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****Littlekel's diary - Getting on the right track :-) ****



  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    OH had the day off today with DD1 and spent it at home...so no spending there! He has also cooked a lamb balti in the SC...enough for another 2 meals after tonights! Hopefully i will like it...my first proper curry!!

    After reading Josie's diary i decided to sign up to check my credit file and i paid for my score with experian. My score was really good which suprised and pleased me! However reading on the boards on here it seems everyone says these scores mean nothing??? That put a dampener on it though i suppose they must be an indication of something!!! Even if companies use their own resources. Obviously your score must be an indication of how credit worthy you are. We wont be applying for a mortgage for a while yet so i have time to get it to 'excellent' and hope that is an indication we have done all we can!!

    Got my tax credit letter. This was good news. I worked out on their calculator that as my wage dropped last year it worked out i should have recieved £150 over the year extra in tax credits. So when i checked my account the other day after telling them they added an additional £72. I was still happy with this....then the letter arrived and it confirmed they 'owed' me an extra £158 for last year and they were going to pay me £72 and a further £86 when i had confirmed our final wage when we were in reciept of our p60s. So hopefully will get that. Still waiting to see what our payments will be for this year now that OH's wage has dropped by 20%, Then i can do a soa! :T

    ....waiting for OH to come home!!! my dad is having our daughters tomorrow from 10-3 :j So OH have a bit of time by ourselves. Don't know whether to make the most of it and got out for a nice walk and some lunch or to use the time to blitz through some things we need to do around the house!! We will see!!! :D
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

  • Choc-addict
    Choc-addict Posts: 1,894 Forumite
    Mmmmm, curry - i'm such a curry girl. In fact my OH loved the fact that I asked to go for a curry on our second date...not point in being polite eh, start as you mean to go on I say :p We're due to go out for a curry with friends next Friday eve, can't wait :j Hope you like it!

    Bonus on the tax credits :D

    Hope you have a nice time tomoorrow with OH, always nice to have quality time with each other. OH and I are sometimes like ships passing in night as he works shifts, I sometimes up in London, 7 days etc - it's always hard to know what to do for the best i.e. sort things or go out.

    Spk soon, let us know how the curry goes! Enjoy!
  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Curry was goooooooooood! Really please....frozen two more meals for me and OH :D Worked out exactly 12 ladles full in the SC so 2 ladles per portion :D

    Choc - shame you do't get enough time with OH. We get sundays and every other saturday together but every evening in the week one of us has something so if we eat together it is usually at 9pm. Though thursday is better now with his 4 day week! Also our days off work are used generally to cover holidays with the kids so we dont take the same days off!

    Had a lovely 2 hours walk with OH. Walked along the beach and burrows...it was lovely. No children to drag their heels or sounds of 'i'm hungry' or 'i'm tired'!!!!! :p Got to go get teh kiddiwinkles in about an hour for swimming club! Makes me think OH and I need more US time together. We have our vouchers for our meal which we are looking forward to.

    Spoke to OH today and found out the 0% balance transfer on his credit card is for 15 months! This is a lot better than the 9 months. With his paydrop i thought it would be pushing it to get rid in 9 months. Now we can make decent payments to this credit card and concentrate on littlewoods for the meantime which is costing us interest.

    I used to pay the CC and he paid utility bills. He took out this card and we swapped. Though i don't seem to have the good end on the deal! I was paying £80 to my card each month and now i am paying for £98 duel fuel and £35 water!!! I feel diddled!! !! LOL :D

    Sorted out some of my survey accounts last night!!! WOOHOO. Sorted out and noted down all of the log in details. Completed a socratic forum survey worth 5 dollars. So took me to my 10 dollars to redeem so i have a £6.34 amazon voucher on its way...will help towards a birthday!

    Little tasks / challenges this week:
    keep heating off
    dry outside
    try and make remaining 5 pints of milk last the rest of the week!!
    Not to start a new block of cheese until next week
    Do as many surveys as poss
    Remember to only use one tea bag for two cups of tea as i have mine weak.

    Every little helps!

    Millyscarlett - i am in Braunton...in case i posted it too late on the small things thread!

    Off to check banking!
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

  • anonymoose_3
    :wave: Kel
    Your waterfall walk sounds lovely :D There's nothing like that round where I live :(
    i've just signed up for save the change too, sounds like a good scheme :)
    Hope you're having a great day.
    Proud to be dealing with my debts - LBM Mar 2010

    Start weight [STRIKE]11 st 8.5lbs[/STRIKE] now 10st 3lb
    £2 savers No.99 - £68 July No Spend Days 7/8

    A&L [STRIKE]£202 [/STRIKE]£152 Barclaycard [STRIKE]£3882.89[/STRIKE] £3817.74 :mad:
  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    mmmm just checking banking and tax credits have put another loads of money in! £108. This is a little weird as it isn't last years amount we are expecting soon as i havent confirmed last years wage. The only thing it could be is an extra payment to cover OH's drop in wage for the beginning of April. But even in this case it would be too much! I have calculated an extra £25 a week with his drop. So unless they are paying us the top up for the whole of april and keeping my weekly payments the same! I will now have to wait for the letter to explain it what it is! I really wish you got the letters before the payments so you aren't left wondering!

    So as it stands

    Purse : 11p
    Bank : £294.67
    Bills : £36.50
    Pending money: £114 form tax credits (after childcare fees) + any increase which i do not know yet!

    So £372.17 left

    But have £60 to pay for clubs and am expecting a water bill. After this i am budgeting for water bill! Also i think OH will need money towards his car tax! :eek: So this might all get swallowed up but these will be the last bills that haven't been budgetted for!
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    actually.....OH's car tax is next month so i may have £200 to pay towards littlewoods afterall! :j Unless anything else crops up!!!
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

  • Choc-addict
    Choc-addict Posts: 1,894 Forumite
    Hey there,

    Glad you and OH had a fab time together. It is important to have what I call QT (quality time) together. OH and I both say we'd rather one whole day a month that we can spend together than just an hour here and there which it seems to be of late. We spent last Sunday together and went climbing down at Portland, was lovely. Back in the rat race and i'd say i've only seen him when he wakes me up clambering into bed (never quiet is he!) early hours - unfortunately hazards of his job - saw him briefly for 10 mins before he flew out the door again this morning. If I didn't get to work from home don't know when we'd see each other!

    Would be great if you could put 200 towards littlewoods! Wow! OH and I need to find some time to sit down and go through money but not sure when that'll happen in between work, food shopping, blitzing the flat.....oh and did I meantion working :rotfl:never mind, sure it'll all quieten down.

    Have you had your tax credit letter yet? Such a pain for you :mad: Don't have little ones yet and not sure if we'd qualify even if we did have one.....all to come one day and i'm sure the gov would have changed the benefits system once again by the time I do!

    Hope you're having good Friday! x
  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    We get the school admissions emails today!!!! I have hit the 'check new email' button like 20+ times already!!! My heart is beating so fast!! We should be fine as i purposely moved to the catchment area of our chosen school but i am still convinced that the application has gone wrong or didn't send properly! Our village has 3 schools. DD1 didn't get to the chosen school i wanted 3 years ago. It is the most popular school and so i have had a stressful 3 years trying to move her! Hopefully when DD2 gets in i will then be at the top of the list!! I will add this is the primary school i went to and my brother still goes to! I also have 5 cousins in this school. (just so it is clear why i am so obsessed about this school!)My sister will be in the same class as DD2 so fingers crossed for my mum too!!

    mmm not doing to well on my milk and cheese challenge! Looked at my meal plan to remember we were having tuna pasta bake which uses milk and cheese!! Then OH came back from his run and said he needed milk for his protien shake! So milk is looking a bit bleak! He said he would buy a single pint but that isn't the point i want to achieve my challenge!! We will be shopping tomorrow or sunday so we will have milk in the fridge! I got the kids to have toast for breakfast to use less milk!!! :)

    No tax credit letter yet! You get tax credits if you earn less than £54k between you. though at higher wages about 30k you only get £10 a week but is still handy! :D

    still no school email!

    right better do some work!
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

  • anonymoose_3
    **Everything crossed for you**
    Proud to be dealing with my debts - LBM Mar 2010

    Start weight [STRIKE]11 st 8.5lbs[/STRIKE] now 10st 3lb
    £2 savers No.99 - £68 July No Spend Days 7/8

    A&L [STRIKE]£202 [/STRIKE]£152 Barclaycard [STRIKE]£3882.89[/STRIKE] £3817.74 :mad:
  • OrangeFairy
    OrangeFairy Posts: 2,630 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post

    DD2 got into our chosen school!!!!!! I am so happy. Her email came through about 15 mins before my sisters email so my heart was going ten to the dozen checking my mums account!!! My sister got in too. So in that reception class there will be an Auntie and Niece in the same class!! My sister and DD are only 5 days apart in age! Were infact due one day apart but my mum went in before me!!!! Also my cousin who is 10 months younger will be in that class!! Feel sorry for their teacher!! :D

    oh i am soooooo happy!!! I just want to hug DD2 but i am at work!!
    Orange Fairy
    House Purchased April 19 :) CC1=? CC2=? DH CC= Mortgage Overpay = £0 Savings = £0 Xmas savings = £0 Weightloss = 0 lb

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