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Hi, this is the Daily Thread for |Apr 5th. This is an “over the garden fence” type thread where we chat about everything OS and maybe a little bit more. It’s a great, inspiring and motivating thread we start each day to discuss what we’re going to do today or what we’ve achieved already. Everyone’s welcome, please do come in, put your feet up (although check the fence hasn’t just been painted first!) and join us for an OS natter. The more the merrier!

When you make a post, if you feel like giving it a title, that will help others that don’t have the time to read everything skim through the thread quickly but if not it's not a problem, we’re a laid back bunch here so you won’t hear any complaints. Please do not start a new daily thread before you go to bed at night because this often leaves things confusing with two daily threads live at the same time. The idea is that a member would start each new daily thread after they get up in the morning

Some people who chat here like to try to answer everyone. Don’t feel you have to though, a general “hi everyone, hope everyone’s well” type start does just as well

Good morning everyone,

i sooo fed up with not be able to sleep !!!!!
went to bed about 10.30 ish, been awake since 2am, in the end i got up.... done all the ironing, washed up and put the gammon in the sc, peeled all the pots and veg for dinner.. arrrrhhh whats wrong with me ? !!!!! its now just gone 4am, going to try to get another hour or so, but have to get up to go to work this morning for a few hours, will be back by 9.30am.
have my nan who is 89 is comming from Wimbledon today ( i used to think she was a womble when i was young !!! ) so another day of visitors, still have my nephew and sister as well. Also going to cook a chicken today and do a big roast (nan doesnt eat chicken, so shes having gammon ) will make soup from bones and left over gammon.. mmmm chicken and bacon soup.. thatll be different !!!!

will be back in a while... hugs to everyone x x
Loraine x x x
slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
started 27/1/10


  • mioliere
    mioliere Posts: 6,838 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Hi Amie - yes, me too! I went to bed at about 11.00, eventually went to sleep then woke up again at about 2.00 a.m. Trip to the loo - of course! - then back to bed. Thought I wasn't going to get back to sleep but must have done; woke up again at about 4.00. Loo again (!) thought about going back to bed but, if I do that so 'late' in the early hours, I know I won't hear the alarm because I'll be really soundo and I hate a mad panicky rush to get ready for work. Instead, I did a bit of knitting then came on here. It's comforting to find others online at unearthly times of the night, isn't it? I printed off a load of stuff from a thread about cashback because I'm still trying to get to grips with that and had a go on a few sites. I've peeled all my veg for dinner tonight, done some ironing, shredded some paperwork, laid the table for breakfast, put the porridge ready to cook - now I'm worn out! My DH says I'm mad when I do things in the middle of the night but he's never had problems sleeping so he doesn't know what it's like! I can't stand just lying in bed waiting to go to sleep! I'm going to clean the bathroom now, put the washing on and take his lordship a cuppa. I need to do a proper clean today because my visitors will be here tomorrow lunchtime - staying until Sunday afternoon - I'll probably spend most of the weekend cooking for 5000 then dozing on the sofa! I know I won't be able to visit here very often because I don't like people looking over my shoulder when I'm posting and, the last time these particular visitors came, they did just that! No peace for the wicked, is there? Still, at least it is a long weekend off work! Weather forecast is really good for the next few days - they've promised 17 degrees today - can't remember another spring like this! Just as well 'cos I've got loads of washing today!

    I've just noticed - it's daylight at last! I made it through a very long night!

    Have a good day


    Kathy :beer: :j :easter: :EasterBun :easter_ba :hello:

    Squares: 11, Animal blankets: 2
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Good morning everyone,

    Csarina - hope things go well at the council office today xxx

    Its my last day of wok today - and then i have a whole weel off HURRAH!!!!
    Actually, ive only got one LO here today so should be quite a nice day - going to be colouring easter pictures and maybe making ornflake cakes with chocolate eggs on top - that will prob go down well with my 2 as well!!! Need to make some bread rolls in the BM, and might also make a cake - DS has a football tournement on Sunday (wonderful timing - NOT) so i want to make sure we have some 'buffet' type foods here for a picnic, as the food is really expensive at that sort of thing.
    Not much else planned for today, a frend was going to come over with her children (2 of her own, plus her 2 step children) but apparently 3 of them were sick last night, so think they will be staying away!!!! So just the normal cleaning for me then.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day,
    Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • AMIE399
    AMIE399 Posts: 1,372 Forumite
    he he he lol !!! mioliere.. are you my twin !!!!! thats just what i do.. all my work is done at some unearthly silly time in the night !!!!!! then im shattered later... still it gives us time to come on here !!! my oh thinks im bonkers too ! ( doesnt say that when he munching hm cakes ect in his lunchbox though ! ) good luck with all your guests, pop on and chat to us when you can x x x

    well im still awake, ill be off to work in a hour, cant do anything else here at the mo.. in case it wakes up the kids...

    done the lemon juice on my hands last night... boy oh boy does that hurt.. but it works.. they are not so rough and they smell nice. going to get the almond oil today, i put on a bit of baby oil last night, but it stung as well

    well off to have yet another dose of strong caffeine

    Loraine x x
    slimmimg world weight loss 6lbs
    started 27/1/10
  • comping_cat
    comping_cat Posts: 24,006 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Janb5 - just read last nights thread - good luck to your DS - we love X Factor, and will be lovely if we 'virtually' know someone on it!!!!

    Aimee and mioliere - i also have problems sleeping (a bit like Crazychik as well) where i wake every hour, the doctor prescribed me tablets for a few days, which gave me about 3 - 4 hours sleep, but didnt want me on them for long, so they helped for a little while, but now im back to my waking, im used to it now tho, its just every now and again i feel i really need some sleep, and thats when i pop back to the doctors, i suppose thats every 6 months or so - its amazing what your body gets used to!!!!
  • taplady
    taplady Posts: 7,184 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post

    sorry about those having trouble sleeping!
    Am up to take DS to catch his bus or I would still be in bed!;)

    Day off today!:j lots of jobs to catch up on as I'm going out tomorrow to visit my best friend who moved away and havent seen since November!:D

    Have a lovely day all, I expect I'll be back later

    Take care xx
    Do what you love :happyhear
  • reverie
    reverie Posts: 427 Forumite
    Morning all :wave:

    Hugs to anyone who can't sleep. It's so horrid. I just keep jumping out of bed at 6.30 now I don't have to go to work, funny, I was never able to do that when I had to slog into the office an hour later :confused: murphys law I think :)

    We went to view that house yesterday, it was lovely but not good enough to prompt the upheaval. Fun being nosey too though :D Am going to look at 2 others which are not big enough but we could extend and decide whether to stay here and do the work or move and do work. If they are not right, am going to stop looking and crack on with here.

    Tonight we are off to the seaside for Easter. We are going to be in the car for 3 hours tonight so am going to make a quiche, the infamous raspberry muffins, some biscuits and probably something else savory for a car picnic on the way.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Just off to make packed lunch, back in a bit x x x
  • Pink.
    Pink. Posts: 17,675 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Good morning all.

    AIME and Mioliere, sorry to hear you both had a bad night.
    Catowen, enjoy your week off.
    Reverie, Have a lovely time at the seaside.
    Aussie, I hope your Auntie J is feeling a bit better.

    I was wakened early by the cat again this morning. I don't think she's got the hang of the hour going forward yet and still expects us to all to get up at 7am which is now 6am.

    It's another glorious morning here so I want to get the grass cut and then I'm off to Homestart. The breadmaker's on but I have no washing to do today. With all this lovely weather, it's up to date. I'm planning to get the kids to do a bit of a room tidy today so no doubt rather than hang it up they'll bung it in the wash, which means I'll have plenty to do tomorrow.

    I have no idea what to do for tea tonight. I had planned a casserole but the weather's too warm for that at the moment so I mustn't forget to go and have a rummage through the freezer soon because I'm working tonight and need to be organised.

    Ok, better go and make a start. Actually maybe I'll have just have another coffee first. :D

    Have a good day everyone.

  • charlies_mum
    charlies_mum Posts: 8,118 Forumite
    Name Dropper Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    Morning all :wave:

    REally foggy here this morning, I'm hoping it is a heat haze :D

    Not sure what to do today, I might put the WM on if the sun comes out, and plant some more seeds, the ones I planted last week have started to grow and it is ridiculous how excited I am :rotfl:

    Aldi shopping today as tomorrow is a bank holiday , and I might nip into Lidl to have a look at their under-cupboard TV they have on offer - Mind you, I will give buying it a lot more thought than I would have done before discovering MSE :)

    Have a good day everyone x
    You're only young once, but you can be immature forever :D
  • dlb
    dlb Posts: 2,488 Forumite
    Morning all.
    Hugs to everyone (((((((((())))))))))))
    Well not a good night here either, ds3 kept waking up, was having nightmares, so i ended up in his bed for a few hours until he fell back to sleep.
    DD got me up just as early as normal lol.
    Plans for today, clean and tidy, clean kitchen floor ( its disgusting!!) and clear the ironing basket.
    FIL is coming again today so not looking forward to that, told him dh is off work as of tommorow but no hes coming today to do my head in!!!!!
    Sun is shinning so may wash the kids bedding today and get on the line, also need to look at buget as our tax credits gone in early so need to make sure everything paid. Including kids spending money, this saturday is when ds1 (11) if off to his first footy match on his own with 2 of his friends!!!!!!!!!!! Its only just up the road but getting worked up about it already!!LOL.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Proud to be DEBT FREE AT LAST
  • hilstep2000
    hilstep2000 Posts: 3,089 Forumite
    Mornin all!
    Must be an MSEr's illness, I've been awake on and off since 4.30 too!:eek:

    Going to see my Goddaughters this morning, then on to the Post Office to pick up DS's new Rope Lights for his bedroom. DD moved out on Saturday, and he moved into her room before they'd finished getting the boxes out!:rotfl:
    Trying to decide tonight's dinner. Been a bit lazy with my meal plans recently. Just got Martins two books. Gave "The Money Diet" to DD, and couldn't put down the other one!:T Even tho I use this board a lot it was such a good read, and there were things I hadn't read before. Going to buy more copies for friends.:money:
    My left leg is playing up today. Gone really "wooden" B****y MS, drives me nuts!:rotfl:
    Oh well, have a ggod day folks!
    I Believe in saving money!!!:T
    A Bargain is only a bargain if you need it!

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