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I want to cancel my orange contract - HELP



  • shazza39
    shazza39 Posts: 92 Forumite
    Linds1234 wrote: »

    I have been trying to get out of my orange contract since November and they keep saying there is nothing they can do.
    Basically since I moved house I havent been able to use my phone as the signal is appauling to the point it says SOS calls only!
    I have had to go out and purchase another contract to receive better signal in my area.
    I dont think its fair that I have to pay Orange £30 a month until August when the phone has been non usable since August 2010.

    Any tips of advice would be a great help. Even if they were to lower my tarrif for me.

    Thanks :)

    I managed to get out of my Orange mobile contract after just 1 year (2yr contract) due to poor signal issues however I had to return my phone to them (iphone 3Gs) in order for them to cancel it.
  • drbesty
    drbesty Posts: 967 Forumite
    The difference there is you had poor signal from day one, you didn't move to an area of poor signal
  • shazza39
    shazza39 Posts: 92 Forumite
    drbesty wrote: »
    The difference there is you had poor signal from day one, you didn't move to an area of poor signal

    Yes true, sorry didnt read the post properly
    PNPSUKNET Posts: 4,265 Forumite
    Im in dispute with 3 at the moment about signal, however I wont breach my side of the agreement which is payment.
  • Wintermute
    Wintermute Posts: 669 Forumite
    First Post
    The best you can hope for is to eat up enough of their time that they'll allow you to cancel as a goodwill gesture to get you off their backs and to save their man hours. You moved, they didn't take signal away from you and no network will guarantee 100% coverage. Cancelling your DD will hurt you a lot more than it'll hurt them, it'll destroy your credit rating and they wont be bothered, the debt will get sold on, they might make a slight loss or simply make less profit than they would of from you, taking such action does not put you in the driving seat, it means people will be less likely to help you and as soon as your disconnected you'll have good reason for having no service.
  • crazyguy
    crazyguy Posts: 5,495 Forumite
    To all of you that said I am talking rubbish how come I have done this process of stopping DD's with 2 seperate mobile phone company's when the network went down and could not get a signal for a long period of time, and what a surprise the minute I canceled the said dd and told them I was paying nothing they then looked into the problem straight away and both times canceled my contract one having some 5 months to run and the other was a brand new contract with 18 months to run.

    I was in no way stating that you cancel it and do nothing thus getting the debt collectors involved I was merely stating the process I took to get the correct action required.
  • grumbler
    grumbler Posts: 58,629 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    How come?
    Well, she was having a dispute too (i.e. was not doing nothing): Orange bill nightmare
    I think dozens of similar stories can be found here.

    What other 'correct actions' did you take except cancelling the DD and 'negotiating'?
    You were lucky with two networks? Well, keep testing your luck.
    IMO it's far more reasonable just to do some research before signing a contract.
  • nomoneytoday
    nomoneytoday Posts: 4,866 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    If you sell the handset will the proceeds cover the remaining air time in contract?
  • AshRosetti
    AshRosetti Posts: 27 Forumite
    Orange should be able to refund you. A few months ago, my internet on my blackberry wouldn't work because of a network problem, I complained, the advisor said she can't do anything about it, when I asked to speak to someone higher than her, (plus asked her for her full name etc) she put me on hold, then told me that she will give a refund.

    Phone Orange and ask to speak to Technical Support. They should be able to help you.
  • drbesty
    drbesty Posts: 967 Forumite
    Technical Support can't help her, OP has moved to an area with no signal, there's nothing they can do to fix this, it's not down to any specific fault on the network.

    crazyguy your username really fits your posts, if you cancel a direct debit Orange will pass the debt onto a debt collector and the leverage you'll have with them will be preciasly zero
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