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The 12 week Debt-Life *Achieve something* Plan - WEEK 7



  • huston_kw
    1 * When provisonal comes through book driving lessons (2 x 2hrs weekly)
    2 * Go to gym 3 times a week and do pilates at home

    3 * Take children swimming at least fortnightly (weekly if the time)
    Going tomorrow

    4 * Learn to crochet
    did a youtube video, need to keep practicing, practiced today

    5 * Start my calligrapy set (only had the thing 3 years)
    6 * Food plan weekly, only food required delivered.
    7 * Chritmas shopping
    8 * Book on one of the textile courses
    9 * Get a routine fixed in place

    10 * Clean house top to bottom, sell, free cycle or charity shop stuff we don't need
    Started lightly

    11 * Do garden, fix the fence and get oh to do trellis
    12 * Lose weight 12 pounds

    Still have a bad back but codine is doing wonders for it, anyway I've practiced more crochet it's so relaxing just what I need, dd has requested a blanket for her doll - I shall keep practicing, I need to go and buy some better wool as what I got came with a hook (starter pack) and it's not that good, I think I may change some of my list ... no I will leave it alone.

    I've done some light cleaning today, and got 4 flylady stars this week, oh brother has just got himself a flat so I've been having a rumage to see what we can help him with.

    Taking little ones swimming tomorrow. Really need to get routine back, going to update it on the computer this weekend to start next week, dd has got her first homework today, so it's a good time start again, we did have one, but with the hols it went out the window, well hope everyone has a good weekend
  • ehallett
    ehallett Posts: 1,960 Forumite
    Hi everyone

    Tonight, I am going to start looking through the Xmas presents I have stored away, right them down and hopefully wrap them up. They are mainly for my niece.

    I have figured out that I can get at least £100 worth of Amazon vouchers before the end of November. I am going to do this by getting £5 a week from BP (doing forums mainly) making this £50.

    I am also going to get £50 worth from Dooyoo. I've already got 10,000 miles and so need to do 80 reviews to get to the 50,000 to make £50. 2 a day for 40 days will ensure that I can redeem them before the end of October.

    I haven't been able to pay anything off my debts yet as just paid the rent so quite skint at the moment. My big clean up starts on Monday when I am off work :D.

    Emily x
  • Allypops
    Can I join in too please.

    My aims for the 12 weeks are to:

    1. Lose weight - 21lbs
    2. Reduce overall debt by £1500
    3. Reduce grocery shop to £80 a week (from £150+ :eek:)
    4. Menu plan and batch cooking, internet shop
    5. Declutter and then....
    6. Overcome ebayandcarbootaphobia and sell what is too good to throw out. Aim for £100
    7. Get papercraft stash out and make family christmas cards and any upcoming birthday cards. Get scrapping! Do not buy more stash :rolleyes:
    8. Walk 30 minutes a day as first step to getting more active
    9. Christmas planning, budget setting and bargain hunting ;)
    10. Get more organised. I leave everything til the last minute and then PANICC :eek:

    That should keep me busy :T
    Married with 2 children
    SPC5 # 1837- -
    DMP started April 2011 34.5% paid [STRIKE]£78800[/STRIKE]
    DFD: June 2019 DFW Long hauler #286
  • well today hasnt been up to much really....

    did my voluntary work and had carrot and corriander soup, turkey sandwiches and cherry scone for lunch but rest of the day not very healthy! although havent had any chocolate!
    walked about 4 miles so a bit better than yesterday.
    failed miserably at shopping for treats cos i had a 20% discount for dorothy perkins so bought a bracelet had been looking at for ages, a cardigan and sunglasses (?) so spent £20 but saved about £20 (doesnt that cancel it out? no?:rolleyes:)

    congrats to everyone doing so well!:T
    Cc debt; £4950 Tesco - £3.37 Boots - £3.94 £2 pot - £0.00 Sealed pot NO40 - £7.87 no spend days jan-3/31 £2 savers = £6
  • Bunnyinthelights
    Can I join late?
    Empty pockets never held anyone back, only empty heads and empty hearts can do that -Peale
  • ClootiesMum
    I'm late as well, but I'd love to join.

    My 12 in 12 weeks would be (& some have been pinched from others - but they're soooo good, I had to)

    1. Lose 12 lbs
    2. Take lunch to work each day - no spending at van or choccie machine at work
    3. Make sure house has been tidied each night before bed (I hate staggering around in the morning & falling over things)
    4. Have all Christmas pressies bought
    5. Restart DFW diary & update daily - 3 MSE tasks & 3 non MSE tasks
    6. No takeaways :eek:
    7. Meal plan each week & STICK TO IT
    8. Have a monthly budget in place
    9. E-bayeast 10 items (I need to start with e-bay, but I'm terrified.....)
    10.Start to review on dooyoo
    11. Exercise of some sort at least 4 times a week
    12. I will have 4 alcohol free days a week.

    Wish me luck.....

    Debts 07/12/2021
  • Toto
    Toto Posts: 6,680 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Can I join late?

    Of course you can bunny :)
    "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" - Albert Einstein
  • Bunnyinthelights
    Right-this week...(baby steps)...

    1. run/cross train 3 times
    2. join weight watchers
    3. join Run Club officially
    4. pay £20 off CC
    Empty pockets never held anyone back, only empty heads and empty hearts can do that -Peale
  • Jassa
    Jassa Posts: 355 Forumite

    Please can I join - this thread is SO friendly and exactly what I need!

    In 12 weeks I intend to:

    1 Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    2 Have 4 no-alcohol days per week
    3 Learn how to use e-bay and sell some unwanted items
    4 Join 'flylady' thread and keep on top of the housework (lurked for a few weeks)
    5 De-clutter spare room (can only open the door - can't actually get in there!)
    6 Buy no new clothes (see 5 - that's part of the problem in there)
    7 Make do and mend - do one sewing task a day, even if it's sewing on a button!
    8 One walk a day for 5 days a week (or use x-trainer)
    9 Organise paperwork
    10 Complete arm exercises 5 days a week - banish the bingo wings!
    11 Complete tummy exercises 5 days a week - banish the wobbles!
    12 Christmas pressies/cards sorted by 1st December - find last year's leftover bits to use up

    Good luck to everyone.
    I could give up chocolate, but I'm no quitter!
    Shoe love is true love
    Debt-free 21/12/09 and determined to stay that way - still DF 09/10/17
  • Toto
    Toto Posts: 6,680 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    wow good list there jassa

    welcome aboard to everyone just joining.
    "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" - Albert Einstein
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