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Packed lunch low fat food


I'm sorry if this sort of thing has been asked before but I couldn't see anything. I have decided to bite the bullet and try to do weight watchers again (although being a Money saver I won't actually be going to the meetings - just doing it on my own with the information I already have and my weight watchers calculator). The problem I have is lunch times. I tend to bring a sandwich to work for my lunch which I don't find very filling so then I end up going for other things that people bring into the office. What I need is a recipe for a low fat meal that is filling that can be eaten cold or can be heated up in the microwave and still tastes nice. I am thinking something with noodles or rice but any suggestions at all would be appreciated. I go through phases where I will try to bring pasta and salad but that lasts for about a week until I find myself too tired (or lazy) one evening to prepare the salad and so end up going back to sandwiches so something that I could make in bulk on a weekend and then freeze would also be good. Does anyone have any suggestions. Obviously if it can be inexpensive then thats great but I suppose I should be willing to pay out a little more if it benefits my health.


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  • LydiaSophia
    Jacket potato with baked beans.

    Pitta bread with sardines, red onion and tomatoe.

    pasta with a home made tomatoe sauce.

    Home made soup with a bread roll.

    vege casserole.

    Loads and loads of stuff you could make!

    Good luck

    :T :beer:
  • reverie
    reverie Posts: 427 Forumite
    Homemade soup? Or low fat stews/casseroles are nice in the winter. Left overs from dinner the night before?
  • mumoftwo
    mumoftwo Posts: 1,903 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    lentil soup, very filling low in points. Are doing WW points or No Count? If on no count you can eat until you are comfortably full and don't need to be hungry. I take plain yogurt and put in some frozen blueberies, by lunch time the berries have defrosted and kept the yoghurt cold.

    bake a potato in microwave night before (you can freeze them as well, so I read on here somewhere) make tuna salad or cous cous salad, brown rice salad, grains are very filling.
  • taliwillow

    I plan on doing WW Points. Whats 'No count'? I've never heard of that.

    Current Debt - [strike]£38000[/strike] [strike]£32000[/strike] [strike]£28500[/strike] [strike]£22000[/strike] [strike]£16000[/strike] [strike]£10000[/strike] [STRIKE]£1500[/STRIKE] £14000:eek:
  • mumoftwo
    mumoftwo Posts: 1,903 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    That is the "other" plan WW does, but it has changed it's name to Core as from January, You can eat freely from a list, no processed foods, lean meat, fish, beans, grains,(must be brown rice) tinned soup is allowed too, not cream ones, plain cereals, no bread but ryvita's are fine, low fat yoghurts, 3 meals a day, eat until you are full, not stuffed, in between meals only fruit or WW fruities.
    So you can have ie for your tea: homemade soup, potatoes, HM curry and a yoghurt with fruit as long as you are not stuffed! As well as that you have 21 points to do with what you want, like bread, alcohol or eating out. Look on the WW website and the Core forum there, a of people prefer it because you are not constantly counting and obsessing over food. Oh and you are allowed skimmed milk as well.
  • overlykeensaver
    not sure about WW points, but how about couscous (takes minutes as you just pour boiling water over it) with a little dressing and then some chopped veg - ie carrot, peppers, whatever you fancy?
  • squeaky
    squeaky Posts: 14,129 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
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  • moanymoany
    moanymoany Posts: 2,877 Forumite
    I like to cook couscous with a stock cube or yeast extract in the water - cool. Add anything e.g. value red beans, cooked mixed veg, chopped raw veg - carrots, cabbage, leftovers.

    Make a big batch and use it for two days. You can eat mountains of it and it is very low cal AND good for you

    Egg sandwiches. Make a thin omelet with an egg and slap it between two slices with salad cream, mayo, sauce, tomatoes. I make a three decker with three slices of bread and the sauce or whatever in the other gap.

    Tesco value noodles are pence a pack. I don't like the sachet flavours so use it as for couscous, nice hot or cold. They also cook well in the microwave. :D
  • angchris
    angchris Posts: 1,179 Forumite
    today i got my george forman grill out and i cooked chicken(pulled off a previousely cooked bird) and loads of sliced mushrooms on the grill and warmed a wholemeal pitta bread up for a few mins and it was delishhhhhhhh:j and not a spot of fat was in it! i liked it that much i think im gonna have the same tommorrow ;) im sure it could be precooked and warmed up in a micro as well so it might make a nice change for your lunch :D
    proper prior planning prevents p!$$ poor performance! :p
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    quote from an american indian.
  • Kerryc82
    Kerryc82 Posts: 115 Forumite
    Hi there - I am currently doing WW too = try this,

    Carrot & Coriandor Soup and it has 0 points!! I am going to make a big pan of it tonight, live off it this week and hopefully by Tuesday I will be Kate Moss, here goes: -
    Ingredients: 1 Onion finely chopped; low fat spray; 2tsp coriandor, 1tsp ground cumin, 750g carrots, 900ml veg stock, juice of 1/2 a lemon, 1x20g pack of coriandor
    Steps: (1) Fry onion in low fat spray and 2tbs water for 5 mins in pan. (2) Add spices and cook for 30secs. Stir in carrots followed by the stock. (3) Bring to boil and then simmer for 25 mins. (4) Add lemon juice and season to taste. (5) whizz this mixture in a blender and and add coriandor to the finished product (I dont have a blender so going to use my smoothie maker).
    Good luck! x

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