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BEEN DECLINED - Appeal Letter Template



  • Well I applied for a virgin credit card last Saturday online and was outrightly refused :(

    Slightly above average salary for my age - Experian and Credit expert ratings are excellent with no flags - home owner (mortgaged) with no late payments etc. Very, very miffed as no reason was given accept hinting that they checked my credit (which obviously doesn't add up).

    So have fired off the email in the hope that my rejection is over-turned :)

    Tried the appeal letter, having been turned down by Virgin Money for a credit card (I have a similar credit standing). They have since come back and maintained their refusal. Any ideas of how to appeal any further? Do I complain or continue to try to appeal? I have checked my credit report and there are no obvious indicators which would justify the refusal.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    September 2007 (penny drop date) £35,458 :mad:
    December 2013 £3,307.14 :cool:
    :beer: DFD September 2014:beer:
    Official DFW Nerd Club - Member no. 831
    :j Proud to be dealing with my debt:j
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 539 Forumite
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    adunnia wrote: »
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Move on. The card company has no obligation to offer you a card. You should see your appeal letter as more of a chance for provide the card company with more information about you which might help them in being able to make the decision you want.

    They've considered this information, and decided that they still don't want you as a customer.
  • aleph_0 wrote: »
    Move on. The card company has no obligation to offer you a card. You should see your appeal letter as more of a chance for provide the card company with more information about you which might help them in being able to make the decision you want.

    They've considered this information, and decided that they still don't want you as a customer.

    Thanks for that but I am more concerned with how this will affect my chances elsewhere. If they have no valid reason to decline my credit application then they have blighted my record for no good reason.
    September 2007 (penny drop date) £35,458 :mad:
    December 2013 £3,307.14 :cool:
    :beer: DFD September 2014:beer:
    Official DFW Nerd Club - Member no. 831
    :j Proud to be dealing with my debt:j
  • adunnia wrote: »
    ......If they have no valid reason to decline my credit application.......

    You might find the reason for the decline in your signature:
    :j Proud to be dealing with my debt :j

    The decline will not affect other applications (apart from the very minor 'credit search'). The state of your indebtedness, certainly will!
  • They obvious felt that they had a valid reason, regardless of whether or not you agree.

    I believe that your credit reports will only show a search, and not whether or not it was successful - hardly a massive blight.
  • You might find the reason for the decline in your signature:

    The decline will not affect other applications (apart from the very minor 'credit search'). The state of your indebtedness, certainly will!

    Thanks for that. Useful note on the effect of the decline. I am struggling to change the signature (I think that's what you referring to when you say 'The state of my indebtedness'). Thankfully I have left all of that far behind me!
    September 2007 (penny drop date) £35,458 :mad:
    December 2013 £3,307.14 :cool:
    :beer: DFD September 2014:beer:
    Official DFW Nerd Club - Member no. 831
    :j Proud to be dealing with my debt:j
  • adunnia wrote: »
    Thankfully I have left all of that far behind me!

    Good for you! :beer:
  • adunnia wrote: »
    Thanks for that but I am more concerned with how this will affect my chances elsewhere. If they have no valid reason to decline my credit application then they have blighted my record for no good reason.
    Did you approach them or did you apply to them?
    Did you read their terms and conditions before pressing the submit button?

    They have not blighted your record - you are being silyl here.

  • They have not blighted your record - you are being silyl here.

    Thanks very much for your comment. I asked because I needed information. I don't think that's being silly...
    September 2007 (penny drop date) £35,458 :mad:
    December 2013 £3,307.14 :cool:
    :beer: DFD September 2014:beer:
    Official DFW Nerd Club - Member no. 831
    :j Proud to be dealing with my debt:j
  • Great post! Too bad I came across this only after I've sent off my own appeal email..
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