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  • dollydaydream07
    way back in january we applied for dla for DD due to her having epilepsy and since then i haven't really gave it much thought until DH asked me how much dla we get for DD
    i realised we don't get anything for her and we haven't even had any correspondence from them so i need to get on the phone to them and find out why

    when we renewed our home insurance we were told we were being given 'free' personal accident cover, told them we didn't want it but they said it was being given to every customer anyway, after 3 months we then get charged a monthly fee of around £15 but if we didn't want to be charged then we could cancel no problems so i need to ring them up to cancel before the first payment comes out - will be mightily peeved if they say we will still be charged!!!

    oh and someone has pinched our bl**dy wheelie bin so need to phone the council up and get us a new one

    we are with SP and it looks like our tariff is one of the ones that will be affected so we need to be on the lookout for a new deal

    right i'm off for a cuppa before i start my afternoon of phonecalls

    ETA: anyone who buys value teabags - do they come in the foil packets like other brands? if they do then i can probably get any with buying them for DH
  • saveabobortwo
    saveabobortwo Posts: 357 Forumite
    my nectar points managed to find a piece of beef escalope for 2.63 , bought some more nonperishables , and some veggies iv now coated the beef in flour and herbs fried it in a pan with some button mushrooms and onion added water beef gravy quarter of a bottle of red wine tinned peas and seasoned .In a very large pan i have sliced and boiled lots of organic carrots and potatoes to bulk out four meals to go in the freezer i do this to make one pack of meat go along way.i shall cool these down then cover put in the fridge then the freezer .going to have a cooking of meals day and then a baking cakes scones and chocolate truffles . it is raining here pleased as our friends cows have to munch through dry grass. have put some items in freeads to raise money for a wood burner so helpfully this should help.going to do some Hatha Yoga this afternoon and because iv taught myself will save 6 pound on the class i have a purple yoga mat and chill for half an hour this really helps relax you especially with how things are today :o
  • JosieJump
    JosieJump Posts: 36 Forumite
    Westlothianlass if you get a dehydrator make sure you keep an eye out for whoopsied oranges for Christmas decorations, mulled wine etc :)
    They'll ask me how I got her I'll say
    I saved my money

    Dignity, Deacon Blue
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12,492 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    re bread, it is very important not to skimp on the salt as the yeast action needs to be stopped

    I have been busy blanching and freezing this morning, sugar snaps and broad beans and I have also put 9 trays of onion slices into the dehydrator. If you are interested then there is a thread on dehydrating

    costco tomorrow. Whoopee, I like going there but it takes 45 min each way so we are doing it on the way back from visiting dd. Tomorrow I am looking to buy some meat to store over winter, not a heck of a lot and also a side of salmon to cut up. I think I have emptied the equivalent of a feezer drawer, just have to re sort today to make sure

    Re those lovely os fireplaces, all our homes had them at one time and the salvage yards are still full of them. I suppose they went out when women became liberated
  • oldtractor
    oldtractor Posts: 2,262 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker Mortgage-free Glee!
    Saw on the news (again) that the price of food has gone up 5%...where the heck do they get these figures from? I know I've said it before, but tea bags 27p up to 30p - that's 9%. Noodles 10p up to 12p - that's 20%. Raisins 64p up to 99p - that's 60% approx. Baked beans & sausages 29p up to 54p - that's 90% approx.

    What does the 5% relate to??

    I agree wholeheartedly. Our heating oil has gone up by about 45% too. :eek:
  • r.a.i.n.b.o.w
    r.a.i.n.b.o.w Posts: 638 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker

    ETA: anyone who buys value teabags - do they come in the foil packets like other brands? if they do then i can probably get any with buying them for DH

    They don't - but why not keep the foil packet from a previous purchase? ;)
  • elona
    elona Posts: 11,806 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post

    The Sainsbury value tea bags come in foil bag inside the cardboard box.

    We have a huge tea caddy so I open the foil bags and put them in there as soon as I get in the house after shopping. I just got one box to try and waited to see if anyone complained or noticed (I certainly was not going to tell them). So far nobody has complained ;)

    Happy with Lidl shop - got enough flowers for six vases of assorted sixes for about £6 or £7 in total and found Batiste dry shampoo for £1.49 instead of around £2.35 :j DH loved the crusty bread and fish in creamy sauce for lunch and feels really spoiled now. Stocked up on toiletries for Dds , some more reduced Bold soap powder and basics like bread, milk, and cheese slices , eggs , fruit and veg.

    Putting my feet up with a cup of tea in peace and quiet till school finishes and I look busy.
    "This site is addictive!"
    Wooligan 2 squares for smoky - 3 squares for HTA
    Preemie hats - 2.
  • dollydaydream07
    thanks for that elona i think i'll take myself off to sainsbury's to get some - i always take the foil bags out of the box and leave the bags in the cupboard so hopefully he wouldn't notice

    didn't get anywhere with my phonecalls - the policy one - can't be cancelled by me as it's DH's name on the documents so he has to be the one to cancel but yet i am the one that deals with all our finances and i was the one to renew the home insurance so the person who i spoke to to renew the home insuance shouldn't have even set up the personal accident insurance policy as it wasn't DH they spoke to
    with a very busy hubby who is currently working 6 days a week from half 8 in the morning until gone 6 at night how on earth is he meant to cancel the bl**dy policy when their call centre is only open from 9-5.30 monday to friday???????????
    so that was the first thing to pee me off

    next phonecall onto the dla claim for DD - rang up one number, waited in a queue for 10 minutes, spoke to someone and i had the wrong bl**dy number, got the right number from her so called them up, in a queue for 15 minutes before i spoke to someone and she said that once they recieve a claim they send out a letter confirming reciept of it but we never got one so the claim form must have been lost in the post
    so she is sending me out a new claim form
    again i'm peeved because that means that if DD is entitled to dla she has missed out on almost 6 months of payments which sounds like it won't be backdated :( peeved at myself because i left it so bl**dy long to phone them up and enquire about why we haven't heard anything from the yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    on the plus side - the council are sending out a new wheelie bin for us :)

    off to go and have another coffee to calm me down
  • mamaninie
    mamaninie Posts: 430 Forumite
    got another loaf in the oven and I've ordered hugh fearnley whittingstalls bread book. I don't have much confidence in my recipes.
  • westlothianlass
    westlothianlass Posts: 256 Forumite
    edited 9 June 2011 at 3:02PM
    Mamaninie it may be worth looking at the Allinson flour website i got a free booklet from them a while back that had pretty good recipes that would be a good addition to your river cottage book hth
    Moving towards a life that is more relaxed and kinder to the environment (embracing my inner hippy:D) .:j
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