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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • [Deleted User]
    1) Swifts with their distinctive crescent silhouettes flying over the fields on Salisbury Plan when I was on the train this morning.

    2) Little white lambs and their mums grazing the fields beside the river Avon as we passed by.

    3) Roe deer, ignoring the train entirely and just being deeras we passed, love them!

    4) Took DD1 for a nice cup of coffee when I walked up to meet her from her department after school and putting the world to rights!

    5) Lovely young lad (about 10)who was sitting in the seat next me on the train asked if I'd like him to take my suitcase out to the door when I put my jacket on as we arrived here, bless him, how kind, how unexpected and how appreciated!
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,055 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    edited 5 May 2017 at 8:25PM
    BOP and "sie" envious I hope to visit the Smithsonian one day.

    1 An accidental rather excessive lay in.:o

    2 Had a sandwich before seriously tackling the overgrown bit in our garden, we have a mini wall with pots all along it to make it animal safe after the neighbour’s fence collapsed over 10 years ago now. A few years ago we planted a purple magnolia and a weeping cherry tree and there is a big patch of soil, where the neighbour’s weeds were making a play for us. As of today, it has been dug over 2-foot-deep, all weeds removed, rocks removed and remainder raked over. 1 wheelbarrow full of weeds, tomorrow I have about 1 tonne of soil to bag up and will see if freecycle works or if it will a several tip trips. I’ll probably use it for the beans and tom’s, it looks a whole host better.:D:cool:

    3 We have some reduced beef I curried up tonight with various leftovers, it was hot!

    4 Applied for various roles, in theory I was offered something but there doesn’t appear to be any start date and radio silence so there’s no waiting about.

    5 I wanted to rtc hunt today, but I think locally Friday is a bad day to bother so it wasn’t exactly arm twisting to think of a bath instead.:D
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Pleasures for today (Friday)

    1) Not a bad sleep.

    2) Bigger son's appointment then we had breakfast at the caf! by the river. I couldn't finish all mine, which is unheard of.

    3) Decided to have a walk about so he wouldn't go to school right in the middle of a lesson. Walked by the riverbank and saw, in the same view, a heron and a kingfisher! Found a few geocaches and a rope swing that was incredibly high as the ground dropped away steeply beneath it.

    4) After dropping son off, found more geocaches that I had been meaning to get for ages.

    5) Popped to larger steam railway town for the bank and the charity shops - had no jumpers left apart from one that is falling apart at the hems. Lucky to find a short sleeved cable knit cardie (very warm and bulky) for £2 and a striped woolly jumper for £3. Wardrobe has been restocked over the last few days, for £10!

    6) Tasty tea of macaroni cheese with ham and broccoli then Eton Mess made with raspberries.

    7) Took smaller son to football and my friend was there (taking the money) so chatted to her.

    8) Just watched Gogglebox and Have I Got News for You.
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,936 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    Herumph lost yesterday's post and was too tired to post again so for last 2 days
    1) fab conference in Edinburgh. New connections made
    2) external examiner meeting 1st day so Skype in yay
    3) ds1 just happened to have conference day - of my conference and dd2 was in town so they met me at my b&b and I took them out for their tea
    4) then off to conference dinner and back to b&b
    5) conference today then dd2 picked me up for drive home then mr piano cooked lish prawn dish then mr piano and I went to colleague's 60th birthday party. Now archers and zzzzzzz
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    edited 6 May 2017 at 7:51AM
    1. Had a couple of small naps during the day.

    2. Couple of deliveries arrived on time today. Bedroom is finally finished and looks good.

    3. Enjoyed watching the chickens with the wind blowing their feathers all over the place. They were enjoying themselves.

    4. Two loads of washing dried on the line. Nothing blew off the line either. It was windy here today.

    5. Long chat with my sister . Sorted out meeting next week.

    6. Made banana loaf. Made the house smell lovely and needed to test it while still warm to ensure it was ok.
  • mhagster
    mhagster Posts: 5,268 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Saturday pleasures
    It is Saturday! Glad to be at the end of that week.
    Snuggles with DD2 very early this morning.
    Chat with friend from home. I love that we have so much to chat about.
    Gorgeous dog.
    DD1 made lovely tuna croissants for lunch...I will make lovely macaroni ( her favourite ) for tea.
    Washing out ...fabulously windy and bright . Dropped DD2 at work and then home just as the rain was starting, got it in and ironed and just airing on clothes horses.

    Pirate Pete no chance of a break anytime soon...just have to keep on going for now. But thank you!
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Morning from my bed.. I am at my dads and don't like to appear downstairs too early. It makes for a very long day and i like to give him time to 'come to'.

    Pleasures for the last 2 days


    1. Stripped the bed with OH still in it :p I needed to get the washing on...
    2. DS got his mock results - Distinction (so an A equivalent, UCAS wise), B and D. The D isn't great - especially as it was history (his chosen degree subject) but hopefully it's a blip and will (should - I thought he would get the B in history) improve. These results as they stand would be enough to get him into his chosen Uni. THis is a boy who has caused me many nights of worry growing up that he would get any qualifications. So having angst that he gets in to uni is a bonus really..
    3. OH and I went to the CBSO. First we had a swift half sitting out in the sunshine :beer: The concert was excellent - Beethoven's 2nd, Haydn trumpet something or other and Dvorak 8th. it was very well attended - though we were amongst the youngest there :rotfl: OH was given ticket vouchers as a leaving present for an organisation he chaired for many years.
    4. Cleaned bathrooms and bedroom
    5. Clean sheets :)

    And yesterday

    1. More walking to and fro and between stations and by the sea
    2. Had breakfast on the train - it was..... ok but always feels like a treat
    3. My mum's peonies are in full bloom - she would be so pleased to see them out. They always remind me of her.
    4. My brother has put in some real effort and cleaned the house :T
    5. Did a bit of shopping whilst waiting for the train. I had seen some trousers in Fat Face at Euston the other day and resisted buying, then regretted it. The only pair left yesterday were in my size so it was meant to be. Added a t shirt at Monsoon in St Pancras and a couple of shirts from tescos (don't usually buy supermarket clothes, but one was a proper shirt in the sale and one was a basic t shirt similar to some I'd seen on sale for £50 at St P, this one was £4. i couldn't resist). Thank goodness for shops on stations :rotfl:

    Have a great day all - I will spend the day with dad, then i am meeting DD in London for dinner before going home. OH has taken MiL to ICT for the weekend so i get tomorrow to myself (DS will spend most of the day in bed)..
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • Blackbeard_of_Perranporth
    Blackbeard_of_Perranporth Posts: 7,605 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    edited 6 May 2017 at 8:44AM
    5 Is Saturday. Snorkers are under the grill. Best back ready. Haricot beans, mushrooms, toms, toast and the works. Wolfing down soon!

    4 Last eve, BoPsie, who hadn't got any Wobbleades, had the dour grape juice. Probably too much. This morning she is tender. Sour grape juice us not proper drink. Sometimes she transgresses! Let this be a warning to You!

    3 Watched an Ingrid last night. Proper true as it was inn black and white! The Monroe was not available.

    2 Day BoP is offs to see Big Sis. She cannot cook roast tatties to save her life! Don't tell will you!

    Seven. To go ...

    Edit. Just checked my Wobbleades, stored inn the refrigerator. Some hairy bear had drunk all my Wobbleade. Not happy! No more later!
  • LaineyT
    LaineyT Posts: 4,671 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Some pleasures for the last few days,

    Met up with a friend for lunch, venue was a deli in affluent Cambridge village so prices were eye-watering expensive but food and company was lovely.

    We wandered along to the local CS, impressive array of cast-offs including Hobbs brogues and White Company hoodie, neither of which were in my size :(

    The beech trees are finally coming into leaf after months of bare branches, beautiful.

    Trip into BuryStEd to find cheap knockabout trainers for Capt S, nipped into WStones ' just in case' and walked out with all four of the R Hobb Rainwild Chronicles :j OS bit was I had filled a card up so £10 knocked off price.

    Afternoon cup of tea sitting in garden bench, seems ages since have been able to do that.

    Your GC haul sounds fab Frith had forgotten about sorrel :cool: thank you.

    Many thoughts and gentle wishes as always to Mhags thank goodness for those lovely kids, cuddly Haggis and of course macaroni cheese x
  • RageinEden
    RageinEden Posts: 30 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hello everybody! Mr Rage has gone to Scotland yesterday for the weekend for his nephew's confirmation. I should have gone but simply not up to it. I think it was throwing up at the side of the car that sealed it. Mr Rage wasn't annoyed either which was a plus. So home alone. However....
    1. Took Mr Rage's suits to the dry cleaners as he asked and collected my prescriptions at the same time.
    2. Collected my writing paper package from the sorting office - why can't I buy reasonable and nice writing paper here? This has come from Germany and even then with P&P is cheaper than here. I miss Waverley notelets as well.....harrumph....
    3. Watching Betty (budgie) on the new chrome light fittings or as she thinks of them "my new giant budgie mirror"
    4. Filling all the bird feeders up and then watching feeding time at the zoo. I will swear we are feeding all the birds of the area....
    5. Sat on the sofa with a nice fleecy blanket over me getting ready to box set fest.

    Oh and last night I soaked my feet which I haven't done for ages which was amazing and took receipt of an ebay jigsaw win....nearly finished my cross stitch sampler as well. Cleaned out the big fridge as well.... Think I might take Monday off work as going through an energy dip....
    The game's afoot....
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