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Daydream fund challenge part 4



  • alfie_1
    alfie_1 Posts: 5,837 Forumite
    First Post
    hi all

    well we have had WIND !! we have had RAIN !!, we have had SUN !!
    cant make its mind up....

    my mum came to stay for the weekend and we intended to tackle the garden but were in and out like yoyo's !
    mum is in the end room which has a complete "wall" of patio doors so a panoramic view over the garden / fields..
    she awoke sunday morning to the sight of jim jam [stallion] "doing the deed" :o :rotfl:
    so hopefully a foal will be announced at a later date ;)

    I have a young lad coming next Saturday to help do all sorts of jobs. hes 14 and looking to earn a few bob so thought it a worthy [helpful to me] way of getting those 2 people jobs done..

    im still sat in my dressing gown as have a hip/leg problem now .. think ive trapped a nerve as it is spasm'ing ... last time this happened I jumped off a wall [without thinking first !] and it cured it but am hesitant in trying it a second time ....:o
    its dry, calm and slightly sunny today so am going to do as many driving trips as poss [work tomorrow] to fetch/deliver stuff.

    hope everyone has survived the weather [if similar to ours]
  • Fay
    Fay Posts: 1,031 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    I'm still trying to breathe and process everything. Feels very surreal and I have no idea how to stop feeling so lost. I've taken some time off work as I'm no good for me let alone patients.
    I need to start thinking of having the house valued but the garden could do with a post winter today. Not sure that matters though really.
  • pink_poppy
    pink_poppy Posts: 1,662 Forumite
    Homepage Hero Photogenic Part of the Furniture 1,000 Posts
    Sounds like the right thing to do to take some time off, Fay.

    I wouldn't worry too much about tidying the garden before getting a valuation. I do find it helps my frame of mind when I'm busy doing stuff outside though, so do it for your wellbeing if you think it will help.
    'A watched potato will never chit'...
  • alfie_1
    alfie_1 Posts: 5,837 Forumite
    First Post
    ive set you a private message ,fay... x
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    Ghastly weather this morning, but temperatures are up, which will help now that most of the delicate seeds are through. The conservatory porch is warmer than the polytunnel, so that's where they are. :D

    No response from the conservatory company for 2 weeks now. Promises, promises. They've had enough time. I spent most of yesterday preparing a submission to the Glass & Glazing Federation, so that will go today. We've played it by the book through gritted teeth, but the gloves are off now.....

    Visiting the local hospital with DW today as we continue to investigate her mobility problem. She has gained more pain relief with her current prescription, but now sleeps for England, so that's not a great solution long term. :undecided She painted the new walk-in wardrobe room yesterday and I bought the fittings from IKEA. That'll be another room done....:Djust a pity about the en-suite it leads off, where we need some drains. Can't contemplate those yet, while it's still like the Somme. Best left till summer.

    Our builder is off to Oz at the end of the month to lay his foundations, but the good news is that he won't be leaving here permanently till September/October at the earliest. :)
  • alfie_1
    alfie_1 Posts: 5,837 Forumite
    First Post
    ghastly weather here too :eek:

    its SO unpredictable ! I filled a 3 tier planter with lovely polyanthus yesterday after work, sun was on them and this morning..... looking very sad :(

    ive got someone coming tomorrow to give me a quote to paint walls of end room and wallpaper my dining room... my hip/leg is still giving me jip and to be honest I cant get motivated to do it myself !

    I hope mrs dave gets answers / help :)
  • Davesnave
    Davesnave Posts: 34,741 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper
    alfie_1 wrote: »
    . my hip/leg is still giving me jip and to be honest I cant get motivated to do it myself !

    I hope mrs dave gets answers / help :)
    I don't want to alarm you, but if it's hip/leg, then what you have might be similar to what DW has. It's like a sports injury.

    But it should get better with rest....only hers hasn't. :(

    We are back to the physio consultant again now, but still in the loop rather than starting from scratch, so quick appointment. :D One advantage of living in the middle is that we can intercept medics in different hospitals.....tilll the close them down! :rotfl:Crediton this week, Okehampton next week, Exeter or Barnstaple the week after maybe. Certain procedures only happen in certain places though.

    Still raining! I've ordered logs for tomorrow as we're low and I've no time to cut more, but he won't be able to drop them in the yard; it's a quagmire. It'll have to be up here by the house, under a tarpaulin.

    Don't sheep have good eyesight? Ours can be nonchalantly grazing over 100m away, but if I try to get down the garden unobserved....no chance! Then, next thing, they're all over at the fence shouting for more haylage! :o
  • DaftyDuck
    DaftyDuck Posts: 4,609 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    The sheep here - and particularly the donkeys - have excellent eyesight. The latter watch out for us inside the house, and make their demands known VERY LOUDLY if we move a muscle! Luckily, we are right on the edge of the village, but everyone in the village can hear them. That's not so bad during the day, but my wife goes to her desk at 6:30am for an early work-in, and has to do so with the light out, and the curtain closed.

    The sheep are still entertaining everyone; they are in the closest field to the house, and it's visible from the lane (while I've hacked the hedge apart). Cars now crawl past at 5mph to see where the lambs are. Their latest game is to jump right over the picnic table (that's partly set up as a shelter using bales) so, from the lane, there's nothing... nothing.. nothing... LAMB in mid-air... nothing... nothing... LAMB in mid-air...:D

    I've got a close-up view of this, and the passing gawpers, as I've been living in the hedge this past week... well, spending as much time as poss. clearing the remainder out. Hedging arrives on Friday, and there's still lots to do. I look like I've been pulled through a hedge backwards, because I have been pull..... :p

    We are now on the old-lady circuit as well: several of the elderly are now cruising past daily dog walking (or weekly for the weaker on foot) to see what's 'appening now. My reputation for being a bit eccentric is useful, as I don't need to explain myself too much as to why I'm carrying whatever I've got, or what on earth I'm about to do. The place has been so run-down for so long that they are all delighted to see it being sorted (well, so they tell me). There are dead trees that I'm removing that are held up by ivy (or where there is simply no tree inside, just ivy), and I was told by one old boy that they were dead in the 1987 storm, and he was surprised they didn't fall then. Someone just cut the tops off around then, and left the bottom ten feet to rot where they stood.

    Take things easy Alfie, and don't do anything stupid.... I have a problem hip/leg, partly sciatica, but not helped by my jumping a ditch when running fifteen years ago, missing the other side and landing in the middle, then running home wet & cold. It was a day later when the tingling numbness in my legs, and then the vomiting made me seek medical help, and I was then told I'd a minor spinal fracture, and it was a good job I'd taken it so easily since, otherwise things might have been much, much worse. I didn't admit my obvious stupidity to the doc! I am not the most sensible...

    Oh, the ancient jar of pickled onions... wasn't so old, as it's still in date! I might pass it on for the village fete raffle! :eek:
  • choille
    choille Posts: 9,710 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Really heavy rain all day & then brilliant sunshine then....buckets of wet stuff.
    Still having internet on & off & very useless slow speeds, so is a lot of people we gather - annoying.

    Hope your hip improves Alfie - not handy.
    Been cleaning a neighbours kitchen but didn't get that much done as I don't think it's ever been tackled for a couple of decades - rather sticky, so it's taking a while.
  • lucielle
    lucielle Posts: 11,003 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Photogenic Name Dropper Second Anniversary
    Probably quite satisfying, Choille. At least you can tell where you've been!
    Total Debt Dec 07 £59875.83 Overdrafts £2900,New Debt Figure ZERO !!!!!!:j 08/06/2013
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