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Weekly Flylady Thread 17th October 2016



  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,972 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Morning all. Hope you're all ok and that all goes well for Valli's sister today.

    I would do some flying but Poppet is asleep on my lap.
    Spend less now, work less later.
    Thinking of you and your family Vallix

    I am not sure where the first half of Saturday has gone. Had to pop into town for a couple of bits of shopping, tidied here and there and sorted some washing. And it's yet another weekend where I find myself having to work as I am behind with job no. 2.

    So the plan is to knuckle down and work this afternoon. Like Doobop I am hoping that once I get started it won't be too bad ...
  • froddington
    froddington Posts: 6,697 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Afternoon all - half term here :D

    Valli - didn't get a chance to post in the week, but your sister and your family are in my thoughts and prayers xx

    LW - everything crossed for the dog service xx

    I've been to the cinema with Dad this morning and am now going to grab some lunch and pack a pack for a couple of nights away in the next city along (which happens to have a Swedish store)! Going to see Adam Hills tomorrow night :D

    Towel wash has just finished so I'll sort that too.

    Hugs for all xx
    "There's only one way of life and that's your own" - Levellers

    "I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night" - Bon Jovi
  • Doobop
    Doobop Posts: 212 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    Shattered now but house does look better. Lots of paperwork shredded then realised I would never get the house done if I focussed on bits of paper so all in one pile - must do another time.
    Hoovered downstairs, WM x 1, TD x 1, WM x 1 and now it's broken TD x 1. Wiped down the kitchen and swept the floor. Bathroom cleaned.
    Upstairs not touched apart from to dump the ironing pile there!
  • LameWolf
    LameWolf Posts: 11,235 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Hoping all is as well as it can possibly be for Valli's Sis.

    Two WM loads done today; bedlinen, which is now dry and in the airing cupboard, and Mr LW's clothes, currently out on the whirligig.

    I took a quite nasty fall this morning, so my leg is all bruised, and I'm a tad shaken up - nothing broken though, so must be thankful, as it could have been a lot worse.

    Mr LW has bought himself some braces (well, he used some of my @mazon vouchers to buy them), necessary since he is now down to 11 stone, which has always been his target weight.:T
    I think he got fed up with keep having to haul his jeans up..... and me calling him Droopy Drawers. :rotfl:

    Will be decluttering Jacks afternoon walk shortly. :o
    If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion.;)
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,972 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 22 October 2016 at 3:43PM
    3pm and finally the dailies are done, including two dog walks today. We don't go far but it takes ages as everyone wants to stop to greet Poppet. I make sure Littley gets attention too.

    Think I'm going to do some C-shopping on line next (sorry LW). We have set a maximum of £20 to spend on each person across the family and its quite a challenge. We only buy for our children and their partners and each other but usually like to spoil them a bit. Oh, and we buy for MIL. And my 3 nieces, flippin ek, the list is getting longer and longer. Good job there is a budget this year.
    Spend less now, work less later.
    Oh LW Hope you are OK, thank goodness no serious damage done. And well done on the weight loss Mr LW!

    Just having a five minute coffee break. 2.5 hrs paid stuff done, plodding on. DS and DH have gone to watch a bit of footie, DS2 was tempted out of his bedroom by the sound of the kettle but has gone back in with coffee and biscuits.

    Oh and I am really pleased that the little sofa in my office has got a bid on ebay. This means we can have a reshuffle and free up some space. And I might even finish sorting the shelves.
  • Narc0lepsy
    Narc0lepsy Posts: 2,693 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    LameWolf wrote: »
    I took a quite nasty fall this morning, so my leg is all bruised, and I'm a tad shaken up - nothing broken though, so must be thankful, as it could have been a lot worse.

    Ouch, make sure you get some sofa time. And well done on the job front. We've had a stray dog around in the last few days. The first I knew of it was when a lady I vaguely recognised stood outside my kitchen window with her dog. I went out and asked if I could help - she was standing in my garden! She explained that a white greyhound-type had been wandering round and had gone down my garden. We both went to the end and peered over the hedge, it was trotting purposefully away across the field and wouldn't respond to a call. I went out later and ditto. Yesterday it came back up the garden as far as the patio, Mr N and I were in the conservatory. We went out but it fled. When I went into our village shop this morning, I was chatting to a couple of people. Apparently it is either stray or dumped, thin even by greyhound standards and won't come to people even for food. Poor thing, presume it has been badly treated.

    Busy busy week work wise so flying minimal.
    Today however I have:
    - vacuumed church and sorted out dead stuff from harvest flowers
    - Mr N and I have cleaned out the small pond he started last week and are now refilling it, trimming plants round the edges etc.
    - I have done a lot round the big pond, clearing out leaves, cutting back plants etc. Most of the pond stuff, although it was needed, was because the guy from freecycle was meant to be coming to collect our excess water lilies today - he hasn't rung which is a shame, but at least it motivated us to clear up.
    - I have started a final big sort of the asian pears littering the lawn/beds/path. At one stage there were about 50 starlings sitting in the tree chattering and taking one bite out of each pear!!
    - got some great bargains at Mr T last night after going to the cinema, lots of veg reduced to 10p so we had a nice home made watercress soup for lunch and the freezer is fuller.

    This eve's plan is to have a blitz in the lounge/diner/hall as we have friends round to dinner tomorrow eve. Plus finish a report. Plus take computer downstairs and do a bit more of photo book while watching strictly............that's the plan anyway.
    Remember...a layer of dust protects the wood beneath it.
  • mrs-moneypenny
    mrs-moneypenny Posts: 15,519 Forumite
    Hope you are alright LW, make sure you get plenty of rest.
    Took bed round to friends as her son loved it and gave him some DVDs that were in the to go pile. So he left very pleased.

    Advice please
    How to you get rid of the permeating stench of smoke? The flat below dd3s had a fire in the week, smoke came up into their flat. Thankfully no one was hurt. But the flat stinks and is covered in smoke and plaster dust as the fire brigade had to trek through checking for potential fire pockets in their property. I've told them to bring all clothes round here and I'll wash them and dry them outside. Firemen told them low temp wash stops the smell locking in, I'm going to go and help with the cleaning up. I am just so relieved they are OK but it will take a while to get things back to how they should be.
    SPC~12 ot 124

    In a world that has decided that it's going to lose its mind, be more kind my friend, try to Be More Kind
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,104 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Oh, wow, Mrs MP. I don't know, I'm really sorry I can't suggest anything except lots of fresh air blowing through. So glad no-one was hurt, but very scary and horrible to have to deal with the after effects as well.

    Two lodgers out today and two in tonight, so I'll be busy here. I'm really glad I did as much as I did on Friday, especially after not doing much while I was with cold and without any energy. OH has gone to watch his team so I'm on my own with the cat and dog, which means I can get through it all without being disturbed. Makes life simpler sometimes even if I do miss him.
    Better is good enough.
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