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My home is a mess



  • horse76
    horse76 Posts: 649 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Wow sounds like you've got a fair bit done Eminapickle.
    You've reminded me of a floor uplighter we have, which I have my eye on to get shot of. We do use it, but it's rather outdated and I don't like it.

    I actually haven't got much done in the house past couple of days as had various appointments, but did get out in the garden yesterday and today. Some pots done, and bedding plants put in my borders. DH conquered the front garden, so that's looking better.

    Did get rid of an old computer desk that had ended up sitting in back garden to go to the tip, so that's finally gone. Birds won't be best pleased as it was their feeding station. :o
    2017 - no clutter to be seen challenge: 72/2017
    Weight loss the old style way challenge - 7/14lbs :j
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    I was putting some bottle bags back in the cupboard from hell when I was forced to a little tidy up.

    A box fell on head! It was full of old mobile phones, cameras and iSight, the separate Apple camera. OH wants to keep them. He doesn't understand the concept of 'obsolescence'! :cool:
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Pol, your OH sounds like my DS - such things are never `obsolete`, they are merely full of potential as components/ spare parts. Says DS!

    Chez-Emm -
    DGD`s friend didn`t come after all, but she`s quite happy as she`s been in touch with an old school friend from this area and they`ve gone to the Comicon together today.
    I was up early to get her there, and have done very little at home since - just having a really lazy slob-out day today.
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Yesterday I sorted two enormous drawers in the chest in the hall. Scarves and gloves in the charity bag. OH had 37 bags for life taking up most of the room in one drawer.

    I also found yet more school stuff, some of which I will keep, like thank you letters.
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • Lynplatinum
    Hiya pollypenny

    I have recently got rid of several old mobile phones through Envirophone (look on internet - they are on about pg 2) they did not give me much for them cos they were v old but they guarantee to dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way even if they cant give you much for em. Process was really easy and efficient. Perhaps the prospect of little dosh could persuade your OH to dispose of them :D ?
    Take care
    Aim for Sept 17: 20/30 days to be NSDs :cool: NSDs July 23/31 (aim 22) :j
    NSDs 2015:185/330 (allowing for hols etc)
    LBM: started Jan 2012 - still learning!
    Life gives us only lessons and gifts - learn the lesson and it becomes a gift.' from the Bohdavista :j
  • pollypenny
    pollypenny Posts: 29,394 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Two of the phones were cheap spares for Ds and DIL to use when they're here from the USA.

    OH broke them up and they'll go in the correct box.
    Member #14 of SKI-ers club

    Words, words, they're all we have to go by!.

    (Pity they are mangled by this autocorrect!)
  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Well, I`ve had a week and a half off, and back to work on a late shift today.
    As usual, the tasks I set myself weren`t necessarily the ones that got done, and the time they take expands to fill the time I have!
    Overall, I feel pretty positive about how I`ve spent some of the time -
    Two consecutive weekends with DGD here.
    Computer corner of LR cleared and still clear.
    Major sewing project completed (covering DD`s sofa cushions - red cord furnishing fabric, heavy going to cut and sew, broke 3 machine needles and swore a lot, but the roll only cost a fiver and DD is delighted with the result.)

    Kitchen and LR reasonably clean and tidy, but still haven`t tackled upstairs properly.
    I`ve already got a list in my head for next days off.
    But now, off to get changed and quite looking forward to going in to work.
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,827 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Debt-free and Proud!
    I went to the doctor last Friday to report that I was TATT (tired all the time). Lots of blood taken for testing but I also scored high on a lot of the depression/ anxiety measures.

    I have been trying to do a time audit this week to see how much I am actually getting done (quite a bit some days, virtually nothing on others) but am also trying to put minor improvements in place - eating healthier, getting to bed earlier, less laptop time.

    I am having an uphill battle this week as DS3 was 26 on Sunday. Gf arrived on Friday and other friends on Saturday and Sunday. I haven't had to feed them but go round with a bin bag and then again to collect empty cans (all soft/ energy drinks). Front room looks better as I insisted on rearranging things to accommodate the two friends sleeping downstairs but otherwise difficult (feel like I am living in a student squat). Last friend leaves today.

    I have sprinkled some packs of flower seeds in the backs and cleaned and moved a small filing cabinet into place to use as a bedside table (replacing a chair). Did too much sewing last night and my eyes are sore - putting the elephants into Noah's ark and the pale grey is difficult to work with.

    Some patterns (cut from magazines) culled and some sewing filed in the 'new' cabinet (were originally mine but have been in DS3's room for years so decidedly tatty).
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • candygirl
    candygirl Posts: 29,455 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Have been feeling exhausted and v sore , PA n osteoarthritis, this week, so have had a day to myself today to recharge my batteries.Ended up decluttering lots of old medication, books and gubbins from my bedroom.Need to do tbese things when I get the slightest urge or nothing gets done at all :
    Just been laughibg at DD pretending to scream into a cushion, at the realisation that the kids are off school again at the end of May , and they 8nly went back on Monday :rotfl:
    "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

    (Kabat-Zinn 2004):D:D:D
  • Emm-in-a-pickle
    Mothernerd, Let`s hope the tests prove useful - either to reassure or to find some deficiency that can be simply remedied. Even getting a little done is harder when you have visitors camping in living space, hope you are getting back to `normal` now.

    Candygirl, it`s hard to get motivated when you`re in pain, so even a bit of less strenuous sorting & slinging is a big deal, well done for grasping the urge and getting something done!

    I find it harder to get going with the present weather, get up full of beans seeing sunshine, then it goes dark and gloomy and it`s `no beans!`, want to sneak off and get slippers and the crossword.....
    I have tackled the kitchen this morning, put away yesterday`s washing (dried indoors) so house looks a bit less untidy now, and have done one great Thing - tackled the dreaded toenails! As I get older and less supple they seem to get further away each time, and more of a battle! One day I will have to abandon the attempt and get them done by a chiropodist, the very thought fills me with dread, so each time I manage ok after all makes me feel so much better.
    Today I need to do a bit of fridge and freezer tetris, and make firm decisions about mealplans as I`m working all day Saturday and Monday, and it`s fine if I plan and cook ahead.
    Hope everyone has a decent holiday weekend, even if the weather is pants.
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