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I fitted a Dimplex Quantum heater!



  • Esinem
    Esinem Posts: 17 Forumite
    Anyone using the Quantum immersion heater?

    I just picked up 2 x QM70, 1 x QM125 & 1 x QM150 (new with tatty boxes) for £1,750 delivered on eBay. Will let you know how they seem but no comparison as the old ones are being replaced during the initial refurb.
  • Hi all,

    Just wanted to provide a bit of information about the Total Heat, Total Control tariff that has been mentioned a few times.

    This tariff is offered by SSE for customers in the North of Scotland only and who have storage heaters. It offers up to 10 hours per day of off peak charge for your storage heaters (up to 10 hours, dependant on weather conditions and forecast).

    The main difference here between THTC and Economy 7 is that in Economy 7 the off peak charge is delivered in one shot, usually over night. With THTC the off peak charges are delivered in a few shots over the course of a day. The amount of charge and when the heaters are charged is determined by SSE and is weather dependant - they keep an eye on the upcoming forecast and from this determine the amount of hours of charge and when they will be delivered to their customers. The heaters are wired in the same in both THTC and Economy 7. The way to tell when you are getting a charge through on THTC is to keep an eye on the off peak switch light - when it lights up a charge is being delivered.

    If you are in the North of Scotland and have storage heaters then THTC is the recommended tariff to be on because it should cost less than being on Economy 7. If you are on Economy 7 you may want to consider switching. However, THTC has a unique metering set up and you may have to pay to have this changed. Once you are on THTC you will not be able to switch provider with out switching your meter as the THTC unique metering set up can not be taken over by other suppliers, I have heard of disasters where people have switched to another supplier without the meter set up being changed and they end up running up huge bills due to the meter set up.

    If you are on Economy 10 with storage heating then it is highly recommended that you try to switch from this - it is not designed for storage heating at all.

    I should say that I am not affiliated with SSE in anyway but that I am a trained domestic energy advisor and deal with clients with storage heating on a regular basis. I hope that this is helpful to those of you that were asking about THTC.
  • hi RMM282
    I have read what you wrote and it did make sense to me.

    As I live in the North of Scotland and have quantum storage heaters and they are on the THTC tariff I was going to change to Economy 7 so I can change energy suppliers for a better price rate but my electrician said that I would be better off stating with THTC.

    as SSE are the only energy suppliers that have the control off the THTC settings hopefully in the near future that they would be other energy suppliers that can control THTC tarrifs.
  • Can anyone give their opinion on my choice for sizes?

    Living/kitchen - 1.5KW (room is around 22sqm)
    Bedroom - 1KW (room is around 9.52sqm)

    The house is a 1 bed tiny terrace and very well insulated.

    Has anyone put one of these in a bathroom?

  • lstar337
    lstar337 Posts: 3,442 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    anna_11 wrote: »
    Can anyone give their opinion on my choice for sizes?

    Living/kitchen - 1.5KW (room is around 22sqm)
    Bedroom - 1KW (room is around 9.52sqm)

    The house is a 1 bed tiny terrace and very well insulated.
    Do you have an EPC?

    With storage heaters you are usually better to store more heat than you think you need, so it is usually better to oversize a bit if you can afford it.
    anna_11 wrote: »
    Has anyone put one of these in a bathroom?
    There are special versions for bathrooms with no controls. For safety reasons, the standard type cannot be fitted in a bathroom.
  • Thanks for the reply lstar337!
    Do you have an EPC?

    What is this? (presumably not)
  • Ebe_Scrooge
    Ebe_Scrooge Posts: 7,320 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Name Dropper 10 Posts
    anna_11 wrote: »

    What is this?

    Energy Performance Certificate : https://www.gov.uk/buy-sell-your-home/energy-performance-certificates
  • Hi jaggeroooh, so after having these heaters fitted a few years what is your overall conclusion on the efficiency?
  • Do these heaters have to be wired to an Economy 7/10 circuit or can they be wired to a standard circuit and manually set to input mode?
  • we decided after a lot of research with the type of house we have here in France that the storage heaters would suit us...we have two rooms with log burners also but because we are in and out a lot only really use them during the cold evenings otherwise you need to top up with the logs regularly....the storage heaters have worked out really well for us so they come on early morning then late afternoon mainly and last all evening. We had to pay around 500 euros for fitting each one... that seemed a lot but the wiring is different here no switches on the wall all wired direct to fuse box with individual switch and individual fuse for each one where you turn off during the summer or when not needed to heat up over night ours is 12 until 8 half price elec...we still have the electric panel heaters but do not use now. electric rad in shower room and stand by two gaz portable heaters....do not like being cold in doors so after a lifetime of central heating adjustments have had to be made here and it works fine BW Dianne
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