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"Sealed Pot Challenge ~ 10"



  • jakes-mum
    jakes-mum Posts: 4,624 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Evening Pottersssssssssss

    Ooooo cazzie! well done on the premium bonds! :j :j my Free postcode lottery win went into my paypal today, I was well excited :D

    Now I can't remember if I said or not, but I had 2 x £1 coins in the pot yesterday evening (or was it this morning? I can't remember), either way, the pot was fed :D
    SPC No 002 SPC(3) £285/£250 (4) £519.84/£500 (5) £768.32/£500 (6) £911.30/£600 (7) £913.23/£600 (8) £1184.82/£750 (9) £2864.04/£750 (10) £3846.25/£1000 (11) £1779.72/£1000 (12) £1596.55/£1000 (13) £1534.70/£1000 (14) £775.60/£1000 (15) £700.20/£1000 (16) £2081.34/£1000 (17) £0/£1000
  • CazzieLT
    CazzieLT Posts: 348 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    edited 2 August 2017 at 8:54PM
    Thanks jakes-mum, you've started a joyous trend! I hope we can spread the success to all of our fellow potters!

    Well done for feeding yours! I can't believe it's only THREE MONTHS from today until our pots give birth!!! xxx
    Flat Deposit Fund - £30,000 / Fees Fund - £5,000
    Furniture Fund - £3,000 / White Goods Fund - £3,000 / Flooring Fund - £3,000
    Emergency Fund - £6,000
    366 Day Penny Challenge for 2024 - £474.60/£671.61 (Holiday Fund)
    £2 Savers Club for 2024 - £56/£200 (Christmas Fund)
    52 Week Card Challenge for 2024 - £208/£400 (Fun Fund)
  • 32b3in2013
    32b3in2013 Posts: 2,440 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post

    Well done on your wins Jakes-mum and Cazzie.

    £3.25 potted today.

    SPC9 #125 - £816.85
    SPC10 #125 - £851.81
    SPC 11 #7 - £968.46
    SPC 12 #7 - £2682.90
    SPC 13 #7 - £4829.85
    SPC 14 #7 - £4173.30
  • jakes-mum
    jakes-mum Posts: 4,624 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Ooooo I hope so Cazzie, would be lovely to see a run of SPC wins wouldn't it! Only 3 months till opening :eek: :eek: but im still only on my first 2 tins :eek: must find some potting money!!

    Ahh thank you 32b3, I was well chuffed, been on the site near enough since it started (think its 6 years now) and its the first time i've won :D I do laugh at some of the chats on there 'been on here 3 months and my postcode hasnt come out yet!' and im sat there thinking 'mate! I was here when there was only like 200 members and my postcode didn't come out then, and still hasn't to this day, get over yourself' :rotfl:

    No pennies today as after being tricked into a trip to mcdonalds yesterday (which started out as just DD and when we got there suddenly i'm buying DH and his uncle maccyD's too! :mad: ) I ended up paying with my card as DH got in a tiz with the new 'talk to a machine' system of ordering and it was better to get him out of there sharpish than deal with cash and change.
    SPC No 002 SPC(3) £285/£250 (4) £519.84/£500 (5) £768.32/£500 (6) £911.30/£600 (7) £913.23/£600 (8) £1184.82/£750 (9) £2864.04/£750 (10) £3846.25/£1000 (11) £1779.72/£1000 (12) £1596.55/£1000 (13) £1534.70/£1000 (14) £775.60/£1000 (15) £700.20/£1000 (16) £2081.34/£1000 (17) £0/£1000
  • CazzieLT
    CazzieLT Posts: 348 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    jakes-mum wrote: »
    Ooooo I hope so Cazzie, would be lovely to see a run of SPC wins wouldn't it! Only 3 months till opening :eek: :eek: but im still only on my first 2 tins :eek: must find some potting money!!

    Ahh thank you 32b3, I was well chuffed, been on the site near enough since it started (think its 6 years now) and its the first time i've won :D I do laugh at some of the chats on there 'been on here 3 months and my postcode hasnt come out yet!' and im sat there thinking 'mate! I was here when there was only like 200 members and my postcode didn't come out then, and still hasn't to this day, get over yourself' :rotfl:

    I am seriously contemplating a move to Brighton, I'm sure every property in that town is registered in the Postcode Lottery! Oh well, I will just continue to keep the faith and wait patiently for a little win sometime. That and Win A Dinner means I have something to get excited about every day rather than just once a month with ERNIE! I'm more than chuffed with my £25 this month, and now have 25 more chances of winning in the future!

    I'm going to nab a fiver out of my unsealed pot for SW tonight but it's still looking lovely and healthy already this month. I know I've said it before but I'm finding having to scrape money together for things very stressful. I can't moan, I don't have the massive stresses of debt and have plenty of savings under my belt, but this whole sorry episode has really made me appreciate my usual monthly pay packet and I'm certainly learning a few lessons about how to stretch my money further. It's all good financial teaching for Cazzie!

    Hope you're all having happy Thursdays, still lousy weather for August where I am but what more can I expect living in England!? But I hope the sun is shining where you are. And good luck to my fellow SWers weighing in today! Fingers crossed for the loss of a few of those pounds! :) xxx
    Flat Deposit Fund - £30,000 / Fees Fund - £5,000
    Furniture Fund - £3,000 / White Goods Fund - £3,000 / Flooring Fund - £3,000
    Emergency Fund - £6,000
    366 Day Penny Challenge for 2024 - £474.60/£671.61 (Holiday Fund)
    £2 Savers Club for 2024 - £56/£200 (Christmas Fund)
    52 Week Card Challenge for 2024 - £208/£400 (Fun Fund)
  • mossy
    mossy Posts: 1,263 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Found another 20p on a car park floor yesterday so have potted it along with a small amount of shrapnel. I must try hanging around in car parks more often lol!! :D
    Saving for Disney again, oops why book one Disney holiday when you can book two!
    :starmod: Emergency Fund Savings - #148 - £10/£1000 1% :starmod:
    :xmastree:#083 SPC6 £63 - SPC7 £90 - SPC8 £63 - SPC9 £54 - SPC10 £26 - SPC12 £70 :xmastree:
  • lynnejk
    lynnejk Posts: 5,732 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler Debt-free and Proud!
    Morning fellow potters

    Beautiful summer's morning here again - NOT ! Usual grey skies and windy, looking like it's about to rain again.

    Have potted my usual weekly £10

    Hope you all having a great Friday and looking forward to the weekend
    Bulk buy.......APR=233.76
    OS WL= -2/8 ......CC =00......Savings = £13,140
  • CazzieLT
    CazzieLT Posts: 348 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hello, potters, and happy Friday to you all.

    Cazzie comes to you another 1lb lighter today. Looks like I'm going to have to get used to tiny losses but if I can make them regular then it will all add up, won't it? Look forward to hearing how my fellow losers have done!

    Am desperately trying not to spend anything right now so nothing for Cazzie's pot today :( But I still have some pennies in the shrapnel pots so maybe I'll be able to do some exchanges with the mother or the brother if they have any yummy pot money looking for a happy home.

    Wishing you all lovely weekends filled with sunshine and summer fun - and potting! :) xxx
    Flat Deposit Fund - £30,000 / Fees Fund - £5,000
    Furniture Fund - £3,000 / White Goods Fund - £3,000 / Flooring Fund - £3,000
    Emergency Fund - £6,000
    366 Day Penny Challenge for 2024 - £474.60/£671.61 (Holiday Fund)
    £2 Savers Club for 2024 - £56/£200 (Christmas Fund)
    52 Week Card Challenge for 2024 - £208/£400 (Fun Fund)
  • jakes-mum
    jakes-mum Posts: 4,624 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    CazzieLT wrote: »
    Cazzie comes to you another 1lb lighter today. Looks like I'm going to have to get used to tiny losses but if I can make them regular then it will all add up, won't it? Look forward to hearing how my fellow losers have done!

    Yayyyy! Wll done Cazzie! keep going, your doing amazing :D

    What is it they say about our pots? look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves? same for dieting, look after the lbs and the stones will take care of themselves :D Your doing awesome, slow and steady. I'm a firm believer that dieting is about changing your mindset as well as changing your diet and thats not a quick process, if you slowly take the weight off your more likely to keep it off as your training yourself to look at food in a different way :T

    Well I actually had 4 x lovely £1 coins and a fantabulous £2 coin for my pot yesterday! Hubby was hoarding them :eek: stern words were uttered :naughty: and hopefully he will now be much more proactive about parting with his golden coins for our pot
    SPC No 002 SPC(3) £285/£250 (4) £519.84/£500 (5) £768.32/£500 (6) £911.30/£600 (7) £913.23/£600 (8) £1184.82/£750 (9) £2864.04/£750 (10) £3846.25/£1000 (11) £1779.72/£1000 (12) £1596.55/£1000 (13) £1534.70/£1000 (14) £775.60/£1000 (15) £700.20/£1000 (16) £2081.34/£1000 (17) £0/£1000
  • CazzieLT
    CazzieLT Posts: 348 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    jakes-mum wrote: »
    Yayyyy! Wll done Cazzie! keep going, your doing amazing :D

    What is it they say about our pots? look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves? same for dieting, look after the lbs and the stones will take care of themselves :D Your doing awesome, slow and steady. I'm a firm believer that dieting is about changing your mindset as well as changing your diet and thats not a quick process, if you slowly take the weight off your more likely to keep it off as your training yourself to look at food in a different way :T

    Well I actually had 4 x lovely £1 coins and a fantabulous £2 coin for my pot yesterday! Hubby was hoarding them :eek: stern words were uttered :naughty: and hopefully he will now be much more proactive about parting with his golden coins for our pot

    Thanks, jakes-mum. I know you speak wise words, I just hate that you can have such a good first week weight loss and then it's piddly. But slow and steady wins the race and I'm in this for the long haul. That's what I like about SW - it is a lifestyle rather than a restrictive diet.

    We have a family wedding tomorrow (*yawn*). I'm feeling a bit cloudy at the mo anyway, but goodness me, I despise weddings. Long days in shoes that kill your feet one toe at a time, no control over food (and usually long periods of hunger if I remember rightly), and having to pretend you know which great-auntie-twice-removed-by-marriage you are talking to. Still, at least at the age of 31, I should be able to avoid the 'Haven't you grown?' classic. (Although if anyone asks when my baby is due, I won't be responsible for my actions...). Gosh, I sound like a right ungrateful moaning minnie, don't I!? I'm sorry. On the plus side, I've prepaid Mum my share of the taxis either way and the donation in the wedding card, and I can make a diet coke last a solid 4-5 hours, so expenses should be kept to a minimum.

    Nothing for the pot today - managed to scrape together enough change from my purse to buy some new tights, and used the good old advantage card points to pick up a new deodorant in Boots, which was on special. So I'm actually winning at life, aren't I!?

    Love and sunshine to you all. Hope you have happy plans for the weekend :) xxx
    Flat Deposit Fund - £30,000 / Fees Fund - £5,000
    Furniture Fund - £3,000 / White Goods Fund - £3,000 / Flooring Fund - £3,000
    Emergency Fund - £6,000
    366 Day Penny Challenge for 2024 - £474.60/£671.61 (Holiday Fund)
    £2 Savers Club for 2024 - £56/£200 (Christmas Fund)
    52 Week Card Challenge for 2024 - £208/£400 (Fun Fund)
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