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Someone give me a shake please

Life has not turned out how I thought it would, does anyone else feel like this?

Coming up to a year ago my boyfriend of four years dumped me completely out of the blue, landing me back in my old room at my mum's house. I was totally lost and gutted but I did make the effort not to mope by trying to get myself out and about at night classes and so on.

Then after a few weeks he said he'd made a huge mistake and it looked as though we would get back together for a while, although he was depressed and working through some issues, we were in contact and it seemed promising. But a few months ago that all came crashing down, seems he was right about his feelings the first time and doesn't want me after all. That was about three months ago and since then I've been feeling just awful, can't sleep, on the verge of tears all the time, heart going like the clappers... I didn't tell anyone that we were trying to work things out, and so because during that time I was feeling quite positive, everyone must think I'm over him by now but actually I feel worse than I think I did at first.

The worst part is that I'm 30 and all around me it feels like my friends lives are falling into place. Every other week at the moment there's news of another wedding, engagement, pregnancy, scan or birth, house purchase or promotion ... I feel like I've been left behind in life! I'm finding it harder and harder to be happy for other people when it just never seems to happen for me (it's not just this issue, my whole life it's been me with the cloud of bad luck over my head ... someone's parents are getting divorced, that'll be mine. Somone's Dad's died, that'll be mine... I was on my own a long time before I met my boyfriend and I thought he was my happy ending to it all)

I hate the way that sounds, it's so self pitying and self indulgent and the last thing I want is to turn into a bitter old spinster, so I plaster a smile on and get out and about a join in with things, but I'm getting no enjoyment from them because I know I'm only doing them to make myself feel as though I am actually doing something with my time!

I hate that I'm constantly having to try and put real effort into being happy, whereas it just seems to come so easily to other people with their perfect lives. It's not fair, why me?- this is what I'm wailing to myself in my head a lot at the moment. And I know "Life's not fair" but that doesn't make me feel any better. I try to think of the phrase "I was upset because I had no shoes but then I met a man with no feet" - I know there are people much worse off than I am, but unfortunately the people I'm actually surrounded by are much better off than me and I feel such a failure in life.

Sorry for the long rant, I have no-one really to talk to so it's spilled out here. I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who feels like this, or who has in the past and managed to deal with it...


  • savingmummy
    savingmummy Posts: 2,915 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud!
    You know 30 isn`t old, some don`t start thier lives til mid 30`s nowadays.
    It always feels like your `left behind` but i can assure your not. Things always magnify when your feeling down or a bit lost in life.

    My father was 35 and had never had a girlfriend. ALL his friends were married and had children, his twin brother was married with 2 boys and he was still at home with his mum!!
    6 months on he was married to my mum and they were expecting me :) HUGE FAST turnaround! He still comments how he can`t believe it all happened he thought he would always be the loner that he once felt.

    You may be feeling low, down and feeling left behind but in 12 months time you could be in another relationship even married! Get out there and enjoy yourself life is really too short to be worrying about what might not happen.
    DebtFree FEB 2010!
    Slight blip in 2013 - Debtfree Aug 2014 :j

    Savings £132/£1000.
  • nearlyrich
    nearlyrich Posts: 13,698 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Hung up my suit!
    You are not a failure you have the rest of your life to get it right, I am nearly 50 have a great life but at 28 I had 2 babies a !!!!less ex who didn't believe he needed to take responsibility for his children, no job a car that was fit for the scrapyard etc etc.MY life has not been without it's challenges,most people have problems and losses, my dad died before I met my now DH at just 55, I have had my share of job stress etc.

    If you think about what you want and make a plan to make it happen you might be surprised at what you can acheive.

    You are allowed to have a pity party tonight but tomorrow is the frst day of the rest of your life good luck x
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  • j.e.j.
    j.e.j. Posts: 9,672 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    you're not alone, earlgrey81..
    and 30 isn't old! :D

    It might feel like everyone around you has a 'perfect' life, and/or are doing all the things people 'should' be doing but who knows? You can only lead your OWN life. Try to see or do things differently if you're not happy.
  • *max*
    *max* Posts: 3,208 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    You definitely aren't alone Earlgrey81, trust me! ;) And I'm even more ancient; coming on 34...:eek:
    It's gonna be alright. It is. x
  • happy35
    happy35 Posts: 1,616 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    30 isnt old, some of my friends were single at 30 and a few years later most are either married or living with partners.

    Some have children and some dont mostly through choice.

    When a relationship ends it is very devastating but time will heal this, try and do things to make you feel good

    Being single at 30 definitely doesnt make you a failure
  • nearlyrich
    nearlyrich Posts: 13,698 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Hung up my suit!
    Actually thinking about it my sister was 36 when she met her DH, married the next year and had her son the year after that, she thought she had missed the chance to be a Mum..
    Free impartial debt advice from: National Debtline or Stepchange[/CENTER]
  • Make-it-3
    Make-it-3 Posts: 1,661 Forumite
    Who knows what's round the corner, could be better, could be worse. But for now I think you need to find an outlet so you can honestly open up about how you feel about the relationship breakup. By putting on a brave face you are just papering over the cracks. Being able to express all of those things will help you to move on. Friend, family member or if you feel you can't do that maybe some professional help.
    We Made-it-3 on 28/01/11 with birth of our gorgeous DD.
  • BillTrac
    BillTrac Posts: 1,869 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Crikey I am 54 and newly 'single' What hope is there for me if you give up at 30...:rotfl:

    Come on, don't give up already.
  • bluebeary
    bluebeary Posts: 7,904 Forumite
    30 is just the start of your life, its when you find out who you really are, what you really like and what you really think, everything before that is utter garbage !

    i met my partner at 29 and my thirties have been the best time of my life, lots of people dont even consider serious relationships till their 30s/40s and beyond anyway these days, its fun to start over, this is a very exciting time for you

    career wise, friendship wise, companionship wise, get out there and start living !
  • zaksmum
    zaksmum Posts: 5,529 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    My daughter married after 8 years together, lost their first baby then found out a week later that hubby had got a married woman pregnant behind her back.

    He walked out to be with the other woman after 7 months of marriage. She was 27 and devastated, and I was worried sick about her.

    She met another guy a few months later and discovered how a man should treat a woman he claims to love.

    Four years later she has a little boy with him and they live together. She has never been happier.

    So, EarlGrey81, just remember, every step away from a man who treats you badly is a step nearer to the one you're meant to be with.

    The prettiest thing you can wear is a smile, so keep that smile firmly in place, get your head up and get out there. You're well rid of your ex...and you WILL be happy again!
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