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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,054 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    Really pleased Mhagster, hope you can get some rest.
  • Tealady_2
    Tealady_2 Posts: 1,425 Forumite
    MHagster - Glad the op is over and keeping everything crossed for a speedy recovery. Hope you get some well deserved rest as well ((((Hugs))))
  • Chickenopolis
    Chickenopolis Posts: 1,450 Forumite
    mhagster - wishing your DH a speedy recovery - I cannot imagine how "long" today must have been for you ((hugs)) . Sending "healing" thoughts to you all x.

    OT -you sound very contented x I have to carry out a two day audit at work soon and I wrote the name of the place down using its initials , which are LBH. This made me smile even though she is called Ellie now.

    5 for today

    1. Finished a report at work following my visits earlier this week . Its good to be on top of things for once :)

    2.Found out that two of my colleagues have landed lovely jobs . I am happy for them both .

    3.The same two hens had limboed under the fence again , I keep checking how and where they are getting through . They are too clever for me !

    4. Made a curry for tea .

    5. Day off tomorrow :D

    Have a good evening all !
    :AToo fat to be Felicity Kendal , but aim for a bit more of the good life :A
  • Skint_yet_Again
    mhagster am glad to hear surgery over. Thinking of you all and wishing your OH the best results and recovery xx

    Have been lurking not posting as feel like :( since went back to work on Tuesday so thought I would stay :silenced: if couldnt come up with some pleasures

    Mine for today

    1. day off work
    2. day off work
    3. day off work
    4. day off work
    5. day off work

    Enuf said ??

    Will be back soon.... with more positives (I hope!!)
    0% credit card £1360 & 0% Car Loan £7500 ~ paid in full JAN 2020 = NOW DEBT FREE 🤗
    House sale OCT 2022 = NOW MORTGAGE FREE 🤗
    House purchase completed FEB 2023 🥳🍾 Left work. 🤗

    Retired at 55 & now living off the equity £10k a year (until pensions start at 60 & 67).

    Previous Savings diary

    Living off savings diary
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Oh Skint - hope things pick up soon. I know that sinking "got to go to work" feeling too well

    Mhagster - fingers crossed for a speedy recovery

    So today's

    1. Took my marking to Leeds on the train. Made a good start on it. Leeds has a beautiful city centre - who knew?
    2. Was naughty and indulged in the "White Stuff" sale. I lurrve White Stuff.
    3. Had funny facebook times with colleagues. Who knew "Winnie the Pooh" quotes could be so entertaining? My favourite - to an abusive colleague (:D only in a fun way) was "Same to you, said Pooh, and twice on Thursdays" :rotfl: Everything she came up with to diss the Pooh, I found an appropriate quote.
    4. Found about a dozen old crisp packets down the side of the sofa - guilty DS was made to hoover the lounge - another bite of my cleaning elephant. 2 rooms left and DD has tidied hers so I now have to get her to clean it. It was his punishment to hoover, but he enjoyed it - so I might make him do it again :p.
    5. Whoopsied Strawberries with DD's brownies and cream for pud.

    More train marking tomorrow with a visit to dad.
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • Tealady_2
    Tealady_2 Posts: 1,425 Forumite

    Skint - Hugs to you hope things improve soon for you

    Pleasures for today,
    1. Lovely lunch at work, we all bring something in and is very sociable.
    2. NSD
    3. Free birthday card for my mum thanks to this site :money:
    4. Finding a suitable birthday present for my friend in the stash in the cupboard
    5. Been given £5 by someone at work which was half his winnings on the Grand National work sweepstake to put towards sponsorship for the Moonwalk.

    Hugs to all who need them
  • Purple_kitten
    Purple_kitten Posts: 3,054 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    1.I washed my trainers, a strange pleasure but they are at the end of their very long life, and they survived the washing machine so they live a bit longer. Feeling adventurous, I then washed the floor length curtains, they also survived I’m impressed – maybe easily pleased.:rotfl:
    2.I’m not sure not shopping for ages was cost effective as we spent £90 at Asda!:eek: But we restocked the freezer with an incredibly lucky meat haul where all items were 10p, I feel so incredibly lucky when we do that.:o
    3.We are heading off in “the caravan of love” on Saturday, hoping for some good weather and hoping to keep costs very under control by some bbqing (taking some of the Asda Meat from the above pleasure)
    4. Made my first ever burgers from scratch, with 10p mince, HG chives and an Egg, practicing for BBQ food, they were ok but a bit bland, I'm not really a burger fan:o

    5. Yet more cleaning and tidying, I guess I’m proper spring cleaning as it’s loads to get through, pleasure knowing it’s done.
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,935 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 20 April 2012 at 12:54AM
    Mhagster hugs
    Skint bleuh but good 5 for today
    Very very late sovery very brief
    1) cleared desk :-) (put it all on desk in phd stoodents' office ha ha but will sort in batches :rotfl: nuffink confidential

    2) lovely lunch courtesy of short course :j
    3) lovely dinner courtesy ofshort courses. Such lovely people. Said goodbyes as they're off to the hospital tomoz
    4) too much food at curry house so brought home enormous doggy bag :beer:
    5) went for 'one drink' with other two academics to celebrate a good job done :D clearly countingto one not our strong point despite 2 of us being quantitavists (we'll let off the qualitativist :rotfl:) cos they're bothsenior lecturers they vyed to buy the rounds so i had a nsd :money:
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 20 April 2012 at 9:43AM
    Hope everything is going OK, MHagster.

    Try and think of some pleasures for yesterday.

    1) Had my hair cut at the local college. Price rise - now £3!

    2) Popped into Sainsburys so am stocked up now.

    3) Wednesday's tea warmed up for my lunch.

    4) Made a big shepherd's pie.

    5) Sons quite happy.

    6) Nearly forgot! Bigger son's parent evening. 5c for maths, 5b for reading and writing. :-) So all OK and the teacher gets on with him despite the pranks he plays. :-) She particularly liked when he and his friends came out of the toilets having marker penned beards and moustaches on themselves and when he chained himself to his friend and dropped the key down the drain...

    More weirdness with OH (it can't all be me, surely?) Didn't see him for a week and a half over Easter and he's been altogether weird and off hand. Saw him Monday then he was working away. On Wednesday night, some woman posted a dodgy photo of him on FB. This was at a rugby tour he was at the other weekend when he described himself as drunk and "silly". Anyway, I was a bit non-plussed by the photo of he and this woman and didn't really like the comments his friends were putting underneath (which included, and I quote - "ding dong")...

    Smaller son saw it, got very upset and called in bigger son and said "Mr Frith is having an affair". :-/ There was little I could say to dissaude him and I was rather wondering that myself!

    So I texted OH and said smaller son was a bit confused then got an odd text back saying he hadn't told me he had slept with someone because he hadn't. (?) Then silence.

    So OH came round after work last night. Nothing was said about the photo. He gave sons some chocolate, they said thank you, put the chocolate down on the table and quietly walked out. OH completely oblivious. He then went to sleep on the sofa.

    I put sons to bed and smaller son said "Have you asked him about the photo?" I said I had asked him about it the day before and it was fine (although I didn't really think it fine!) Bigger son then piped up "But it's OK to have an affair when you are away on a trip, isn't it?" so we had quite a firm talk about that!

    OH continued to sleep (a bit annoying as I'd only seem him once in the last fortnight) so in the end I went to bed and fell asleep. He came up midnight-ish and completely ignored me, moving right over to the other side of the bed etc.

    This morning he got up to go to work and said nothing, just walked off and came downstairs. So I followed him down but couldn't think of anything to say. :-( Then he said "see you tomorrow" and I thought "Oh, am I? Am I not seeing you tonight?" but I never say anything. Then he did a bit more glaring and then ignoring me then said he didn't know what he'd done (how about 12 hours of ignoring me?!) then he walked out.

    Then something made me say "Can I have your key back, please?" so he gave me back the key to my house. He asked if he should go and get his stuff (2 t shirts in a drawer) and I said no and he just walked off.
  • Chickenopolis
    Chickenopolis Posts: 1,450 Forumite
    Frith - Oh no ! Sounds like the elephant in the room is that your OH hasn't tried to explain, reassure or 'fess up if anything had occurred ! It might be nothing at all apart from grown men getting squiffy and acting like small boys . Not sure how he would feel if the tables were turned and it was you in a dodgy photo with another chap though?

    I know that you were a bit surprised (as I would be) that his ex was in the next apartment on this rugby tour . She may be well into rugby as he is, and this would make it seem more likely that they may end up in the same place at the same time .

    I went out with a rugby player and have an inkling of the err.... post match antics which tbh were harmless .

    Tell him you are hurt and that your sons found the photo inappropriate and that alone should surely warrant an explanation ?
    Good luck Frith xxx ( tell me to mind my own business if you like )
    :AToo fat to be Felicity Kendal , but aim for a bit more of the good life :A
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