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OS Daily Tuesday 13th Sept



  • redruby
    redruby Posts: 7,317 Forumite
    Morning all,

    Bright and breezy here today, so have 2 small washes on the go, will get them both on the line.

    Did not get round to making my soup yesterday,so thats first on my list today, dd made the yorkshire yesterday using either sunnydays or sunnygirls nannas recipe ( cant remember which) and some free range eggs from my friend, it was huge :T actually touched the top of the oven, and was delish.

    Dinner tonight is pork chop mash and veg, I will put the chops on a low in the oven, and go and see my dad for an hour, will take him some soup.

    I am away with work for two days tomorrow, so need to pack for that, and get the other 2 organised for while I am away.

    Hester :Twow what an amazing amount of money :T how much did you sell ?

    Beth ouch poor you, at least you have a diagnosis now, and its nothing sinister xx

    Suzy, hope ypu start to feel better today xx

    Have good days all xx
  • Molly41
    Molly41 Posts: 4,919 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    betheebee wrote: »
    MOLLY, Who is Mooloo ?

    Hi Beth,
    I am pleased that your investigations have put your mind at rest x

    Mooloo has a longstanding thread (about 4 years i think)

    I realised that we live close to each other and she became my real life friend after we met up :T:T:T

    Im back from part 1 of my investigation and back for part 2 later x
    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. When it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    When the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  • Loulou2010
    Loulou2010 Posts: 13,245 Forumite
    morning all

    a very tired me today. i woke up about 2ish and then couldnt get back to sleep. i was non stop sneezing :o have a stinking cold :mad: then ds woke just after 4 screaming saying its dark, i'm scared. no amount of settling was getting him back to sleep in his bed. needless to say he didnt sleep the rest of the night in his bed. he's just nodded off on the sofa. would rather he slept now than later today. he wont even go in the bedroom now. thought by taking him in when its light he would see there isnt anything to be scared of by i cant even get him in the room for more than two mins. i dont want to reinforce that there is something to be scared of by not taking him in there but at the same time i dont want to make it worse. any ideas?? there is nothing in the room that i can see that would have scared him, he already had a nightlight on and a little torch... one prob after another with him at the momemnt! the joys of being 2 i guess!

    well apart from that doing washing today. we're away from fri til monday so need to get organised. need to do some baking too. i promised friends little boy some sultana cakes for when he gets home from school

    have a good day everyone
    "I have learnt that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one"
    "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
    Maya Angelou
  • NoahsPennilessMummy
    NoahsPennilessMummy Posts: 1,444 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited 13 September 2011 at 11:37AM
    Beth please write a strong complaints letter to the Chief Exec of your trust..that is just beyond disgraceful:mad:. You were very worried about that procedure and after our PMs you had decided to go for the sedation. They have taken away your choice and it is totally unacceptable that a patient is refused sedation simply because they have no beds...that isnt your problem. If there were no beds then they should have let you wait till a bed was doesnt usually take long till another person goes home after their sedation wears off. We had this situation often and that was how it was managed. I would never have let someone go through the test with no sedation if it wasnt what they wanted. Not surprised it was painful if they saw duodenitis as your GI tract would be sore and sensitive. I am glad it was nothing sinister. I know you are probably just relieved it is over but I urge you to write and complain as if people do not do that then nothing changes, you dont need to complain about the staff if they were good with you but complain about the situation that the hospital put you in x
    Thats my rant over :cool:
    Still windy today, birds didnt lay eggs yesterday as were put off by the wind. They didnt lay on Sunday either..they never do for some reason, must think it is their day off:rotfl:
    Am starting the pickling today, making runner bean spicy pickle.
    Also making some cookies for DS coming back from school
    Right better crack on..will check back later
  • betheebee
    betheebee Posts: 1,818 Forumite
    Molly41 wrote: »
    Hi Beth,
    I am pleased that your investigations have put your mind at rest x

    Mooloo has a longstanding thread (about 4 years i think)

    I realised that we live close to each other and she became my real life friend after we met up :T:T:T

    Im back from part 1 of my investigation and back for part 2 later x

    Oh right, I thought it was your M in Law and she was a bit of a Moo :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  • Bitsy_Beans
    Morning my lovelies :D

    Still a bit breezy here but sun has sort of been out. Need to get cracking and make a loaf, put the WM and start peeling lots and lots and lots of apples!!!
    DS didn't want to go to school this morning which didn't help my wee mindee who was already a bit clingy when her mum left. So ended up with a teary little girl and whingy DS. Hope they get over this hump of the second week back!!!

    Beth - am appalled at your treatment, complain, complain, complain. Glad it's OK thought xxx

    Lou - I would go for little and often maybe. Just keep relaxed about it and hopefully he'll calm down.

    Hugs and spoons all round. Had better get a move on or I'll be on here all mornng :o
    I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it'll be with a knife :D Louise Brooks
    All will be well in the end. If it's not well, it's not the end.
    Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars
  • betheebee
    betheebee Posts: 1,818 Forumite
    edited 13 September 2011 at 10:28AM
    BUTTERFLY, I was so worried and nervous I just couldn't have gone through waiting for yet another app, seeing as this was an emergency one. Didn't feel strong enough to punch anyone. :(

    NPM, I never thought about sending a letter, you're right it was deplorable and needs to be reported. The nurses, I had 2 beside me when the opp was being done, were wonderfull :A telling me how good I was doing, telling me my oxygen count and kept saying it wont be much longer etc, I could see by the look on their faces they knew how much pain I was in, especially when the biops were taken, I felt everything. Afterwards they said they were suprised I didn't put up a struggle, tbh I couldn't move as the pain would have been excrutiating. So glad it's all over now, although having said that I will be sent a follow up app. Thanks for all your help you're also an :A
    Thanks Bitsy. x
  • JulieGeorgiana
    :dance: My mum asked me to collect a chair she won off ebay, a lovely wooden sliding rocking chair, and told me it was for me and the baby!!! OMG it's just so NICE! She isn't normally this generous, but it's exactly the type of chair my DH and I have been keeping our eye out for at the charity shops... :dance:

    _party_ And My Bread Machine arrived today...! I am just so excited!!!! I am going to add 'Make Bread to my to do list for today!!!! _party_
    We spend money we don't have, on things that we don't need, to impress people we don't like. I don't and I'm happy!
    :dance: Mortgage Free Wannabe :dance:
    Overpayments Made: £5400 - Interest Saved: £11,550 - Months Saved: 24
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    I can't believe I've made it to the first page, although knowing my luck by the time I've finished several others will have posted and I'll be relegated to page 2.

    Beth: Everyone is right, COMPLAIN. It's just not on to treat patients like this. So glad there is nothing sinister going on.

    JulieG: Ahem.........dusting radiators and door frames? Does it show then? My sainted Mother had a way with radiators, she sprayed them with polish and reckoned callers would smell the polish and not bother to look and see if it had been used appropriately. I learned a lot about housework from my Mum, Beds were never unmade they were 'airing', Washing and washing up was never just sitting neglected in bowls of water, they were 'soaking'. Flylady was a rude shock to me. Strangely Mum's house always seemed immaculate, I now wonder if it was just her labour-saving dodges and mind-games that made it appear so.
    Good luck with the BM and green envy for the rocking chair.

    LOU: I think this is a stage that most toddlers go through. My DS1 was convinced that there were lions in his bedroom. Found out later that he heard the wind howling down the chimney - it was an old house. I got over that with a special wand we made that he had to wave and say loudly,"You can't come in".

    Today I have WM on, already a pile of ironing to do. Meal today will be jacket poatoes with the bolognese sauce I made in the SC yesterday - my debut attempt with it.
    Now let's see what page I am on.
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • monnagran
    monnagran Posts: 5,284 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Combo Breaker
    whoo hoo! Made it
    I believe that friends are quiet angels
    Who lift us to our feet when our wings
    Have trouble remembering how to fly.
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