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Thrifty Gifty Santas Challenge 2014



  • mum2one
    mum2one Posts: 16,279 Forumite
    Xmas Saver!
    I always knew Miss Hoodie was special, - bless her heart she had her allergy testing yesterday, she got tested for 16 different things (most brands of nuts, stawberries (which had given her an allergy attack previously) kiwi fruit, different pollens....... she came as no allergic to any of them.

    None the wiser, whether thats good, bad or not have no idea... but she now has tablets and epi-pen, so it does give me some piece of mind.

    Thought I'd give u all a laugh, slowly things are coming together with the bathroom/kitchen saga - had another contractor out today, looks like they just have to confirm a plumber and date to move forward so we can move out.

    Although the house insurance are going to make arrangements and put us up in local hotel, but with all our needs i got asked could I ring round a few..

    This is a conversation from earlier, nanny hoodie nearly wet herself laughing so much grandad hoodie - he was in amazement..

    Them... Hello X hotel, X speaking
    Me.. Explained it was an enquiry, 2 rooms, but the one room needs to be disabled friendly in terms of bathroom (we can't climb over bath or shower, so figured easier is mum/dad had disabled room, me/miss Hoodie normal room and I could use their shower

    Them - We have a wheelchair friendly room, not in main hotel, but there is a lodge building in the ground,

    Me - Brilliant, would be able to have the 2nd room close by,

    Them - Are you ok with stairs, as the room is on the 2nd floor and we dont have a lift...

    Thank you but no thank you./COLOR]
    xx rip dad... we had our ups and downs but we’re always be family xx
  • Anglea
    Anglea Posts: 7,204 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi all

    Mum2one, the hotel ought to retrain the staff - beyond belief!!

    So Miss Hoodie and you are both medical mysteries for allergies it seems.

    The stalker stories are beyond belief. I've had a few nutters interested in me but at least I knew them, not strangers on holiday. They sounded really creepy taking photos of children.

    Hi Mrs Moneypenny, good to hear from you. How is the crafting?

    Susan, I'm so glad you were able to make a decision to make life better for yourself. I often try and improve myself and manage for a while then revert to default but I think sometimes I just dream up an idea without thinking it through what needs to be done in order to achieve it so I think that after re-reading your post today I'm going to make a list of things I do that makes life complicated for myself - to see what I'm up against.

    Rufus - I'm glad you are enjoying the swimming. I hope the room lookes nice after the laminate flooring has been finished.

    Sorry to hear about your Aunty. Hope you are ok after the hospital.

    Since my last update I fell out/back in with the texter, acquired a new admirer who I won't be seeing, got into a terrible situation with two friends - which is a lesson to be learnt, had DS2 down for his usual visit, went to his annual review, did some gardening, saw family, MIL and the exH and went out twice.

    I'll write about the challenge on another post.
  • mrs-moneypenny
    mrs-moneypenny Posts: 15,519 Forumite
    sounds like a busy time for you as well Angela, with some added stress.

    been doing some crafting i finished the two biscornu for the christening last week and they were very well received.
    last night a made a little tooth bag for my DD2s partners daughter, really only embroidered a little sqaure and sewed it on a ready made bag but she will be happy as it has her name on so the fairy will know whos teeth shes taking.
    i started a cardi for myself but thats sort of got abandoned. someone posted a link about beads for courage bags on another thread so ive got some labels and started making those as well now, according to my list my local hospital use them on their childrens cancer ward so im hoping when ive made them all i can take them there.

    hope all are well

    must dash ive got to change into something pink before i go to work as its a charity day today.
    SPC~12 ot 124

    In a world that has decided that it's going to lose its mind, be more kind my friend, try to Be More Kind
  • Anglea
    Anglea Posts: 7,204 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi again

    I dread to think how long I had a pack of puff pastry in the freezer so I defrosted it and yesterday decided to make whatever I could with limited supplies..

    I ended up with 5 very big savoury pasties and one sweet and I also baked the trimmings to eat seperately.

    Savoury - the filling
    potatoes, Iceland casserole mix - swede, carrots, leeks, turnip, onions
    double strength tomato puree, mixed herbs,
    salt, coarse ground 5 types of pepper
    liquid from cooking the veg in advance
    Babybell cheese
    non dairy margarine

    Sweet - as I literally had nothing else in the house - I put lots of marge on the pastry and covered it with 3 snack packs of raisins.

    I ate one of the savoury pasties as it broke up as I tried to lift it from the baking tin, so had it for the evening meal, it was very tasty.

    I froze the rest.
  • mrs-moneypenny
    mrs-moneypenny Posts: 15,519 Forumite
    they sound lovely Angela, ive got some puff lurking in my freezer from christmas i must do something with.
    SPC~12 ot 124

    In a world that has decided that it's going to lose its mind, be more kind my friend, try to Be More Kind
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,945 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Gosh 11th may alreay. Time is flying. Weather here is cold and damp but did manage to get washing dry enough to iron yesterday (ironing will be today). Xoh always always puts things in TD so see this as an mse victory. Last saturday put the washing out and it was dry by tuesday :rotfl: i may have to share house with xoh for foreseeable future but i'm still determined to cut down gas and lekky bills! Xoh has just had a £350 motorcycle mot bill - so happy we now have seperate back accounts for that sort of thing :T
    Didnt know whether to larf or cry at liftless 2nd floor disabled room mum2one
    Did i say i've been writing a chapter for a book? It's to be 12000 words :eek: and done by end of may :eek::eek: and i'm off to poland for a week 22nd :eek::eek::eek: but did another 2500 words yesterday :j bringing total to 7696 :j:j church this morning then hoping to get another 1500 done today and 500 each day this week. Has been really interesting but has kinda taken over my life. Perhaps i can give it to people for xmas :rotfl:
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • mum2one
    mum2one Posts: 16,279 Forumite
    Xmas Saver!
    DundeeDoll - Poland sounds amazing, and wow to writing a book, I use to struggle with 2,500 words for my OU assisgments. xx
    xx rip dad... we had our ups and downs but we’re always be family xx
  • Anglea
    Anglea Posts: 7,204 Forumite
    Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Hi all

    Dundeedoll- that can't be easy living with your ex.

    Well done on your writing goals. I have a book finished for over a year but still haven't sorted it out for publishing, got another few on the go but I get side tracked a lot and keep changing my mind if I should continue or not. It would be easier if like you I only focused on one and got it all done.

    Is it a novel?

    How is everyone? I've been away from the pub/shops for a week so saved a lot of money and begrudged having to pay for shopping when I had tothis week.. Had to go emergency doctors Monday as found a swelling below my neck.

    For a few months now I've had a strange irritation all around my neck but nothing there. Bad sore throats on and off and that strange exhaustion after that extra furniture was delivered which I put down to stress. Sunday night the neck was extra irritating, eyes bloodshot and itchy, throat bad after gardening so I assumed it was all hay fever - however when I looked in the mirror my neck had bright red weals across it and there was the swelling.

    Doctor checked heartbeat front and back and asked if I'd had any other symptoms apart from the ones I told him. I said there had been odd problems with the soles of my feet for months too. He took a look and did reflexes. Thursday I'm having tests for diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, blood count, thyroid, cholesterol (I asked for that one).

    Any of you had the irritating neck problem? It feels like there is a label or loose hair (like after a haircut) but it's all round my neck..
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,945 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Anglea wrote: »

    Dundeedoll- that can't be easy living with your ex...
    no t'aint but could be a much worse ex to have to live with. And it does mean the dogs get looked after for free when I'm travelling (which since my promotion my job now entails quite a bit of)
    Anglea wrote: »

    Well done on your writing goals. I have a book finished for over a year but still haven't sorted it out for publishing, got another few on the go but I get side tracked a lot and keep changing my mind if I should continue or not. It would be easier if like you I only focused on one and got it all done.
    well done you on finishing one. This is a work related thing. The book is on medical education and I was asked to do the opening chapter - a history of medical education. So I had distinct advantages in that a) someone else has done the work of getting a publisher b) it's just one chapter (albeit a blinking long chapter!) and c) I have someone else's deadline to work to. No pay, just a line on my cv.

    Goodness what a lot of tests. Hope they find out what it is soon and obvs nuffink serious. I guess you've ruled out change in washing powder / shampoo? I remember a problem some time ago re. washing powder in our household - doc reckoned it was the pillow cases causing the agro.
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • mum2one
    mum2one Posts: 16,279 Forumite
    Xmas Saver!
    edited 14 May 2014 at 10:02PM
    Anglea wrote: »
    Hi all

    Dundeedoll- that can't be easy living with your ex.

    Well done on your writing goals. I have a book finished for over a year but still haven't sorted it out for publishing, got another few on the go but I get side tracked a lot and keep changing my mind if I should continue or not. It would be easier if like you I only focused on one and got it all done.

    Wow, have you thought of self publishing the book on kindle, and see how it goes. Sounds amazing,

    Is it a novel?

    How is everyone? I've been away from the pub/shops for a week so saved a lot of money and begrudged having to pay for shopping when I had tothis week.. Had to go emergency doctors Monday as found a swelling below my neck.
    I have to confess I did the shopping for you and the pub yesterday!! thou it was mse 2meals for £7.50, 2 bottles bulmers £5, and pud, bogof... shopping very exiciting, 6 new pairs of knickers, and 2 prs of crocs.. keep me going for a while!

    For a few months now I've had a strange irritation all around my neck but nothing there. Bad sore throats on and off and that strange exhaustion after that extra furniture was delivered which I put down to stress. Sunday night the neck was extra irritating, eyes bloodshot and itchy, throat bad after gardening so I assumed it was all hay fever - however when I looked in the mirror my neck had bright red weals across it and there was the swelling.

    Doctor checked heartbeat front and back and asked if I'd had any other symptoms apart from the ones I told him. I said there had been odd problems with the soles of my feet for months too. He took a look and did reflexes. Thursday I'm having tests for diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, blood count, thyroid, cholesterol (I asked for that one).

    Any of you had the irritating neck problem? It feels like there is a label or loose hair (like after a haircut) but it's all round my neck..

    I'm no medical expert (although there are times when I feel we live at the Gps), but have you asked re allergies, itchy eyes can be an allergy, and I know if I have an ani-jobbie attack its the throat that it hits.

    Also ask if it could be a hives allergy... have you changed medication or had a virus or anything, - just my friend had glandaur fever last Sept, left her with hives attack, - shes had blood tests, allergy testings all came back as normal, they think its a virus left from the fever, shes now on anti-allergy tablets daily.

    If you do take allergy tablets - make sure you ask for non-drowsy variety - as these keep you alert (apologies for the mother hen approach) xxx

    We're doing the rounds this week, the family...
    grandad and nanny hoodie had dentist today (general check up) then this afternoon nanny hoodie and me went for mediciation review..... how the heck i never lamped the GP I dont know.

    Running late (fair enough), never seen her before, never introduced herself, then decides that I need to adjust prescription, (fine - but I had questions), she told me i was being unreasonable for not being prepared to change tablets, gives me new tablets - says need to come off one set, she compared me to a "drug user"...... (not in the nice sense), she then had an emergency, run out of the room, - ok I left she then comes out of the "emergency" 30 seconds later - says false alarm, ask can we continue consultation - as I have questions, no your have to come back I have next patient waiting, (she didn't know was my mother), - slots are 15mins, I was in there 4 mins...

    go back to waiting room, 20 mins later she calls mum in - I got up as well and she said I told you I can't deal with you..... I said with a smile, you haven't met my mother, i'm her carer so I am here with her for her appointment... 3 mins mother was in for..... mums coughing her guts up, she moans at her for being coughing too loudly, - mum couldn't get her breath......then her personal mobile rings and she says I've got a patient here - I'll ring back in 5 mins - thats if I can move them out that quick..... she didn't even apologise for the call

    Mum was close to tears, (shes on crutches as well- she can hardly walk),

    (sorry rant over)

    Booked to see another GP next week, - but putting in a complaint....

    Dentist tomorrow - chipped a tooth...

    Miss Hoodie now has epi-pens and is on anti-allergy tablets daily, - touch wood, we dont go back to the hospital till September.

    On a positive, I have gone through the list of prizes that I have got the school for the summer fete - and I have got over £400 worth of prizes (top prize - day spa for 2), got posh wine, and a tickets for local attractions, so v pleased xxx
    xx rip dad... we had our ups and downs but we’re always be family xx
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