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Royal Mail Shares



  • Just a warning - my email went to my spam folder, so be sure you check there
  • ChopperST
    ChopperST Posts: 1,257 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Name Dropper
    swardean wrote: »
    There is an option to transfer to another broker and sell via them, not sure how this works and whether it would be quicker or not?

    You would have to fill out a crest form. Good chance it will take 10 working days for the transfer to complete. Usually a fee of around £10 to do this plus a dealing fee at the other end. No point doing it if you plan to sell before the 8 November where the flat fee of £7.50 applies.

    As a side note I've just set up my sharedeal account with Equiniti and you can't do anything with it until they send you a code in the post - which takes 2-3 days!
  • Sorry Chopper, if you setup an online account and trade via that online rather than the automated telephone, can you transfer funds electronically rather than hassle of cheques?
  • AndyBSG
    AndyBSG Posts: 986 Forumite

    Did you decide to sell via the automated phone system hence the batches, the delay and the cheque? or is this also the way that the sharedeal website is operating as well?

    Still waiting on my email, I am disgusted about how poorly this has been handled.

    I did it through the phone system.

    I tried to do it through the online sharedealing but couldn't see anything on the registration page about how to open one up if you already have RM shares.
  • oftm
    oftm Posts: 34 Forumite
    I wasn't 'desperate' I just don't want to hold shares in individual companies, and especially low value amounts.

    On the last part you could easily buy more so that's irrelevant but if you don't want shares then you're better off out.
  • apt
    apt Posts: 3,191 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    It's a 0.75% fee, minimum £7.50 rather than a flat fee.
  • martmonk
    martmonk Posts: 863 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    All those who keep asking about how to sell and complaining that 3pm is too long to wait these are your options - as advised in the prospectus you read before buying.

    [FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]Dealing in OrdinaryShares held through the Royal Mail Nominee Share Service [/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Sharedealing services will be available to persons holding Ordinary Shares in theRoyal Mail Nominee Share Service once they have received their shareholderreference numbers following Admission. It is expected that Shareholders whoapplied for Ordinary Shares in the Direct Retail Offer through an Online Applicationwill be sent their shareholder reference number by email within two daysfollowing Admission. It is expected that Shareholders who applied for OrdinaryShares in the Direct Retail Offer through a postal Application Form will besent their shareholder reference number by post within one week followingAdmission. Share dealing activity in companies immediately after flotation istypically very high. In order to help manage the volumes of dealing in OrdinaryShares after Admission, the following share dealing options will be madeavailable. If a Shareholder wishes to sell their Ordinary Shares, they shouldnote that demand for the following share dealing services may be high in thedays and weeks after Admission. Each of the share dealing options set out belowis subject to limitations on the volume of transactions which can be processedusing the share dealing services. Equiniti Financial Services Limited chargesfees for dealing in Ordinary Shares and these charges vary depending on theshare dealing service used. • [/FONT][FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]Online at www.shareview.co.uk. [/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Shareholderscan access the online share dealing facility, which will provide realtime pricequotes for Shareholders wishing to sell some or all of their Ordinary Shares. [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]37[/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Sharedealing online will be charged at one per cent. of the value of thetransaction, subject to a minimum charge of £17.50. The service is availableduring market opening hours, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (UK time), Monday toFriday, excluding UK public holidays. [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"] [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]•[/FONT][FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]Usingthe telephone helpline on 0845 268 0282 (when calling from the UK) or +44 121415 0250 (when calling from outside the UK). [/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Shareholders can call theshare dealing helpline, which will provide realtime price quotes for Shareholderswishing to sell some or all of their Ordinary Shares. Share dealing using thetelephone helpline will be charged at one per cent. of the value of thetransaction, subject to a minimum charge of £25.00. The service is availableduring market opening hours, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (UK time), Monday toFriday, excluding UK public holidays.[/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"] [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]•[/FONT][FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]Throughthe Automated Telephone Instruction facility on 0845 268 8405 (when callingfrom the UK) or +44 1133 697777 (when calling from outside the UK). [/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Shareholderscan sell all (but not some only) of their Ordinary Shares through the AutomatedTelephone Instruction (“[/FONT][FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]ATI[/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]”) facility. This facility willonly be available to persons holding Ordinary Shares in the Royal Mail NomineeShare Service in the period from the date of Admission to 8 November 2013. Thesale price for the Ordinary Shares will not be quoted to a Shareholder at thetime of confirming the sale transaction. Sale instructions from shareholdersusing the ATI facility will be added together and sold at intervals.Instructions received before 9.00 a.m. (UK time) on a Business Day will beadded together and the sales will normally be processed by 11.00 a.m. (UK time)on that Business Day. Instructions received between 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. (UKtime) on a Business Day will normally be processed by 3.00 p.m. (UK time) onthat Business Day. Instructions received after 1.00 p.m. (UK time) will beadded together with instructions received before 9.00 a.m. on the next BusinessDay. The charge for this service will be 0.75 per cent. of the value of therelevant transaction, subject to a minimum charge of £7.50. Calls to thishelpline from within the UK cost 8p per minute plus network extras. Lines areopen 24 hours. [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"] [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]•[/FONT][FONT="NMCXL P+ Arial MT"]ByPost: [/FONT][FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Shareholderswishing to sell all of their Ordinary Shares can use a postal instruction. Thisfacility will be available from the date of Admission to 8 November 2013.Shareholders can only apply to sell their Ordinary Shares by post using thepostal dealing form enclosed with their confirmation of allocation or a postaldealing form obtained from Equiniti Financial Services Limited by calling 0871384 2656 (when calling from the UK) or +44 121 415 7086 (when calling fromoutside the UK). Calls to this helpline from within the UK cost 8p per minuteplus network extras and lines are open 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (UK time), Mondayto Friday, excluding UK public holidays. [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"] [/FONT]

    [FONT="EOUXK L+ Arial MT"]Thesale price for the Ordinary Shares will normally be determined on the nextBusiness Day following which Equiniti Financial Services Limited receives thefully completed postal dealing form in the post. The charge for this servicewill be 0.75 per cent. of the value of the relevant transaction, subject to aminimum charge of £7.50. The charges referred to above are correct as at thedate of this Securities Note. Please refer to the latest Terms and Conditionsof the relevant share dealing service which will be available at www.shareview.co.uk for up to datecharges after the date of this Securities Note.[/FONT]
  • *TQ*
    *TQ* Posts: 17 Forumite
    Has anyone managed to successfully sell using Equiniti online or has it been confirmed that you will be unable to do that until you receive an activation code (by post!)?
  • zaber86
    zaber86 Posts: 58 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    just got an email about my shares
  • 10:45 just received my email!
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