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Cheap Car Insurance Article Discussion



  • Recently been told that just getting a car insurance quote affects your credit rating. Anyone know how true this is?
  • @ nocando - They do this to take as much money from you as possible. Here's a little tip, when you get the renewal quote, get a quote with the same details except use other personal details, Use the name Joe Bloggs and use an old email address, remember this is just a quote. If the quote is good then cancel your current policy and buy the new one with YOUR details. This is excellent if you have maximum no claims otherwise you may not get an extra years no claim as the policy ended before the renewal date.

    This is a little advice and something to look into!!
  • [FONT=&quot]If you have your vehicle insured you can get an accident compensation claim to the highest standards.

    For more visit: [/FONT]
  • Good to know
  • I have been a loyal customer for a few years and I have to laugh at the new slogan bringing down the price of motoring (swinton), my car insurance has done nothing but go up with you over the last 3 years or so to the extent it hit £90 a month!! For my renewal for 3rd party! Which I thought was a little high so I looked at a few other companies and I was shocked with what I found!! £30 a month fully comp!! So I called my local branch to see what was going on and oh we can give you a deal to bring it down!! REALY I said why wasn't I offered that in the first place, I was shocked with what I was told.. We are a business trying to make a profit!! So I was actually paying for someone else to have cheaper!! there is no money to be saved by being loyal!
  • cydone wrote: »
    I have been a loyal customer for a few years and I have to laugh at the new slogan bringing down the price of motoring (swinton), my car insurance has done nothing but go up with you over the last 3 years or so to the extent it hit £90 a month!! For my renewal for 3rd party! Which I thought was a little high so I looked at a few other companies and I was shocked with what I found!! £30 a month fully comp!! So I called my local branch to see what was going on and oh we can give you a deal to bring it down!! REALY I said why wasn't I offered that in the first place, I was shocked with what I was told.. We are a business trying to make a profit!! So I was actually paying for someone else to have cheaper!! there is no money to be saved by being loyal!
    Reply from swinton

    Dear Mr

    I am writing in relation to your recent email sent via our Facebook feedback page. You have advised that you are unhappy with the renewal price offered by your branch and also that when you advised you had received a cheaper quotation, they offered to reduce your quote.

    I have looked into your concerns raised and can confirm the following:

    · Swinton are not your insurer and we act as an intermediary between yourself and your insurer.
    · Swinton will quote the premium that your insurer has offered for the forthcoming year which will include our commission.
    · Where we deem necessary the branch network do have facility to reduce our commission earned on a policy and offer this as a discount to the customer, this being the case in your particular situation.

    Based on my review I am unable to uphold your complaint as the branch concerned have acted accordingly and inline with our business processes. I am sorry if you disagree with our processes, however insurance is an open market and we do not claim that we will always be able to provide you with the cheapest quote.

    From viewing your records I can now see that your insurance has now lapsed, is there anything further that you require at this stage.

    Yours sincerely..

    so there you go.. never ever accept your renewal..
  • cydone wrote: »
    I have been a loyal customer for a few years and I have to laugh at the new slogan bringing down the price of motoring (swinton), my car insurance has done nothing but go up with you over the last 3 years or so to the extent it hit £90 a month!! For my renewal for 3rd party! Which I thought was a little high so I looked at a few other companies and I was shocked with what I found!! £30 a month fully comp!! So I called my local branch to see what was going on and oh we can give you a deal to bring it down!! REALY I said why wasn't I offered that in the first place, I was shocked with what I was told.. We are a business trying to make a profit!! So I was actually paying for someone else to have cheaper!! there is no money to be saved by being loyal!
    Exactly the point that Martin and his team make on this site many times a year! The firms will only offer you deals if it is their interest to do so. As so many customers simply renew without checking, either through lack of knowledge or apathy, they have no incentive to change. It makes them much more money to fleece loyal customers than to offer them incentives. I sometimes renew with the same firm, but usually approach them as a new customer via the price comparison websites and/or cashback sites.

    That's also why so many people are still on their original electricity supplier so many years after privatisation...

    "You may have speed, but I have momentum"
  • fc223
    fc223 Posts: 4 Newbie
    Home Insurance Hacker!
    As usual, the advice from MSE is fantastic. Just one thing that might be useful - a tool to search for best car insurance deals for those of us *cough* over 25 *cough cough* (30) who have only just passed our test in the last year.

    My first (and cheapest, believe it or not!) policy was just over £1k. Shocking.
  • boatman
    boatman Posts: 4,699 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    roystonpy wrote: »
    Yesterday I tried out all the usual comparison sites and consistently got the the same firms for car insurance.

    Most of which offered the same price with a£350 voluntary excess and £400 compulsary.

    I then went to Tesco

    They offered a very different set of companies one of the best was Lloyds Bank at £201 fully comp including free fully comp in Europe too which was on my list of must haves.

    Plus £0 voluntary excess and £350 compulsary

    It was over £130 less than the best of the rest from the other comparison sites

    My Tesco quote as £2400, all the others have been £350-400!!! Go figure!
  • boatman wrote: »
    My Tesco quote as £2400, all the others have been £350-400!!! Go figure!
    Not quite as bad as my £21,000 Te$co quote in post 171, but still impressive...;)

    "You may have speed, but I have momentum"
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