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My home is a mess



  • hart44
    hart44 Posts: 1,610 Forumite
    Thank you Helen and Cat for the nice welcome back :)
    Helen I keep meaning to update my blog but time is racing so fast at the moment and I can't get my head around being home in the evenings and that I could do it then and also chat here :o

    I hope everyone is doing ok and I hope to catch up with the new peps here :D

    I think Im sickening for something, I cleared my bedroom and cleaned all the dust :o I can get to my bed now :rotfl:

    I have done 2 loads of washing today too and I still have one more to do but that can wait till tomorrow :D :rotfl:
    Getting myself sorted 1 day/1thing at a time :) and Love sewing :)
    "Sewing fills my days,
    not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
    ~ Author Unknown
  • Cat501
    Cat501 Posts: 1,195 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    Cat, now that you've had your coffee get a roasting tin out shove veg onto it, sprinkle with oil and seasoning and bung in the oven lol, I've no idea what i'm talking about by the way

    Been to MrT for some bits, got birthday cake and other stuff

    Car is playing up so if you hear lots of swearing tomorrow morning it'll be DH with his head under the bonnet!!

    Helen x

    That's exactly what I did! :) Roasted veg stew - verdict - could do better - and sweet potato/sweetcorn fritters - verdict - really nice! :) DD2 didn't like any of it though:(

    Glad your'e better jps:) xx

    oh no jacci! :( you're not having much luck hun :( xx

    bearcub, the build up of stuff was probably far worse than you imagine:rotfl:
  • jpscloud
    jpscloud Posts: 1,465 Forumite
    Hart sorry - it's great to see you back! Thought you'd gone to the great dust bunny in the sky for a bit there! I worked permanent nights for over a year and can't believe how it completely took over my life (actually stopped my life in its tracks).

    Lates/Evenings are better I suppose but still keep you out at a time when most folks are snuggled up at home - and somehow the days seemed to me to be just a kind of "limbo" waiting to go to work.

    When I stopped working nights I was like a mole coming up into daylight for the first time in ages. I revelled in being able to be "normal" and not have to set out when seemingly everyone else is just getting settled in for the night.
    I believe in the freedom of spinach and the right to arm bears.

    Weight loss journey started January 2015
  • laurel7172
    laurel7172 Posts: 2,071 Forumite
    Hi all :)

    Glad to see you back, Hart, and that you're feeling better jps. Take care, Jacci-bodies are funny things and yours might be telling you to REST.

    Oh dear. I was trying to put away my Lidl breadmaker (which is quite good at jam but rubbish at baking bread) into the back of the deep dark cupboard in the corner until jam season, and found an old lunchbox full of cookie cutters. Well, cookie cutters go in the spice and ice cupboard, but I didn't really want a Tracy Beaker coolbag stuffed in there. I've just tidied it up :o. So I needed a Tupperware (or cheap version thereof :D) box to transfer them into. With a lid. Preferably its own :rotfl:The next thing I knew, I was knee deep in every piece of storage plastic in the house, plus the contents of the deep dark corner cupboard, and DD was opening and closing her mouth in horror: she has a half day tomorrow, and...cough...sixteen of her "closest" friends coming over.

    I have been utterly ruthless. I had to be. I binned everything that arrived in the house with food in it, and everything without a lid. And a couple of dozen lids without containers. I have about six(!) small boxes left, and I've filled a huge box with the rejects. Twice.

    And suddenly, there's *space* in the drawer...and the half a shelf that took the overflow was the perfect place to tuck the first aid basket, which has been homeless since I tidied up the spices.:T

    But it's a good job DD is too young to go grey :p
    import this
  • Hart - Lovely to hear from you again! Sounds like you`ve become a `FlyMessy`, but it`s great to hear you sounding so happy about having your evenings back, Bless you! (My OH is happily adjusting to Days again after a month of nights. I`m happily adjusting to what we laughingly call `normality` too!)
    Helen - glad you`re feeling better, had wondered where you`d got to!

    And has anybody heard from GreyQueen lately? I`ve missed her around here.GQ, hope all`s well with you.

    Jacci - Big ((HUGS)) to you. Back could be playing up if you`ve been lozzocking around in wrong positions due to the arm pain. Doesn`t seem fair! Also, when you DO get moving, do beware of trying to do things `one-sided` to spare the arm, as it puts uneven stresses on your back.
    JPS - re the veg thing - it happens here sometimes...but do still I always feel guilty if I have to chuck stuff out, so sometimes, my shifts permitting, I`ll still cook up stuff we won`t use, zap it into a puree & drop it off at DD`s. Her chap is being househubby with 4 kids while she`s in college, so he`s always glad of deliveries like this. (then I get DD ringing me at work asking for the recipe so `he` can make `that soup thing` again! Half the time I can`t even remember what it was!) Most veggie waste here isn`t CBA, to be fair, it`s eyes bigger than belly & Daft shift patterns!
    Cat - glad to hear your DS seems ok, but do watch this one closely. That`s just it with kids, they have these situations that sometimes just seem to resolve naturally, and sometimes they don`t. Keep fingers crossed, but be wary & watchful -and ready to take action if need be.
    Laurel - I envy your motivation to sort things like this...I just tend to shove stuff in the caravan (which is now chocca, really, to the very gunnels!)
  • I`m still up & `alert`, head full & buzzing after a rather good late shift, my first day back after my week off.( Was SO chuffed, one particular patient doing SO well, the difference in just a week was so fantastic, and seeing the family so pleased too - I was there on day one, and being back today was brilliant. That`s job satisfaction. Doesn`t happen this good very often but when it does it really does!) I did the DGD school run this morning, then did an amazing 40 minutes worth of washing-up/veg-prep/flash-tidying/rubbish-collecting/poo-picking/log-fetching, heating was off & I suddenly felt cold & hungry so went back to bed just before 10 am with a cuppa & 2 rounds of ham & wholemeal sandwiches, I don`t normally `do` breakfast, but that knocked me out till mid-day! I should try this more often (tomorrow?) OH fed fairly promptly when I got home tonight, then off to bed (up at 6 am) but it`s so lovely that he`s HERE and asleep. I`ll creep off to bed now, try to have another lie-in to save my energy for another late shift.
    Probably liver & onion gravy tomorrow night. & CHIPS - if I peel spuds before I go to work. Sounds like a plan...
    Goodnight all, God Bless.xx
  • mcculloch29
    mcculloch29 Posts: 4,972 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler
    Hello again everyone, I keep meaning to pop in and keep forgetting. My great loss, what a lovely supportive bunch you are. Been working for hours on the pc today and yesterday but felt I had to have some relaxing me time, so came here.
    My place isn't looking too bad, I'm disabled and work from home as an e-tutor, which helps pay for a cleaner for a couple of hours a week. Kitchen and bathroom only, that's plenty for her to do!
    The cleaner's due later on, but yesterday - Sunday - my daughter popped over and blitzed around which was wonderful. The messy gene missed her, and she just gets me straight so easily.
    Seeing what some of you are coping with has me counting my blessings. Hugs and strength to those needing.
    Erma Bombeck, American writer: "If I had my life to live over again... I would have burned the pink candle, sculptured like a rose, that melted in storage." Don't keep things 'for best' - that day never comes. Use them and enjoy them now.
  • hart44
    hart44 Posts: 1,610 Forumite
    Good morning everyone :D

    I have been up since 5.45 :( I had a chicken in the slow cooker over night and the smell woke the pup up so Ive been trying not to trip over her while I sort the chicken and have a coffee :rotfl:

    I hate how I got stuck in a deep groove of sleep, work, run around after family and not had any time for myself.
    Hope that will change now.

    My DS is croaky so we keep calling him Kermit, it is driving him nuts :rotfl: (I know bad mum :rotfl:)

    Not sure what I will be up to today but it's flipping cold here :(

    I hope everyone is keeping warm and I will check back later when Im a bit more awake :D xx
    Getting myself sorted 1 day/1thing at a time :) and Love sewing :)
    "Sewing fills my days,
    not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
    ~ Author Unknown
  • Morning all

    Emm, must be great to have a job where you know you are making a difference. Even if it doesnt always feel that way!

    Welcome back Hart.

    I had a rubbish day yesterday, felt so tired and just bleugh, but for no reason really! I have hardly been out of the house for the last few days which probably doesnt help. We shovelled the snow off the drive yesterday so we can get the car out and I might go and get DS1 a new blind for his bedroom later on.

    OH is decorating for me, he cant work while there is snow on the ground. Trying not to worry about the fact that he is not earning anything, the fact that we are using loads of heating oil, never mind that we still havent got the insurance claim sorted out and oh we are still waiting to hear from hospital about DSs MRI scan! Will try and put all of these things out of my mind and do something productive today.

    Oh and Cat until my son became poorly I would have never believed how cruel lads can be. Hope it has all settled down now.

    Right its 8.45am and I am still in my pjs! Need to move and get something done.
  • Cat501
    Cat501 Posts: 1,195 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    YL that's just heartbreaking to hear :(:(:( I hope your boy doesn't get any hassle now??? And I really hope you get some positive news from the scan xxx (((hugs)))

    laurel - what IS it with tupperware? I don't think I've got one single box with a matching lid, what happens to them?? One of life's great mysteries!

    Again done nothing, DS just in from school demanding to be fed as he wants to go to sleep asap....grrr .... must get rid of last night's veg stew first, it's not worth keeping :(Cheesy Pasta/Cauli/Broc bake for me and DDs but god knows what he's getting.... baked potato I think. Kitchen is worse than ever after yesterday's cooking! Just so tired, but fed up going to bed yawning my head off at half 9 and still lying awake at 5am :/

    Reclycling bins were emptied yesterday for the first time in about 8 weeks:j So now I have no excuses about my bottle collection in the hall:o

    Emm that's great news about your patient, heard good news about a friend of mine's FIL who had a very bad heart attack a few weeks ago, the doctors are amazed at how he's come on in the last week :)
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