Good news for 'end daters' - New date sorting tools!
At long last we have tools for sorting by date order! I've just had a quick play, sorting by date order puts the oldest ones first. The 00/00 (enter details once to be in every weekly/monthly draw) comps are at the very end, those ending today come just before them. We can't yet order them the other way round, but it's a…
Clicking links now requires an intermediary confirmation page?
Is this just a setting I've somehow flicked on/off on this new forum software, or is this another "Change"? Now when I click any link in the competition forum that people are sharing, it's taking me to an intermediary forum page that states the link again, and requires me to click that before it continues to the page,…
Slow auto-fill advice
Hi all I have only had my laptop a few months but the past couple of weeks my autofill has been so slow to appear that I have usually typed in nearly all my details before it pops up when I am filling in comp forms so comping is taking me much longer than it used to. I just wondered if anyone else has ever had this issue…
I know this is probably very controversial and I'm likely on my own. But I feel there is so much negativity on this forum at the moment. People want things to change but they are leaving or threatening to leave. We need to stick together, yes. But I feel we also need to thank you the MSE team for still giving us the…
Discussion re Petition
Please use this thread to chat about the petition at: https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/discussion/6196788 Blu XXX
Advice for clarity on prize
Morning All,I had the great luck to win a duvet set and throw recently and the prize has just arrived.It doesn't include the pillowcases which I thought was implied in duvet 'set'. Is it worth following up with the prize giver do you think?Don't want to sound ungrateful! (But I also really would like the pillow cases :D )
Anyone had to chase prizes won with Money magpie?
I won an immune bundle over a month ago, MM took details to pass to the company but nothing arrived yet. Emailed MM at beginning of this week, but no reply yet. I suppose they could be waiting for an answer from the prize company but I haven't had any acknowledgment they received it. Wonder whether anyone else has had to…
Advise on claiming prize
First I 100% apologise is this is not the correct place to post this question. I won a prize on Instagram a few weeks ago. The company asked for my name and address on DM. But I noticed after a few days they had not looked at the message with my address details. Few days later they posted to say they would be taking a…
Same competition - multiple sites..
Can we create a forum rule that when a competition is run across multiple sites, that there is ONE post with links out to each site. It's so annoying having to scroll past the same (often lots of different competitions) thing lots of times. I appreciate everyone who posts, but this would really help tidy up the forum.
Please read this forum announcement on the Feedback board
Where to post - Win a house (£2)
Hi, As this comes within the MSE to pay comps amount as okay for post, text, and phone competitions, but is an online competition can it be put on the main competition forum? I've seen that this has been done before, but don't know if it was in the above sub-section or the main one with a being a pay to win prize draw.…
How many characters can you put in a subject line on a new thread title on the comps board?
Just thinking that it would be a good way to get round the missing hover preview that everyone complains about. It would be a little extra work for those that post the comps but everyone that uses the board would benefit. There is no need to type 'Win' every time, all the posts are to win something, it's what the board is…
LikeWow comps problem ..
When i enter a competition for this site, it accepts the answer on enter now, then it comes up thank you for entering but underneath, Oops .. Unexpected error occurred. So, I don't know if it has gone through or not. I have asked Likewow on their Contact Us form on the site & messaged them on Facebook but no reply so far.…
Winners not drawn
I've come across a website for a large store's local community page on Facebook. They have been putting prize draws on and only getting about 20 people entering. I was going to start posting them on CT, but looking at some of the prize draws no winner has been chosen. The two I can see that have been drawn are for a sofa…
Gleam Competitions
Good Morning I am not sure if anyone can help me with this or do I need to go direct to gleam.io I regularly enter Gleam/Rafflecopter competitions and don't normally have a problem. I just work my way through the entry options using the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. entry option. Recently when I enter one…
Did anyone ever won a wish list from John Lewis worth up to £1k?
Hi everyone! Like in title did you heard of anyone wining wish list from John Lewis? They never announce the winner and sometimes I'm thinking is a scam. They asking us to create a new wish list every month just to buy something in the meantime but never choose the winner?! Please let me know what you think about it xxx
Can't get "Enter" button to work
Anybody else having problems, or is it just me? :(
Help with search
Can somebody please try and explain exactly how to get the search to work.
What the hell has happened
I have been away for a year and it looks like a car crash has happened.
Can't click "Entered" / "Skipped"
Was playing about with this yesterday, there are times when you can't click on the "Entered" or "skipped" buttons, it seems to be because the END date set in the "Closing Date" field is incorrect and has probably passed. I don't know if this has been discussed already, but that seems to be the cause if you notice your post…