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Water Bills questions and comment



  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Yes, they do,


    It would be helpful if you indicated to which post you were referring.
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    hello sweetheart,
    so sorry no one has contacted you about your debt,

    To which post are you directing your comments?

    I appreciate you are a new poster but you should quote the post that is the subject of your reply. As far as I can see nobody called 'sweetheart' has posted in the last year.
  • I used to pay £24 a month but since moving into a new and smaller property I pay £28 a month. I think this is due to having a constant leak in the taps. I have tried explaining this to my water provider but they will not do anything ? What can I do?
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Emma1998 wrote: »
    I used to pay £24 a month but since moving into a new and smaller property I pay £28 a month. I think this is due to having a constant leak in the taps. I have tried explaining this to my water provider but they will not do anything ? What can I do?

    Welcome to the forum.

    If renting, get landlord to fix taps.

    If you own, get a plumber.
  • jadex
    jadex Posts: 767 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    edited 29 March 2017 at 2:31AM
    My water supply is metered.
    For the past 10 years my usage has never been higher than 35 m3 per 6 months.
    Last week engineer from Thames Water visited my property and today received a new bill - £1900 to pay !!!!!! Apparently I have used 886 m3 since the end of October. How so?
    I check my meter regularly and checked it last October and was planning to do so on 1st April (as water rates are going to change).
    So, my first point was to check the meter. As it stands, my old meter's gone and TW installed a new one without telling me about it!!! So current reading is meaningless.
    Surely, they should have informed me while they were on site? They asked me to move my car to have access to meter, then to run cold water in the kitchen, then said it's fine and OK but somehow failed to tell me that they changed my meter... Had I known about it, I would have taken a picture of "last reading".
    Now they claim that meter readings has increased by 886 m3 since October and I have no possibility to verify it.
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    jadex wrote: »
    My water supply is metered.
    For the past 10 years my usage has never been higher than 35 m3 per 6 months.
    Last week engineer from Thames Water visited my property and today received a new bill - £1900 to pay !!!!!! Apparently I have used 886 m3 since the end of October. How so?
    I check my meter regularly and checked it last October and was planning to do so on 1st April (as water rates are going to change).
    So, my first point was to check the meter. As it stands, my old meter's gone and TW installed a new one without telling me about it!!! So current reading is meaningless.
    Surely, they should have informed me while they were on site? They asked me to move my car to have access to meter, then to run cold water in the kitchen, then said it's fine and OK but somehow failed to tell me that they changed my meter... Had I known about it, I would have taken a picture of "last reading".
    Now they claim that meter readings has increased by 886 m3 since October and I have no possibility to verify it.

    Contact the Consumer Council for Water
  • Does anybody know if I can claim 7 years overpayment of water rates of the money coming out of my benefits. Been charged WAY over the odds as a single Tennant and it's only just been adjusted to single occupancy. At least 7 years wrong rate. Many thanks
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Felixmum wrote: »
    Does anybody know if I can claim 7 years overpayment of water rates of the money coming out of my benefits. Been charged WAY over the odds as a single Tennant and it's only just been adjusted to single occupancy. At least 7 years wrong rate. Many thanks

    There are 3 ways of paying water charges.

    1. If no meter, you pay based on the Rateable Value(RV) and it doesn't matter if 1 person or 10 people live in the property - the charges are the same.

    2. If you have a meter you pay on the amount of water used, and again, as above, it doesn't matter if 1 or 10 people live in the property.

    3. If you apply for a meter and one cannot be fitted, you will be given the option of an Assessed charge. This is supposed to be the average charge for that type of property - some use the number of bedrooms and some the number of occupants. Most water companies also have a lower charge for a single occupant.

    The important factor is you must formally apply for a meter and it is the water company's decision if an assessed charge will be offered. They will often backdate the assessed charge to the date you applied for a meter. You must also tell them that you are a single occupant.

    What is the position on your water supply - with dates.
  • We had a water meter fitted on moving in and it didnt achieve much savings but now thames water sent us a letter our bills would be rising because they want more money to build a sewer 30 miles away !
    We have them out once a month to jet our sewer as its broken and cannot be bothered to fix that yet were expected to pay extra for a sewer we will never use! Its time these monopolies were reigned in and put on the open market where we can choose who to give our money too
  • Have you heard the one about the one bed flat paying £10 per week to a third party (Council) when a four bed house pays £14 per week ?

    Council pockets a stealth tax of £300,000 per year and water companies collect 4 times more under RV compared to metered.

    Ofwat, CCWater and Watrs think this is ok ???
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