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Budget Wars - A New Hope (with apologies to George Lucas)



  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!

    Today is going to be busy. Have to get organised for an event tommorow. It is worrying me that tommorow the clocks go back and I might oversleep!! So need to check check and triple check that I am ready to go at 9am (the real 9am or Im in trouble)

    Then we are taking DS to a big Halloween party and staying on to help supervise.

    So food today needs to be of the quick and easy variety. Oh and plus DS has a craft project for school that he and his dad need to get finished. Not crafty so I'm off the hook for that :)

    Right on that note I'm off.

    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • Samoens12
    Hello again. Its ages since I have been on here but so pleased to see you moving in a positive direction. Its been a momentous year for me - lost the business and the house - actually no that's the wrong way of looking at it. Disposed of the business and house but did loose a job (evil bosses!) however I have kept to my plan to be debt free by Christmas and will be there - sooooo excited. Just managed to rent out my French Farmhouse after it being not selling and being empty for a year so that will really help, Just hope this tenant doesn't do a runner leaving me with huge bills :-((

    Will keep reading - keep up the good work!
    Business : Landlord[STRIKE] £26k[/STRIKE] HSBC OD [STRIKE]£1225[/STRIKE]0 CC [STRIKE]£3720[/STRIKE] Suppliers [STRIKE]£1326[/STRIKE]

    Personal: CC1 [STRIKE]2923.20[/STRIKE] CC2 9638.29 now £2324 OD[STRIKE]4927.23[/STRIKE]
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Nice to hear from you Samoens it sounds like you've been through the wringer. Have you started your diary up again? I hope you feel in a better place to start 2017?

    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Evening All

    Very busy day. Worked 9 to 2.30, full on event. All went well. A decent chunk of change in the business account for my efforts.

    Managed a nice hour in the park in the afternoon with the family. We are all a bit sad half term is over and life will return to normal tommorow.

    This week I have bookings for quite a few days, and an event to do at the weekend. All good for cash flow.

    Hope everyone's had a good Sunday.

    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Hi All

    Feeling very cheerful today. Must be this beautiful weather. We've had bright sunshine all day. I've been busy as usual. First thing we walked to let someone in at work which took an hour, then walked back via the supermarket which was another hour and a bit. So I've had a good stretch of the legs already and still have the school run to do. I am definitely a better person when I get the right amount of exercise. Reckon I was a Labrador in my last life ;)

    Frugal things of the day other than walking everywhere

    - Payday for OH. Logged onto online banking and moved things around a bit.
    - Made an orange jelly and peeled and chopped about 6 tangerines that were sitting rejected in the fruit bowl, and added them to the mix. That can be our pudding tonight.
    - I am FINALLY free of the backlog of clothing I've been washing and trying to line dry for days now. It's all baby clothes for the next age group so well worth doing as it saves us pennies in the long run. But my god! Full respect to Victorian mums with big families. I have no idea how people coped with lots to wash and dry back in the day. Oh my other Frugal point on that is I didnt give in to the tumble drier. Although it would have saved me hours!

    Some bigger thoughts I've had in terms of feeling proud is just how much I have saved us in childcare fees by doing all the caring myself with DD. And also reducing our after school care bill for our son from £200 to £0 by doing all the pick ups. I was talking to my husband the other night about the big picture stuff. Back when I earned a good salary bearing in mind we are almost central London this was almost 5 years ago now, but I was pulling in around £2,600 a month after tax and SL contributions. I was paying out £1500 to put my son in daycare for 4 days per week. Plus around £300 a month on travel.

    If I look at where I am now, my income is very low. I'd be surprised if I earned more than £12000 a year in the last year. Because of a failing business essentially. Things are improving but at the moment I am covering costs plus a very small monthly amount on top. Which is again a complete unknown.

    If I went back to scenario A above now, I would be paying for DD to be in childcare, plus DS a much higher after school bill, holiday childcare and possibly even breakfast care too some days if DH couldn't do the school run.

    So all told, I think I have probably saved my family close to a full time average salary just by being at home. That is the scary place that London childcare takes you, and I suspect outside the M25 too these days.

    This is not supposed to be a braggy post not at all, but I am proud of something at least as I often wear my hair shirt when I think of where my family was before I decided to open my own business vs now.

    And on that note I'd better have my sandwich before the school run.

    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • kirtsypoos
    kirtsypoos Posts: 3,824 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Cashback Cashier
    I'd be willing to bet that you are much happier than back in the corporate world too Bob, and that's a huge plus for you and your family.

    It's lovely for your 2 that you are able to do the childcare and school pick ups, a lower income doesn't necessarily mean a lesser quality of life, and I know which scenario I'd have preferred when I was younger and didn't see my parents as much as I'd have liked to.

    So pleased that the business is doing well also, long may it continue :)
    :j PAID VERY, Barclaycard x3, Vanquis, Natwest, O/D, Tesco & MBNA x2 PAID :j LBM 24/07/15 - Original Debt: £0/31010.23 (100% paid) :eek:
    Mortgage - £151.316.54 :eek:
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Thanks Kirsty you have to count your blessings don't you. I think a lot more people would go self employed if they felt more supported to do so. The government is always going on about how important SMEs are to the economy but that doesn't translate into anything useful in terms of actual help.
    A large pub in our area was last night tweeting about the fact their rates have been jacked by £20,000 in the last 2 years and are about to go up again to a stupid amount. And that's a business capable of taking £££
    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Morning All

    Quite a quiet day coming up today. Halloween laat night was a lot of fun. We had children coming round in droves from about 6.30 till we brought the pumpkin in at 8.
    My husband took my son out, DD went too but not sure how much she understands. They had a fun time. He's on a school trip today so hopefully the slightly later bedtime won't make him too tired today.

    Things are looking decent for the business, but the worry is there still. Because of the way some bookings come in I can end up in a position where due to a council regulation I don't know until nearer to the time if the booking will be allowed. I know that's quite unclear but I can't say more really. So I can't collect a deposit until we are sure the council have approved it. This makes what I am planning for next year slightly difficult. If I look at where I am now I have a block booking of 8 days per month (on paper) & a couple of smaller things already for Jan and Feb. I get a rent break for the first two months of the year, which if December goes big as is looking, plus revenue continues steadily in those two months, could be the turning point where I stop only having a few pounds available at a time to pay myself. I think because things have been so hard in the past I find it very difficult to really believe that though.

    Anyway enough of that. Need to enjoy today and not worry about things that may not be worthy of mental space.

    Have a good day everyone.

    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
  • hugglemonster
    Catching up on all your news, what a good find on all the clothes for dd.

    I hope all the uncertainty with the bookings for the business iron themselves out, give you some peace of mind. Sounds very complicated and frustrating.

    I agree about finding that balance between work/money and family life, I so wish that I had more time with my kids I feel so guilty. Yesterday for example I worked at one job from 0845 until 1630 then second job from 1815 to 2130, it's ridiculous! Spurs me on to get rid of the debt although constant battles at the moment.

    H x
  • Bobarella
    Bobarella Posts: 10,824 Forumite
    Savvy Shopper! I've been Money Tipped!
    Huggle I can appreciate how YOU feel however to offer an alternative view and hopefully make you feel a bit better, your children are growing up seeing a clear link between how money is earned and how it is spent. And that is such an important life lesson. Not only that but you are giving them a work ethic now which again is a life skill.
    Dont beat yourself up, there's enough people out there that will do it for you, you need to be a Huggle cheerfleader! Keep going and hopefully soon your 2nd job will become the day job. Hugs to you :)
    " Your vibe attracts your tribe":D

    Debt neutral :) 27/03/17 from £40k:eek: in the hole 2012.
    Roadkill 17 £56.58 2016-£62.28 2015- £84.20)
    RYSAW17 £1900 2016 £2,535.16 2015 £1027.20
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