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When things hit rock bottom the only answer is to fight the way back up...



  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    Why I'm in town I've called into court to speak about my fine (the smaller of the two fines, it was for TV license when OH was responsible for paying bills and it went unpaid and they stopped at the house and I was the one home) the fine started off at £800 :o:(

    Anyway I need to make a payment tomorrow to stop them taking enforcement action. Hopefully this appointment goes well today and we won't require a hospital stay I'll use the money I have 'hidden' for out hospital stay and then replace it ASAP praying she doesn't requine one until I've built it up. This just confirms I need to take back control of the finances and not leave it to OH.

    Big discussions needed with OH tonight :mad:
  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,056 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post
    You absolutely do have to lay down the law whether he likes it or not. I can't believe he's criticizing you when he didn't pay the bills when he was responsible for them!!!! Be prepared for an argument. I know you don't like confrontation but really nothing can be worse than living like this. Good luck with the wee one. Hope everything goes well and she doesn't need a hospital stay. xx
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    Makes me even more determined to be organised and make sure I sort this.

    Also behind £24 on TV licence.

    I'm scared to look at anymore :o :eek:
  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,056 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post
    Can I make a suggestion or several, actually?
    If your referral appointment hasn't come through go back to your GP and explain that your current domestic situation is making your anxiety worse. As if he can contact them and hurry it on. Are you on any kind of medication?
    Make an appointment with the Citizen Advice Bureau and explain all your circumstances. Your health, your daughter's health, your domestic situation and how you're finding it financially impossible to cope (because you are). They give all sorts of advice and can maybe help you sort this out. I really think you need some professional advice. I sure no organization (council, water board, etc would want you to be in this situation). I had to consult CAB once when I was in a situation I couldn't see the way out of and they helped me.
    Good luck
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    edited 15 May 2017 at 1:54PM
    So household bills should be like this

    £112.50 Rent (£12.50 goes of the arrears £4300 outstanding. This can tick along until everything else is sorted then I'll
    snowball it all to this.)

    £45 Council tax (Absolute minimum to be paid to clear for 2018 bill being generated)

    £50 Gas & Electric (Pay as you go, debt automatically taken from each top up at £17 a week from each meter)

    £6 TV license (£24 behind :o )

    £20 Virgin/Mobiles (Can't wait to get rid of Virgin)

    £15 Bus pass OH work travel

    £6.25 School Dinners

    Needed for bills £254.75.

    Debt minimum payments.

    Big fine (OH) £25
    Small fine (me) £5
    Friend £20

    Total £50

    Not urgent but needed
    £10 Aunt
    £10 Mum
    £10 Step dad

    Total £30

    £334.75 needed before we even think about food shopping/school expenses/things that crop up :o

    OH wage £285
    Child benefit £48.10
    Tax credits £109

    Total £442.10.

    £107.35 For food shop and OH. Doable? Let's hope so!

    Things to catch up on to make above work.

    TV license £24
    Mum £50
    Council tax £64
    Small Fine £105 :o
  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    Can I make a suggestion or several, actually?
    If your referral appointment hasn't come through go back to your GP and explain that your current domestic situation is making your anxiety worse. As if he can contact them and hurry it on. Are you on any kind of medication?
    Make an appointment with the Citizen Advice Bureau and explain all your circumstances. Your health, your daughter's health, your domestic situation and how you're finding it financially impossible to cope (because you are). They give all sorts of advice and can maybe help you sort this out. I really think you need some professional advice. I sure no organization (council, water board, etc would want you to be in this situation). I had to consult CAB once when I was in a situation I couldn't see the way out of and they helped me.
    Good luck

    When I spoke to council tax and housing this morning they have offered me a debt advice service run at the local town hall for free. I've made an appointment for next week and if this doesn't help I'll see cab.

    Our tax credits have dropped by £90 a week because we now fall in a different income bracket than last year and we had an overpayment a 2 years ago.

    I think once I settle everything and we know where we stand it will be easier. I really can't see anything (other than the debt to family and virgin) I can cut back anymore :o eta. Cut back out my soa . I'm going to show OH my last post figures and hope he realises he has to stop what he/we have been doing
  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,056 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post
    How much money is coming in each week and how much to you spend on food - don't underestimate how much you need for food/cleaning? Just as a matter of interest were all these debts run up when OH was supposed to be paying the bills?
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • Hiddenidenity
    Hiddenidenity Posts: 5,423 Forumite
    How much money is coming in each week and how much to you spend on food - don't underestimate how much you need for food/cleaning? Just as a matter of interest were all these debts run up when OH was supposed to be paying the bills?

    His wage is so different every week. Working on the minimum he gets £285 providing he's there all week.

    We get £109 in tax credits and £48.10 a week child benefit.

    Food is around £50 a week.then around £8 nappies for youngest and £18 On formula (which I'm hoping to get put back on prescription today :o )

    The majority of debts where run up while he was on ssp. He 'shot' himself at work 3 times in less than 18 months requiring surgery and obviously time off. Then along side his hospital stays youngest spent months in hospital meaning he needed to keep taking unpaid leave along with the costs of hospital food/transport to and from/the other two needing wrap around care at school on the days he did work etc.
  • Toni'sfriend
    Toni'sfriend Posts: 4,056 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary First Post
    Well done on making an appointment at the debt advice service. Look out all your paperwork and take it with you and tell them everything. Tell them about any arrears on fines, etc, Some of it may be embarrassing but they won't be able to help you properly if they don't have all the facts. It's obvious from the figures that you just don't have enough money coming in to sort this out as it stands at present on your own. I would calmly show OH the figures and tell him you're consulting debt advice. If he doesn't like it - tough. Could be helpful if he came with you but I suspect that will not happen - you could always ask though.
    I agree that with the exception of friends and family and Virgin you don't have much leeway. Your aunt and stepdad seem happy to wait. Would your friend do the same? As for your mother - who knows? See what debt people say about Virgin.
    Please don't despair. With the appropriate help it can be solved but it's not going to happen overnight. Keep letting us know how you're doing.
    Have adventures. laugh a lot and always be kind.
  • You're doing so well but I'm really worried that your OH doesn't appreciate firstly, how serious your family situation is and secondly, how much of it is his responsibility!

    It's all very well coming up with budgets and repayment plans, but this is so dependent on your OH actually bringing home that much per week (so both having to work X amount of hours, no holidays or days off AND not buying tools or doing something else so that he's not bringing home his full wages).

    If he has access to your bank account, surely he can see for himself that you aren't spending money on gambling?! Or does he just use the access to get money out rather than keep informed of your financial situation?

    When you are having discussions with him I think you really need to lay your cards on the table. As a family, you can't afford some of these expenses ; those "double lunches" for OH (packed lunch plus him buying something); spending so much on smoking/vaping (or both in OH case) and your family definitely can't afford another fine or to be late with some of these payments.

    It seems like you are doing all the heavy lifting with the budget and sorting out the repayments/ court appearances and I do understand that your OH needs to be working as much as possible so he might not be able to come along to these appointments, but that doesn't mean it's up to you to deal with it ALONE. He really needs to wake up and realise that he has just as much responsibility to pay them off and not make things worse.

    I'm also a bit concerned about the "debt" to your mum. Does she understand that you can't keep repaying for expenses she's generated during childcare hours? I know it's lovely of her to look after your kids, but I think it's really unfair for her to decide to buy them something without consulting you and then ask you for the money? Have you been explicit with her and said something like "repaying this debt to you right now means I won't be able to pay our rent, and we could be evicted"? Or even told her not to buy the extras for your kids and that if she does then you won't be paying for them?

    I think the idea about helping her with cleaning etc in exchange for some cash is a good one. My mum used to do that with her mum. Actually my family situation growing up was very similar to yours now, my dad was v much like your OH even down to my mum having to go to court for the tv licence (when she thought he'd paid it all). This is why I'm saying budgeting can't work unless your OH is on board with it and isn't continuing to spend as though he has no debts.
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