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Three choices in life; Give up, Give in or Give all you've got!!



  • Buffythedebtslayer
    wow Lucky. 3 quid a DAY?

    Good job you have it sorted. I had that bank for a while and left some money in the account, only about 100 pounds (tho at the time I was skint) but I stopped paying money in, so they charged me 5 pound a month for the bank account and when I went into close the account I couldn't, I had to change it to another type and leave 5 quid in there. I hate that bank!

    hope your lovely dog is being marvellous :) great to see a picture XXXXXX
    Nevertheless she persisted.
  • please-let-me-be-lucky
    Buffy! How's you? Did I miss you moving to a new diary? Haven't seen an update from you in eons! Xx

    So, we are home from our weekend away which was both wonderful and stressful in equal measures. We heard the place we were going had snow and MiL isn't a very confident driver so she was making noises about cancelling :eek:. We were supposed to take two cars but ended up all piled into mine, which even though it's a 7 seater, was still a squash with 5 people, 2 dogs, luggage and food! The boys and the dog loved the snow and we had fun playing in it while MiL did a jigsaw! We visited the local shops but the weather turned to heavy rain so we binned our other plans for the day and went back to the cottage and watched films/played games which was lovely. DS1 had a few emotional (hormonal) outbursts and DH and MiL were, well, DH and MiL, but overall it was good to have a change. We even managed a NSD :T. Xx
    Debts @ LBM £23,729.31. Debts @ 08/04/2016 £0 :j
    Best win so far - holiday to Florida
  • please-let-me-be-lucky

    Oakley's first time in snow! Xx
    Debts @ LBM £23,729.31. Debts @ 08/04/2016 £0 :j
    Best win so far - holiday to Florida
  • beanielou
    beanielou Posts: 90,974 Ambassador
    Academoney Grad I'm a Volunteer Ambassador Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper
    So cute :heart:
    I am a Forum Ambassador and I support the Forum Team on Mortgage Free Wannabe & Local Money Saving Scotland & Disability Money Matters. If you need any help on those boards, do let me know.Please note that Ambassadors are not moderators. Any post you spot in breach of the Forum Rules should be reported via the report button , or by emailing forumteam@moneysavingexpert.com. All views are my own & not the official line of Money Saving Expert.

    Lou~ Debt free Wanabe No 55 DF 03/14.**Credit card debt free 30/06/10~** MFW. Finally mortgage free O2/ 2021****
    "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of" Jane Austen in Mansfield Park.

    ***Fall down seven times,stand up eight*** ~~Japanese proverb.
    ***Keep plodding*** Out of debt, out of danger. ***Be the difference.***
    One debt remaining. Home improvement loan.
  • Bubblesmum
    Bubblesmum Posts: 1,710 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    beanielou wrote: »
    So cute :heart:

    Just what I was thinking....... gorgeous
    As a dear MSE friend says “keep plodding” or
    What does the saying say.... When life hands you lemons, crack open the Gin......
    Or as my Mum would instil, brush yourself down, tomorrow is another day or
    Fake it, to you Make It

  • JustAboutThere
    Oh, the look in Oakley's eyes at encountering snow for the first time :)

    A serious case of "what the heck . . ."
  • please-let-me-be-lucky
    Oh, the look in Oakley's eyes at encountering snow for the first time :)

    A serious case of "what the heck . . ."

    That's more daintily put than my friend's offering, which was something along the lines of "Mam, my bits have frozen and dropped off! What the flip is this?!" :rotfl:.

    Lovely start to the day as I spent some time with a friend. Had a good catch up just the two of us, while DH was with MiL helping her clear her garage. Think they clashed though and he was fizzing when I got back :(. Took all MiL's rubbish to the tip for her, and then did the school run to collect the boys. Caved in to DS1's request for a McD's meal for tea as a) he's getting his brace fitted on Thursday so it will be a while before he can have anything like that again, and b) it made things easier for me as time was tight. Dropped food and boys home and went off to collect pills from the docs, got back to DS2 having a meltdown as his order wasn't right and he couldn't eat it (they'd put a spicy wrap in the kids meal instead of a plain one). No time to take it back as DS1 at parkour, so had to cook him a mini pizza. So much for the easy option :mad:. Will be emailing my complaint!

    Currently sitting freezing at Parkour. The things I do for my kids, and they still think I'm 'mean'. :mad:
    Debts @ LBM £23,729.31. Debts @ 08/04/2016 £0 :j
    Best win so far - holiday to Florida
  • Sun_Addict
    Sun_Addict Posts: 21,704 Forumite
    First Post Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Oakley is just gorgeous. I bet you don't know how you existed before you got him :) I never regret getting our dog, even though I was sure we'd made a huge mistake that first weekend.
    I get knocked down but I get up again (Chumbawamba, Tubthumping)
  • please-let-me-be-lucky
    SA, I just couldn't be without him now. He completes the family.

    DS1 had his top braces fitted today :T. He is complaining about them being uncomfortable but we were warned it would be painful for up to a week :(. We have a long list of dos and don'ts to adhere to now.

    Had to buy myself some new boots yesterday as mine literally fell apart. Managed to get a decent pair in a Black Friday event for £20.99 so was pleased with that. I paid for them in my socks and put them straight back on :o before finding a bin for the old ones! I also continued my Christmas shoppings with bargains, don't think I've paid full pretty for anything so far :T.

    Troll arrived today for a competition prize I won in September - and it's pink :(. In to the present cupboard it goes.
    Debts @ LBM £23,729.31. Debts @ 08/04/2016 £0 :j
    Best win so far - holiday to Florida
  • Bubblesmum
    Bubblesmum Posts: 1,710 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I might be 47 but I still remember having brace fitted, mine fortunately was removable with little elastic bands that I had to tie every morning. I was able to take it out to eat Mars Bars!!! :rotfl::rotfl:

    Pink troll ... :) appreciate you hoped for pressie... but it did make me :)

    I am off to Kingston as have to take something back, armed with vouchers and a strict list... no pennies allowed to be spent.

    Happy weekend :T
    As a dear MSE friend says “keep plodding” or
    What does the saying say.... When life hands you lemons, crack open the Gin......
    Or as my Mum would instil, brush yourself down, tomorrow is another day or
    Fake it, to you Make It

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