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No T Words mentioned at all - a fresh start



  • KATE super news, congratulations on a new and permanent job and on all your hard work indoors to make your home 'HOME!!!' it sounds lovely. So pleased for you love, well done, Lyn xxx.
  • FTM - sounds like you have all really been through the wringer:( I've always found irn-bru (full fat) to be great for dehydration however not sure how easy it is to come by south of the border (or if anyone other than us hardy Scots would even want to drink it!). I guess full fat coke should do the same job.

    Kate - congratulations, that's great news:)

    Candlelight- I'm very envious - I soooo would like a butlers pantry. Something like this is what I have in mind:D Won't hold my breath though!

    I'm on a mission at the moment to do some drastic clearing out. I'm being very ruthless however I have a purpose. I'm intent on filling a few bags for the local charity shops with things which I think may sell well as Christmas gifts. So far I've located 8 assorted photo frames - all very nice but there is a limit to how many I need, 2 ceramic ring holders (still boxed), a gents lambswool scarf (boxed), some still sealed DVD's and CD's and 3 yankee candles unopened.
    Hopefully they should be useful and I'll feel better than I'm no longer hoarding things others could use.
    I do need to venture into the loft and rake out some books to take also.

    We've had dreadful flooding up here, with more forecast for overnight so I'm beginning to think I won't be gardening much this weekend. Hubby says that's fine and I can tidy the garage instead. I think it's time for me to find some other jobs for my to do list. . I've just remembered the clocks go back this weekend and that's traditionally when I make the first cake.

    Hmmmm - off to consider what else I can get up to so I'm way too busy for the garage clean out!
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Good luck with the list SM!

    We're off on a funghi foray on Sunday, must remember the clocks go back and not turn up an hour early!

    We've got a free trial of ocado smartpass for 3 months so going to try a fortnightly shop from them using special offers with no "quick trips" to the supermarkets which cost £20 a time. Will do a monthly @ldi and L1dl shop for the things I get from them and a monthly trip to farm shops (2 we go to) for meat.

    I need to get my food budget under control and sort out my larder so I actually know what I have to use rather than just buying it on the off-chance I am running low!
  • Hello back and feel much much better..had to go to out of hours in the end..i was very ill over weekend..thankfully they gave me some intravenous fluids and strict orders to rest,then sent me home after 4 hours...bit hard to do but my legs won't work very well at the moment...feel like jelly..seems this bug got its self quite comfortable in my stomach and wasn't going to come some medicine and feel much more human not a zombie. I just thank my lucky stars it was me and not the girlies..
    Thank you all for the tips on drinks..coca cola and irn bru..wonderful..will let hubby know so i can have some..

    Katie..o congratulations on the job..well done..and your decorating sounds wonderful..i do so love it..and the dresser sounds perfect.
    SM..good luck with your clearing out..i am sure a lot of folks will be buying stuff from charity shops this year for gifts..yours sounds like a good haul for anyone..

    MLW..hey how are you and docky?
    Well quick update..hubby loves his new job..its such a nice place..everyone has been really friendly..he is so relaxed and happy when he comes home..he can go for a tea break when he wants and as long as the jobs are done he can pretty much do them how he order to them..he is enjoying it..bless him..seems to have his zest back..
    I have had seed catalogues arriving daily for the allotment..he is really looking like his old self again..
    Right got to go..
    take care all
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • Hi FTM we're all fine thank you poor old you though, that is not nice at all to be so poorly they have to give you intravenous fluids, horrid bug, hope the littlies are both OK now and not still poorly? So pleased for your DH, it must be such a relief to actually go to work somewhere you enjoy being rather than having to drag yourself into purgatory every day, that really is good news. Look after yourself pet, don't try to do too much at a time, short bursts and long rests eh? Love Lyn xxx.
  • katep23
    katep23 Posts: 1,406 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    FTM, sounds like you've been through it recently. Not easy for you I know but lots of rest. Glad hubby is enjoying his new role, it sounds like it really was the right move for you both!

    OH is out tonight so making lentil dahl for myself (he's not a fan). Had beef casserole yesterday done in the pressure cooker, was lovely (and only two pots to wash up :D). I love autumn and winter cooking!

    Got a load of washing dried on the line today so that's good.

    MrsL, make sure you take care next week, sounds like the storm they're predicting in the south and particularly on the coast will be pretty bad.

    Would love to be in my pj's right now but got to pick OH up from the train station about 10.00 tonight so no chance.

    Interesting reading on the prep forum though regarding washing; I am definitely going to try wearing clothes for longer. I try to wear trousers and jeans several times between washes but I still do 5 loads a week for only 2 of us so I reckon we can get that right down.

    Have switched electricity suppliers this week as with BG (oil CH so elec only); had an email from new supplier so need to read that and see what to do next. We have fixed for 15 months and it should save £40 a year on current BG tariff so definitely a good deal.

    SM, hope you have your to do list sorted ;)
  • Just caught the weather forecast for the weekend - it looks like we will have to batten down the hatches against some very windy and stormy weather.

    Looks like Autumn is over & Winter is going to arrive with a rush and a roar! As the temperature is steadily dropping, its time to pack away my summer clothes and shoes to create some room for jumpers and fleeces.

    Still holding off putting the heating on except the weekends when DD2 is home from uni but its getting hard to get out of bed in the mornings.

    The slow cooker will be in daily use from now on :)

    Wrap up warm everyone and stay safe in the storms :D
    :heartpuls The best things in life aren't things :heartpuls

    2017 Grocery challenge £110.00 per week/ £5720 a year

  • We're all prepared KATE I've water in containers in the storeroom which is upstairs, I've checked the gas bottles for the stove and we're OK there too and I've made sure the solar lamps are charged and keeping that way. I'm going to do some cooking tomorrow and make things that are good to eat cold as well as hot and the garden is battened down and hopefully free from things that could 'fly' in the wind. My main worry is that DD1 is taking a party of kids on a trip to Paris and the train leaves at 5.45 am, thank heavens they aren't using the ferry this time, I think it would be a very rough journey if they sail at all. Add to that that He Who Knows is going up to supervise some building work on her house while she is away and planning to drive on Monday afternoon and my concerns about the storm are not as big as my concerns about those two!!! I think my Monday afternoon dog walk could be interesting too, tell you all about it afterwards, you all stay safe too, Love Lyn xxx.
  • flowertotmum
    flowertotmum Posts: 1,043 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    Morning all...blimey its raining buckets here..the whole family were woken up by it..all done and dusted with breakfast and jobs by half 8...i think we are having a dvd day and board games today...
    I have just heard the weather..crikey..this afternoon we will be sorting garden and making sure things are safe and won't get blown about.

    MLW..what brilliant ideas for bad weather..will store some water and charge up my batteries and have some meals ready to eat hot or cold.
    I can understand your concerns about your OH and DD travelling in awful weather..will keep fingers crossed they travel safely.
    I am thinking dog walking will be very interesting..bit least Docky is big enough to withstand a gust of wind..poor Jack gets blown around..he is so funny..he has decided he is big enough to try and jump the pond..he seriously wet dripping shivering dog..complete with pond weed stuck on his head ended up on the doorstep...i couldn't help but laugh..simon has now put up a gate to keep him at top end of the garden..
    I have had to buy a new rucksack for simon for work..his old one broke yesterday..i tried to fix it but its about 7 years old..i got him a nice one from e*ay...
    We are having a NS week next week..
    I have to finish some knitting and i have some lovely jars put to one side for christmas presents for the older girls..and i am making some clothes for the girls dollies..bit fiddly as they are so small..but i will get there..
    Where is candlelight?..hope she is ok?
    going to have a coffee..
    take care all
    Be who you are, not what the world expects you to be..:smileyhea

    :jDebt free and loving it.
  • FTM one of our previous border terriers found out about water the hard way too. We were on holiday in Sussex and on a farm and had him out for a walk one morning when he was quite a young dog and took him across the fields for a run. Bordering one of the fields was a fairly substantial ditch full of water but covered with duckweed so it looked bright green like the grass and solid.....which was his first mistake, he learned to swim pretty quickly that day too poor old fella, but the swamp monster that emerged as you say, covered in duckweed, slime and mud was so very funny to see!!!!!!! He had his first bath that day too and I'm assured doggy style that ditches are funnnnnn but bathies are notttttt!!!!!
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