parking bay markings
the street outside our house is resident parking or 2 hours non resident the markings do not seem right to me. the outer corners (the L shape on each end ) measure 710mmx710mm when it clearly states on my d.o.t drawing that these should measure 600x600 also going up to the ends , where they have been re lined at some…
Can employers take outstanding parking fines directly from your wages?
I've been threatened with this today. Work for the NHS and the Estates Manager has said that if I don't start paying £8 a day to park, my outstanding fines (of which there are A LOT!) will be taken directly from my wages. I have a bit of an ongoing battle with the car park people (CP Plus) because I park next to the…
CP Plus Ltd Parking Fine
Hi there, I recently got a letter through the post from CP Plus Ltd with regards to me being parked at Donington Park Services for 3 hours. I was meeting up with friends and we were at our cars for the whole time, yet we still got fines. I never knew about the 2 hours business and we were looking around the cars and stuff.…
TCP & A.A.HUTTON - affected credit status ??????????
Hi all, wonder if you can help ? been reading about tcp on this forum and seems the advice is to ignore. I had a parking ticket from them when i did my shopping at asda ! i did get a ticket from a shopper ( quick thinking ) which was about 10 mins out of time from the parking ticket. So after 1 letter from TCP and 2…
Threat of court action pending
I yesterday received. Letter from our dear friends at Graham White solicitors acting on behalf of the car park operator for the railway stations car parks. It advised me after repeated ignoring of there letters they carried out a trace and can confirm I reside at my address, why I never, getting techy aren't they, eh?! It…
Pepipoo ?
Noticed it wasnt working last night, just tried it again now and its gawn orf again ??
Do homemade NO PARKING signs have any legal standing?
Hi everyone, would just like a bit of advise please. I work in town on minimum wage so cant realy afford to pay for parking at over £5 a day so i along with others park in a DIY superstore carpark for free. They have realised people are doing this and put some notices on cars saying it is a car park for customers only for…
Private Parking Charge Help Please
Hi I have just returned from holiday and found a PPC from a company called OPC on my mat It says I stayed over the permitted time on a retail park and must pay £100 (£50 if I pay by 28th Feb) I have to admit I did stay half an hour over the three hours they are telling me the limit is but it is free parking and I didn't…
towed from hospital car park!
Hi can someone help?? i work as an A & E nurse at my local hospital, the parking is a private company, i pay £23 a month for a permit, there are spaces in the hospital that your not ment to park, on a times i have parked in a volunteers car park, when i know i finish late as i dont feel safe at the top of the multi storey…
More Euro Car parking Shenanigans
In the Daily Heil today, ECP warden books a one legged driver who forgot their blue badge but showed them their false leg Unsurprisingly the "appeal" was dismissed and the victim told to pay up. Mobilise are you listening, to a sorry tale of woe about an "expensive mistake" ECP cash greedy vultures imho.…
NCP - Credit Card Surcharge?
I parked in an NCP car park at the weekend in London, and when I came to pay the £22.50 for 24 hours the machine wouldn't accept my credit card. I ended up using my debit card, but it then charged me the 2.5% surcharge for using a credit card. I have emailed NCP but I have had no response, has this happened to anyone else?…
What would Mobilise make of this.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1359084/Parking-warden-gives-1-legged-driver-ticket-disabled-bay-Cardiff.html Presumably pay up !!!!!!!!!
PPC pming me - anyone else?!
OOOH I think we have rattled them: This is the pm I got: QUOTE advice given Coupon-mad or are you schoolrunmum? Some of your posts are extremely derogatory, slanderous and libellous. In addition there are major inaccuracies which are missleading people. Don't be surprised if some people find it necessary to take action…
Car Parking Partnership (CCP) - NHS Hospital Fine
Hi, I am a member of staff at an NHS hospital and pay for a parking permit each month in order to park on the car park at my hospital. I have recieved a fine from CPP for being parked on the wrong floor of the car park and I am wondering what I should do. There is one small sign at the car park entrance which states that…
Central Ticketing invoice - next steps?
Hi I live in a private block of flats that is operated by Central ticketing I received a ticket in the 2nd week of December for not displaying a valid ticket. I always leave the dates blank on my paper visitors permit (that i'm required to keep photocopying)as I was told before by ticket operators this was not an issue,…
Incorrectly Displayed Ticket
Hi all, Have been given a parking fine from the council for my ticket being upside down (flipped over, eligible). The traffic warden took a pic of the reference number on the ticket. I posted an appeal to the council with the corresponding ticket, which proves that I had paid for parking. I have got a letter back saying…
Help with Parking Fine Appeal
Hi I received a parking fine from Hounslow Council back in September 2010 after an exchange of letters between myself and the council the case is now going to Appeal. Basically I parked in a bay with restricted parking times but was unaware of the restrictions as the sign stating the waiting restrictions had been turned…
Clamped for civil recovery.
I'll keep it brief. Over the course of about a year, I collected a handful of tickets from a private car-parking company. They were all for the usual petty infringements and I wasn't too worried. Collected the usual threatening letters as expected. Then, one day, with a VALID pay and display ticket on my car, I was clamped…
UKCPS - Desperate
http://www.thisisplymouth.co.uk/news/City-shopper-s-fury-unfair-fine-retail-park/article-3198669-detail/article.html Customer Service :eek:
central ticketing
i parked outside poundstretcher but didnt notice the 1hr parking sign which might i add was very small- all it said was 1 hr customer parking max. I was 30 mins over but in store the entire time. I appealed the fine and sent them(central ticketing) proof that I was in store and when i had went thru the checkout. I have now…