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Walk 2000 miles in 2017



  • bugslet wrote: »
    Oh Wiz:( I will go and beat myself round the head with one of Monday's unwashed socks as a way of making up for my faux pas (there is no icon for this, but really there should be).:rotfl:

    I'll settle for dinner and a walk in the moonlight :)
  • bugslet
    bugslet Posts: 6,874 Forumite
    It's a deal Wiz!
  • bugslet wrote: »
    It's a deal Wiz!

    As you are a 'working girl' I shall let you choose the date, time and place, I shall take care of everything else ;)
  • indesisiv
    indesisiv Posts: 6,359 Forumite
    First Post Fourth Anniversary Debt-free and Proud! Combo Breaker
    Just the 24.7 miles for me this week (I can update as I am not running tomorrow) hoping to catch up next week with some long gentle runs in the mountains.
    1,517.8 miles so far this year.
    “Time is intended to be spent, not saved” - Alfred Wainwright
  • singhini wrote: »
    40.58 km this week (roughly 25 miles)

    just finished running - so this week I have manged 58.15km (roughly 36 miles)

    off to buy a new pair of trainers (these have done about 450 miles)

    Good luck everyone and keep moving
  • SplanK
    SplanK Posts: 1,155 Forumite
    First Anniversary
    45miles this week..... 1508.6 total so far!
  • bugslet
    bugslet Posts: 6,874 Forumite
    As you are a 'working girl' I shall let you choose the date, time and place, I shall take care of everything else ;)

    I'm walking on up now, I reckon it will anywhere between 4 weeks and 10 depenidng on which bit of Scotland you are in. Leave some wine for me!
    indesisiv wrote: »
    Just the 24.7 miles for me this week (I can update as I am not running tomorrow) hoping to catch up next week with some long gentle runs in the mountains.
    1,517.8 miles so far this year.

    Those two words don't go together when I think of running:eek::D
  • bugslet wrote: »
    I'm walking on up now, I reckon it will anywhere between 4 weeks and 10 depenidng on which bit of Scotland you are in. Leave some wine for me!

    If I left in the morning I could be at the border in less than a week so a halfway meet-up is a realistic target to aim for ;)
  • bugslet
    bugslet Posts: 6,874 Forumite
    Ah, the Lowlands, I'm partial to the border area. Too many people whizz ( no pun intended) on up the A74 desperate to get to the Highlands and miss Dumfriesshire and over by Hawick, Kelso area.

    Stay where you are, it's be nicer than the border.
  • Fosterdog
    Fosterdog Posts: 4,948 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Name Dropper 10 Posts
    I'm now on 1570 miles, 3,599,006 steps and 12165 floors so I'm averaging 5.9 miles a day which will put me on just over 2150 by the end of the year and a decent buffer. This week progress has been limited because we've been decorating every day after work so not much walking and also been taking my tracker off to stop it getting covered in paint so several hours each day including two longish dog walks haven't been tracked.

    I'm not liking the days getting darker though, and wetter and colder, I'll still be getting my steps in but not going to enjoy it as much.
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