natter then watched an episode of Gossip Girl.
    4. Watching Mad Men as I soaked my sore mucles in the bath, with posh bubble bath my manager bought me for my birthday last month.
    5. Listening to an audiobook in bed, staring out at the moonlight, with a cat under one arm.
  • VJsMam. 600,000 words. No, my thirst bass said I’ll approve by reading the index, I am not doing a thesis! Oh, don’t come to work in a new car as I will think I is paying you too much! BoP does exaggerate!

    Frith. Measles at 23 floored me! And my BiL! Big Sis was alright! Sorry I do hark on especially as I take the flu jab. You see with Jenny and my broken heart, anything could floor me! And I be no happy Hector either! Mind social interference media suggest that I am being kept artificially alive by my ICD! Qe?

    Ollie. Kidneys. Proper foods. But never give away a snorker! Not on yous nelly! DGD or not!

    Ms LW! The stool in the corner for you! No need for the hat either! I be pushing up daises by then!

    V Oh well, maybe we should give up at half time with the job half done!

    4 Tea last eve we had the Roulette Prawns with nasta pasta and bitsers-fridgies. Proper foods and good for you! And it was hot, hence it is called roulette. Done with Hose In Sauces!

    3 Because I went offs on one yesterday, I forgets about getting home late on Monday! BoPsie gots homes before me and Raffles had left her a present in the kitchen! That is what happens when you work in the boiler room and leave damping the fires late!

    2 Day at the mill it lloks like the mill pond is being replenished!

    Had one today again! Me vitamins that is! Mind you some daft quacks on internet think just taking vitamin C is a cure all for all!

    We have forgotten how bad these infectious diseases are?
  • MandM90
    MandM90 Posts: 2,246 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    edited 7 November 2018 at 4:00PM
    Today (already, because need to feel less blue!)

    1. It's Diwali which means lovely co-workers brought in lovely samosas!
    2. Walk around town to clear my head. Came across a £3 Bodum cafetiere in a charity shop. I smashed ours accidentally last week. Was going to invest £30 in a percolator instead (unsmashable) but picked this up instead.
    3. No meetings this afternoon
    4. Excited to go home tonight and know it's all spick and span, which is always lovely to return to. Plus dinner is already made so no cooking.
    5. Working from home tomorrow. Needs to happen! Am feeling sick of people!
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,269 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    I'm all layered up and ready for work. It's to be a wet night. Boo hiss.

    Busy day so far.
    Had to pick up niece as her car was in for a service. We went out and about. I may have bought a candle or two and a cushion or two but my treats to me...everything else is bought from charity shops.

    Had a nice brunch at my old work. Said hello to a few familiar faces...only a few let that I know.

    Nice chit chat with niece.

    Dropped her off to get her car then she was coming back here. I made a chicken pasta dish and cooked meatballs in oven at same time. They're for tomorrow.

    Being asked a favour of from a friend and being happy to help out.

    Dog snuggles.

    Booked accomodation for NY ....only taken me months to do it! 4 weeks to go.
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