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May 2009 Grocery Challenge



  • Beki
    Beki Posts: 917 Forumite
    I'm a terrible OS'er :(:o I got about 1 week into the April GC and i lost all track of where i was, how much i had spent etc, so i thought 'blow it', and didn't bother to tally up anything from then on in :o

    May will be better! ;)

    Can you put me down for £200 may please.

    This is for all food, toiletries, cleaning products, washing powder etc for -

    2 adults
    2 children (10 and 3)
    1 ravenous labrador
    7 chooks
    2 pigs

    (we also pay half of the bills for the pony, 2 geese and 2 goats, but the pony lives on mostly fresh air this time of year, and the goats don't eat a lot of food. the geese just get a scoop of grain twice per day so that doesn't cost to a lot either)
  • Essex-girl_2
    Essex-girl_2 Posts: 3,503 Forumite
    Hello All

    Can I please be put down for £280 this month.
  • grandmasam
    grandmasam Posts: 535 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Stoptober Survivor
    Hi all,
    lidl shop was 59p.plum toms
    £1 00 marg for cake making

    really pleased i'm doing this as i see that mentally i'm shopping to fill pantry and freezer as if there are still 6 adults in the house[4 males !]instead of just me :D
    talk about a lightbulb moment

    will try to update sig, good luck everyone!
    Saving for another hound :j
    :staradmin from Sue-UU
    SPC no 031 SPC 9 £1211, SPC 8 £1027 SPC 7 £937.24, SPC 6 £973.4 SPC 5 £1949, SPC 4 £904.67 SPC 4 £980.27
    SAVVYMUMMY_2 Posts: 362 Forumite
    Hi all,

    did a MrT shop today, came to £32.35 so will update siggy in a mo.

    Using a value curry sauce which I usually water down a bit as I find it`s a bit thick and adding a block of coconut milk, much cheaper then the tinned stuff as there`s 4 blocks for 68p(I think). Going to add the lamb and veg left from sunday roast, yumm. Having this with whoopsied naan bread I brought last month and maybe some rice, so quite a cheap meal that could do us 2 meals each(for family of 4)easily.

    I also received a cloche from freecycle today aswell, for my veggies, massive thing. So really chuffed with it.

    Hoping everyones haven`t a great day. catch you all later.
    Grocery Challenge 2013: July week 1 £90/£87.41 :D
    week 2 £90.00/£118.38:eek: week 3 £90/£60.54:jweek4 £90/£79.90 week5 £45/£00
    End of mortgage april 2030
    Mortgage overpayment from june 2013 aiming for £400 a month: £451
    Emergency fund 2013 from june £70
  • lizzyshep
    lizzyshep Posts: 255 Forumite
    Spent £4 today that I didn't really need to - I went out last night and was very tired this morning, so got a bacon sarnie and coffee on the way to work, and because I hadn't got it together to take a packed lunch, I had to buy something from the canteen. Actually, the lunch thing worked out quite well, cos I got in to work to find someone who used to work in our department had reclaimed their microwave (fair enough but they could have warned us in advance!) so I wouldn't have been able to reheat my meal - and I got a special deal in the canteen, just under half a prawn baguette with extra filling for 50p!

    I'm adding anything I eat/drink out (unless it's a pre-arranged proper meal out), including takeaways, to my total spend for the month. It really helps me see how it adds up so quickly, it's only the 5th and I've spent an eighth of the budget aleady!
    April Grocery Challenge: £80/£64.39
    March No Spend Days: 15/7
  • angelnikki
    angelnikki Posts: 892 Forumite
    Hi! Just had this week's MrT delivery, total came to £69.50 :)

    This included:
    8 wild Alaskan salmon fillets half price £5
    6 Linda McCartney sausages £1
    6 Happy Eggs £1
    Princes tuna in spring water 4pck half price £2.69
    1kg Trattoria Verdi penne 99p
    1kg Trattoria Verdi fusilli 99p

    Off to update my siggy...

    Nikki x
  • orchid-96
    orchid-96 Posts: 686 Forumite
    I was all over the place in April so have no idea the final toll on the grocery budget- I have been doing my best though to have plenty of no spend days but I would probably be shocked if I worked it out..I will call it a void month but I would love to come back for May with a budget of £250 from which I have spent £38.24 in Asda today (my new favourite shop am going there rather than MrT's at the moment as I seem to be spending less and I am impressed with them...

    Off to update siggy, grab a cup of tea and scroll back to read all you lovely posts....
    Jun GC £250.00/£12.40 NSD 3 / 30

    January 200/198.91 February 200/239.28 March 200/230
    April 250/no idea May 250/265.95

    Sealed pot challenge number 648
  • russetred
    russetred Posts: 1,334 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Still working our way down the freezer meats.I picked up the aldi super6 on sunday and got the new ones today.
    All for 49p

    lemon and lime pack
    baby plum tomatoes
    butternut squash.

    Should keep us ticking over for a bit.
    I made hot and sour chinese soup for lunch with whoopsied noodles and oyster/shitake mushrooms.I buy them when they're 10p then dry them out in the boiler cupboard ,they keep for ages and reconstitute perfectly.
    Dinner was pork chops,brocoli,green beans,carrots and HM potato dauphinoise.I virtuously stuck to the low cal soup though I did have 2 huuuge bowls.
    "Sometimes life sucks....but the alternative is unacceptable."
  • Maisie_M
    Maisie_M Posts: 1,524 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    updated my spends today:

    £6.33 in tesco on Saturday and £42.58 in Asda yesterday.

    Total so far is £48.91 which is a third of my budget. Am okay with this as now have a pretty full freezer and cupboards so that should keep me going for a while. Will get some bread, milk and fruit on Friday but hoping that will be all until next week.
  • elizabunny
    elizabunny Posts: 1,030 Forumite
    Evening all, just back from a lovely weekend away for my birthday. DH treated me to dinner out Saturday night which was fab. and it didn't come out of the GC budget:j. Back to reality now and had a little shop in Lidl tonight (sig. updated) Cupboards don't look too bad but we are very low on meat and fish at the moment. I'm going to have to be very inventive this month, but at least we now have a daily supply of homegrown lettuce, herbs, radish and rocket, Think I'll turn into a rabbit:rotfl: Hope everyone had a good bank holiday and that budgets are going well.
    Sealed Pot Challenge 7 Member 022 :staradmin:staradmin:staradmin
    5:2 Diet started 28/1/2013 only 13lbs lost due to Xmas 2013 blip.
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