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Frump to Fab 2017 - A Whole New World



  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Hello lovely Ladies......

    Maman I like the freedom of an apartment too and as you say you can still dine out but also take advantage of all the exotic foodstuffs in the markets for snacks and light lunches etc.

    Lainey....hope the leg gets better soon. Hope it's not too painful.

    I too am having some leg issues.

    Wrenched my knee on holiday, thought it was just a pulled muscle. Apparently it's a bit more serious. GP has referred me to an orthopaedic surgeon. Will just have to wait and see. In the meantime just taking it easy. Will get them to check my bone density whilst we are at it.

    Managed to hobble round Sainsbury's this morning. Sore but at least I can weight bear.

    At least it has focussed my mind on houses ......I will most likely need to concentrate on bungalows......:rotfl: once you start messing about with knee ops :eek:

    Two viewings booked for later in the week.
  • chanie
    chanie Posts: 3,319 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Hi fabbers,

    mamanonce tried to wash the children's clothes whilst on holiday. The hotel had a self service laundrette, but no washing line, so you could only use the drivers. It worked out hugely expensive, but if your accommodation has its own washer,it should be easy for you.

    lainey and LL hope your respective legs get better.

    I bought my first ever ebay bikini which arrived yesterday. As I have a big chest, swimwear can be difficult to find, so I've always bought Bravissimo ones which are relatively expensive. I thought I'd take a punt with getting one from eBay which was about a quarter of the price. Admittedly, it doesn't feel as supportive, but I can live with that.
  • indiepanda
    indiepanda Posts: 994 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hello fabbers!

    Just a quick post as I need to get myself to the polling station. It's slightly academic voting as my seat is safe as houses, but I feel obliged to vote given it's not even 100 years since women were given the vote.

    I've had a great trip but am very glad to be home. Slept in 6 different beds and driven over 1,000 miles over the last couple of weeks. Caught up with friends old and new, seen some new places, was going to say revisited old, but there wasn't that much of that, aside of Leamington Spa where I caught up with the ex.

    Was nice to see him - reminded me both that he's a decent guy and why I am glad I finished it. Interestingly a lot of my friends have described his behaviour as that of a high functioning autistic and it came out in conversation that his mother thinks he is too. Apparently a recent girlfriend who is training to be a doctor disagreed on the grounds he has too many friends, but as we'd discussed, he and I disagreed with that view - he doesn't have that many friends - just lots of acquaintances through his sports. Plus I know even with the few close friends he has, he doesn't show much curiosity about their lives. Having been out with A who asks a lot of questions about me, it was really noticeable with him how much I had to drive the conversation and how he was so much more animated talking about a documentary he had seen on TV (for example) than people he knew. Looking forward to seeing A on Saturday night - been so frustrating have to go away in the middle of getting to know him.

    I need to do some fabbing, nails and hair in need of attention. Am off to the hairdressers Saturday so that will solve that, need to sort out an appointment for the nails - my feet need a good enough file I am inclined to let someone else do it.

    Haven't been that good on the diet while I have been away (not that bad either) but haven't noticed clothes suddenly getting tighter so if I have gained it won't be too much. Will get on the scales and get the measuring tape out on Monday and knuckle back down to it. Been getting the urge to start running and been missing my dancing like crazy and am craving healthy food.

    Did a bit of shopping in Dartmouth while I was away - my wardrobe was somewhat lacking on the casual tops for leisure front - had got some suitable for evenings and some suitable for work, but not more dressed down ones. Anyway, I was in heaven in Dartmouth, they had Mistral, Seasalt and a boutique selling White Stuff. Got a jersey shirt, a tunic, 2 short sleeve print t shirts and a long sleeve Breton in Mistral and 2 Bretons (one three quarter sleeve and one long) and a reversible cowl neck sweatshirt in Seasalt as well as some lovely socks (bamboo I think) and a couple of headband type things to keep my hair off my face while hiking, though they can also be worn as scarves. Then I got a White Stuff top and cardigan. The Mistral and Seasalt stuff was size 12 and the White Stuff a very generous size 10! I am tempted to order some more Seasalt Bretons (they have lots of different colours, including some perfect for us autumns), the organic cotton is so super soft. Need to finish sorting out my wardrobe though - still got stuff in there that is just too large and when I empty it I will see what I really need. Cardigans is the main thing - I need a teal one and a coral one and then I think I should be done.

    At the wedding I hadn't seen the groom for a good couple of years or one of the other guests I knew and both said they almost didn't recognise me and that I was looking very well (code for "you've lost weight" I think!). A photo popped up on my Facebook "on this day" from 5 years ago yesterday and the difference was quite noticeable - if I needed any motivation to get back on it then that was it.

    Right, must stop here or I will be late for work.

    PS Bit late, but well done on your Race for Life Sugarbaby
    PPS Hope your knees get sorted out quickly Lainey and LL
  • Ellsbel
    Ellsbel Posts: 469 Forumite
    Glad you had a good - if exhausting! - trip, Indie - hope the new relationship continues to progress well.
    LL sorry about your knee, take care, and good luck with the house hunting.
    Chanie, well done on finding your bargain bikini:)
  • maman
    maman Posts: 28,717 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Good to see you back indie. Sounds like you had a really good time.

    I couldn't agree more about using your vote. Like you, we live in a safe seat (particularly frustrating as it was engineered by a boundary change since we moved here:mad:). I was torn right up to the last minute but went tactical in the end. Hopefully there'll be a campaign for PR after the election. I think everyone should have the chance to make their vote count.

    Sounds like you bought lots of lovely things in Dartmouth. It must be a massive confidence boost when people notice you're 'looking well':). I like Seasalt and White Stuff. Bretons are a great standby for typically British summer days.

    I'd go for a pedicure if I were you. I always feel I'm walking on air afterwards. Maybe because of all your walking a chiropody appointment would be better?

    I've decided the casual 'floral' trousers are going back. They're not really what I want and, to me, they're just erring on the side of frumpy. What I really want are something like these:

    These are New Look but not sure about the pattern. I think maybe I'll look around when I'm away and if not the summer sales will probably be on when I get back in July!:rotfl:

    I've been out for my health walk this morning. Weather was drizzly so my hair looks a fright but I enjoyed it. We always end up with a coffee in a delightful place and the company is different from people I normally mix with. Dancing last night was the last (for me) for this term. I'm really pleased I joined this new group at Easter. It's far more energetic and I enjoy it so much.

    Our apartment has its own washing machine and a drying rack on its own balcony so we won't be paying for drying chanie. That sounds like an expensive laundrette trip. I've stayed in villas all over Europe but always just washed basics like underwear and the odd top but washing to come home is a new one on me. Definitely no ironing will be happening though!

    Hope your knees/legs improve very soon Lainey and LL.:)

    I'm not letting the miserable weather get me down. I've plenty of sun to look forward to!:p
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 8 June 2017 at 4:17PM
    Well I've got an appt with the orthopaedic surgeon next Wednesday so hopefully we can get it sorted quickly. In the meantime I'm just pacing myself. Lol. No pun intended. It actually feels a bit easier today but that is because I have it strapped up and am being careful not to overdo it.

    I am another one who strongly believes it is our duty to vote. People have died for us to have that freedom. We owe them. There are still women across the globe who have no voice.

    And of course if the terrorists had their way we would be denied our voice. So I think it's a case of "use it or lose it"

    Having said that I do feel that there is currently no one out there who is worthy of my vote:rotfl: they are such a motley shower, none of them really inspire me with confidence. So I guess I will just vote with my conscience and vote for who I think might do the least damage to our wonderful country.

    Have got three viewings lined up over the next few days. I am pretty much decided that I will go for a bungalow ........future proofing for my old age.:rotfl:

    Right better get cracking. Get the dinner prepped and finish tidying the last kitchen cupboard.

    Indie.....your holiday sounds fab. I love Dartmouth.

    Keeeep fabbing.
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,686 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Another fan here of Seasalt's Breton tops, lovely and soft cotton that just get better the more you wash them, they usually have a deal on for multiple buy. Pleased to read that you enjoyed your holiday so much Indie, it's nice when people notice isn't it :)
    Vote cast, believe it's 104 years to the day that Emily Davison gave her life for the cause, we should never forget or take for granted what those women fought for.
    Good to read that you have an appointment for your leg LL my bruise is a cracker but the Arnica is doing its job and the pain has mostly subsided.
  • Ellsbel
    Ellsbel Posts: 469 Forumite
    Hello everyone. Hope you're all well.
    To anyone going away on holiday this week, and those who are already away - have a lovely time:)
    I've done lots of walking over the weekend, including a visit to a local nature trail which I'd never been to before but which was really nice.
    I'm glad I bought the Fitbit; I was considering it for ages, and thought it might be a waste of money but it's really motivating me to get my steps tally up each day, and to keep track of calories, etc.
    I've had a lie in this morning as I haven't been sleeping too well lately. It seems I've not been grocery shopping too well either, as I've nothing in for dinner today!! The upside of that though, is more steps, as I'm going to walk to the local shops:)
    I'm in a planning mood today, so lots of house fabbing and rearranging will be done and a plan of action drafted for redecorating.
    Also some plans and schemes for myself going forward - more trips, changing my look for work and casual wear as the weight comes off - I may even copy the dancers on here and find a local class; it sounds like so much fun:) (Maman, do you mind me asking if OH goes along with you? Not sure whether to look at "partner" dancing, or look for something where you do the routines individually).
    Have a good day everyone.
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Good morning lovely ladies

    Hope you are all well and keeping up the fabbing.

    I have been busy. I have now finished the kitchen declutter, cleared all the paraphernalia off the worktop. Having clear worktops makes the kitchen seem huge.:rotfl:Just waiting for an electrician to fit a new fan and then we will decorate, same colours again but just to freshen it up.

    Have seen a nice bungalow I like. It have a few more viewings this week. After months of a "bungalow drought" there suddenly seems an influx of them......:rotfl:

    An update on "Sistergate"

    Sorry, but with your kind indulgence, it's time for me to have a little rant and get things off my chest.

    As you know I have been keeping my distance, not seen her since our lunch date. Relations have been cordial enough, restricted to a few polite neutral texts, studiously avoiding anything contentious.

    Well this week the solicitor wrapped up dads estate and issued funds from what was left in the bank accounts etc. As expected, and as per our parents wishes, a straight 50-50 split. No problems there.

    Cue a text yesterday from my sister to make her offer to correct the imbalance which occurred as a result of dad paying for the extension to her house shortly before he died.

    He paid out £50k. Her offer to me.......wait for it........a derisory and insulting £2k. I politely declined her offer. :rotfl:

    So.......she had her chance to redeem herself and do the decent honourable thing and blew it.

    We're done.

    As you can imagine I am hurt beyond belief. I am also angry that my mothers wishes have been thwarted.

    I know my sister was my fathers favourite but I cant believe that he did this on purpose. I think he was hoodwinked. He had the beginnings of dementia and without being rude, he was also a naive and uneducated man, completely lacking in any kind of financial nous. It was my mother who looked after the finances.

    After mums death I did manage to watch over his financial affairs, fighting his corner to ensure he got all his benefits and everything he was entitled to. That is, until he moved in with my sister, when she took over.

    I have seen his bank accounts since then and although I am loath to make any accusations, let's just say there are a few unexplained anomalies.

    (The solicitor did actually query a £5k withdrawal which my BiL said was a loan from my father but that he "had forgotten about it due to the stress of my fathers death". ???!!!).

    So there you have it, I have been right royally screwed over by my own sister .......but more to the point my mothers express wishes have been overturned. She would be turning in her grave if she had one.

    I won't bore you all with decades of family history and how my mother had to fight to ensure I was treated equally and that my dads favouritism towards my sister was kept in check, at least financially.

    Frankly it doesn't bother me that she "got more". I am financially stable, she's up to her eyes in debt. She and her husband will blow the lot in no time.

    It's the way it has been done that incenses me.

    They say don't they, that all in good time Karma will repay and that we reap as we sow.

    Well Karma certainly got my dad......my sister refused to let me transfer him to a hospice for his final weeks and he died a horrible death in hospital. I wanted him to have a peaceful and dignified death, the kind I managed to secure for my mum and my husband, instead his care was not managed well and he endured an unpleasant and undignified end.

    I could not save him from that and to crown it all it looks like not only did she sweetalk him to paying for the extension so he could live with her so she "could look after him" but, judging by the anomalies in his bank statements, all along they were quietly bleeding him dry.

    I have no real proof but as my accountant once said.......every spread sheet tells a story and you can learn a great deal from looking at a bank statement.

    So........sadly, Karma paid him back for his favouritism to her and indifference to me. What a sorry end.

    As for my sister.......well whilst I wish her no harm I think she too will reap as she has sown......her husband will see to that.

    As for me that's it, I'm walking away. She's welcome to the money but she has lost me for good. And judging from my sons horrified reactions she has also lost their once good opinion. They were once very fond of her but she has lost them too now. They won't forget. Family rifts are so sad.

    Anyway, ladies thanks for "listening". Hope I haven't bored you all to death but sharing with you has helped.

    A kind of "talking therapy" .....;)
  • Ellsbel
    Ellsbel Posts: 469 Forumite
    Rant away any time LL.
    I always try to be careful not to overstep the mark, so please forgive me if I do; I mean no offence, but to me, as an outsider, from when you first told us what was going on with the will, I've had the same suspicions as you've voiced about the motives of your sis and bil for having your Dad live with them, especially as you felt at the time that it may not have been the best solution for your Dad or your Sister.
    Again, it's easy for an outsider to say, but it's clear that, even if she doesn't think so now, your sister needs you more than you need her; you've given her every chance to behave honourably and she's chosen not to take it.
    I hope you're able to draw a line under it all, and move on with your own life and plans, and leave them to theirs, secure in the knowledge that you can lay your head on your pillow each night and feel no guilt.
    Good luck with the bungalow:) Take care x
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