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5 OS Pleasures in your Day Today part 2



  • Millie2008_2
    Millie2008_2 Posts: 1,584 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    PK- sorry to hear that your dad is poorly too, thinking of you xx

    Chicken- please inspire me re. M and S vouchers as I have some to spend and all I can think of is either undies or PJs and I have enough of both to last me for a while. I blame their gingham school dresses for putting me off their clothing for life! Or maybe it's that they don't sell joddies and wellies? Gawd, I am a scruffy little moose!!

    I can spend them on wine though, yes? That could work!
  • hakeber
    hakeber Posts: 123 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    1. sunshine - spent an hour and a half at the park
    2. playgroup 2 hours playing for the boys + a big coffee and a big hot chocolate for me for £2
    3. this is the 3rd month we've been food budgeting it's been good so far.
    4 tree climbing is free
    5 and a bag of free fabric.
    happy day
  • VJsmum
    VJsmum Posts: 6,970 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    So, apart from the marking (come on, who was it? :D) it has been a good day

    1. Lovely drive to work, singing at the top of my voice. Why is it that I sound so great in my head - but out loud it's a different story :rotfl:. Ah well, there was no-one else to hear.
    2. TOok a walk through the neighbouring University campus to find a post box - how lovely it was, people sat outside, fountains and just a "feel" about it.
    3. Yummy glass of wine when I got home - OK, two glasses :beer:
    4. DD was not accepted by the grammar school 6th form - however the pleasure was that she was so not bothered about it (I am - a bit!)
    5. DD looked fantabulous (phantabulous) dressed up as Phantom of the Opera for national book day

    A sneaky 6th is that I managed to speak to dad (he can't work his phone out at all at the mo!) and hospital has said that his medical issues are gone now ( :T) and it is about rehabilitation and they are looking to move him to his local hospital.

    Good vibes to all who are worried and hugs all round.
    I wanna be in the room where it happens
  • DundeeDoll
    DundeeDoll Posts: 4,935 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    VJmum, the marking bogey man can always find you mwahahaha

    Luvvie- welcome to a really nice positive board

    Frith and all others in need of hugs :grouphug:

    1) Going to verdant works (Dundee jute museum) - guides were really nice, and one of them asked if we'd like to see the machines working. Would we!!!! Spent rather longer there than we meant (but no money cos got the shared ticket for Discovery and Verdant yesterday :j)
    2) Making left over bol into scrummy chilli, served with rice and salad and putting last portion into tub for tomorrow rather than sharing it out when we were already full (pre OS practice)
    3) Finishing lecture for tomorrow (phew)
    4) Lovely (free after £1.35 bus fare to get there) walk round Camperdown Park - saw 2 deer and the sun was out. By the time we finished the tea shop had shut and I didn't mind - very OS :T
    5) Getting my 2nd star (is that very childish of me?) :beer:
    MrsSD declutter medals 🏅🏅🏅⭐⭐
  • Frith
    Frith Posts: 8,202 Forumite
    Mortgage-free Glee! Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary
    Thanks for all the dad good wishes.

    He got to hospital just after 8pm. Took mum and sister a while to find him (he went by ambulance) but by the time they left, he had the drip in place and was sitting up and talking normally. Mum is hoping he will be able to come home tomorrow once the nurses are back on duty and can do the drip (or injections) at their house.

    He is on the medical assessment unit so they have trolleys rather than beds which is a shame as he is several inches too tall to fit on a trolley!

    Hope all other dads get well soon.
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Get well soon poorly daddies, I've had cellulitis (thankfully not hospital worthy) very gruesome), thinking of you x

    Yesterday's treats:

    1. the sunshine - and got lots of washing done and on the new line :)

    2. I did more unpacking, still only touching the tip of the iceberg but I'm being a bit ruthless about what I unpack and what goes straight to the charity shop/freecycle pile!

    3. DD tidied her room beautifully, all her boxes of toys are under her bed, wonder how long that'll last.....

    4. OH and his mummy came for the guided tour (DD was very thorough, they now know where to hang their coats and where the cutlery is, lol)

    5. More lovely cards and presents from chums

    6. Managed to get the TV working, I seem to have a few freeviewish channels built in to it, which was a surprise, as I didn't think it had the capability! Haven't found the new to me freeview box yet and quite enjoying the peace.

    7. Love my new to me washing machine (I bought it with the house), it's so much better than my all singing all dancing one that was dying at the old place!

    8. Met one of my new neighbours and she was very lovely, and then it turns out we have lots of mutual acquaintances

    9. OH here :):):) Feels like I've not seen him in months, not a week or so!

    10. OH babysat so I could go out to my dinner and chat group

    11. Low spend day thank goodness!

    12. Made amazing bean soup for OH and DD, and have enough left for me for lunch at the office today, hoorah!

    13. My dad and I made loads of plans for renovating the place :)
  • Tealady_2
    Tealady_2 Posts: 1,425 Forumite

    Kittikins - Your new home sounds lovely, may you have many happy years there.
    Frith, VJsmum, PK - Hope your Dad's get well soon and hugs to you all.
    PK- Sorry about the job news but fingers crossed you get something else soon

    Yesterday was a strange day, another one involving a dad. My dad made a rather gruesome discovery when walking the dog in the morning but he was very calm about it all if quite a bit shaken. Then spent the rest of the day making cups of tea for all the people who finished up either in or near to their house.

    Anyway pleasures for yesterday,
    1. Took lunch to work with me so didn't go the sandwich shop
    2. Nice chat on the phone with brother.
    3. Sorted some of the ironing mountain so not quite as big as it was
    4. Managed to have a home cooked meal and not resort to takeaway before everyone had to go out last night. Trying to keep organised for Thursdays as always a busy day in our house.
    5. Whislt DD was at guides I did a 7.5 mile training walk. After living in the area for 16 years I am getting to know streets that I never knew existed with all this walking but unfortunetly not finding road kill

    hugs to all who need them
  • villagelife
    villagelife Posts: 3,047 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    Hope all Dads get well soon and can all leave hospital today.

    1. DH bought a new (for us) car. His old one was begining to become unreliable and he needs it for work. I know its not MS but it is exciting.

    2. Busy chaotic day at work but there was a full box of chocolates at the start of the day which was empty at the end of the day!

    3. Took lunch into work again - I am doing well with this.

    4. Good pilates class.

    5. Good walk in the light again with my dog.
  • luvvie
    luvvie Posts: 53 Forumite
    Morning All

    Thank you for all your lovely warm welcome and messages, I really like this little bit of the OS forum, hope you don't mind if I stay? ;)

    Yesterday was a bit of a turning point for me. I won't go into loads of details but I have long term health problems that have prevented me from working for just over a year. I was starting to get into a bit of a rut, and feeling sorry for myself (they still haven't found out what's causing it, which frustrates me no end.)

    Yesterday I came on here and cautiously typed 5 things that I'd like to do for the day. 5 small little targets, pretty insignificant you would think but the act of just physically typing them and completing them yesterday made me feel great and more importantly put a huge smile on my face. So I'm going to continue :) with the theme!

    Today's little pleasures are...

    1. Going to start with the one I'm most excited about IT'S TAKEAWAY TEA TONIGHT! Sorry for SHOUTING but it's chippy night tonight! Faggot, Chips and Mushy peas (albeit a bit budget friendly as the faggots were £1 for 6 in Tesco, mushy peas 17p a tin and a large portion of chips is only £1.50 which is enough to feed me, the OH & the 2 dogs!) Bargainlicious! Yumm!

    2. Yesterday I found someone on FB selling a huge tin of buttons for £2. After a bit of negotiation she's letting me have the buttons, a box full of threads/cotton and a cute little sewing kit all for £5 so roll on the sewing and I get to pick it up today! Hurrah!

    3. I was given a load of fabric by a freecycler and it's been hanging around for a while. I've nearly completed my office/work room so I'm going to forage through the bag and see what's there and plan to try and make some bunting to put up in my office.

    4. On the way back from picking up the sewing bits I'm going to nip into the town. I saw a jacket in a charity shop that I'd wished I'd bought, the curiosity of whether it's still there is getting the better of me. They also have a street market on a Friday which is always worth a mooch around for the fruit & veg stalls.

    5. I've also got to take something faulty back to B&Q which means I'll get a refund (only £6) but I've then got £6 then to spend in my favourite 'everythings £1 charity shop' :T

    Hope you all have a gorgeously wonderful day xx
  • Kittikins
    Kittikins Posts: 5,335 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post
    yay to a lovely day luvvie :) hope you get better and better and really enjoy that chippyish dinner!
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