help with appeal process?
hi there, I have just entered into an appeal with the CMS regarding my ex partner giving false info about his circumstances. can anyone on hear tell me how the process works. has anyone here appealed? has anyone won an appeal or lost an appeal? thanks in advance for any replies.
30 free hours reconfirmaton
Can anyone find anything that confirms the £100,000 threshold is based on the tax year rather than at the point of signing up/reconfirmation - at least this is what I was told when signing my child up for the 30 free hours. I guess we are in a unique situation in that my wife was recently made a partner (moving from a…
30hrs free- what is a year?
I need to know if the £100000 limit is per calendar year,financial year or school year. I can’t find this confirmed anywhere. Thank you
Childcare vouchers or Tax free childcare
Hi all, Not sure if I am posting this in the right place or if there is a thread on this already but here it goes. I have been looking at both options but I’m still unclear which will be the better option for me and my partners situation. We are looking to place our child into childcare for two days a week so looking at…
Moving jobs where new job does not offer Childcare Vouchers
Hi all, I am moving jobs where my old job had childcare vouchers through EdenRed but the new job does not support childcare vouchers. I left my old job on the 19th and started the new one on the 20th of December. I've applied for the tax free child-care, but how does it work if you've already spent some of the year with…
Claiming expenses through CMS
Hi im new to CMS, to cut along story short my ex wife stop me from seeing my kids, untill i went through CMS, even though i paid her with out fail, it turns out they wanted another £20 more off me, my trouble is she was expecting more, she live other side of the country and refuses to meet me, so at weekend i do 460 miles…
Issues contacting CMS
Is anyone else having issues trying to contact CMS by telephone today? There is a recorded message saying they are unable to take the call due to exceptional circumstances but I cannot find anything on the internet about why.
Children in part time work and part time education
I’m currently paying CM through a mutual agreement. I paid csa for 16 years without fail. My kids are 17 & 19 both part time at college and both doing part time work. I’ve suggested to the ex that I should reduce the payments as they are both working part time but she has threatened to go back to the csa to reinsert the…
Custody of children through court
My ex has now decided to stop me from seeing my kids, as i said i cant afford to have them twice this month due to xmas and his birthday coming up, she pretty much said obvouisly your not bothered about them. I am but i needed to get them birthday and xmas presents too. So not only has she stop me seeing them, cut me off…
csa arrear problems
hi apologies for the long post ex and I have 2 girls, we were together for nearly 8 years, near the end of our relationship ex had become very aggressive towards myself and the children, once we had split I had the girls for the weekend when my daughter told me that mum had hurt her and sister, she showed me bruising and…
Can boyfriends ex take money from my wage as child matinence?
Hello. I'm really confused at the moment. Boyfriend currently works, but is getting made redundant. He will be able to claim contributions based job seekers for 6 months, by then our baby will have been born and he is becoming a stay at home dad. I work in a school as a teaching assistant, very low wage, don't even come…
Chromosome disorder
Hi there not sure if this can help in any way anyhow my daughter was tested via genetic testing and has been diagnosed with a rare micro chromosome disorder any way we received the results at the hospital and have a report written out were awaiting to see the genetic and being tested ourselves I was just wondering weather…
How much maintenance?
Hi, My first time here and I hope someone can offer some insight please? My ex and I split 9 years ago. We have 1 daughter aged 14. In the last 9 years he has not paid maintenance regularly although he has given me £1000 here and there. He was training for a career but had a bad accident a few years ago which left him…
Child living with neither parent
My partner pays for his two children in a private arrangement directly to his ex-wife (this was put into a consent order through court as part of the divorce). His eldest is 18 and still in full time education but has now moved into her boyfriend's mum's house, so living with neither parent. The money my partner is paying…
looking for some advice if anyone can help. i have 2 kids to different mums. am currently paying child maintenance through the CMS to one childs mum the other mum asked me to cancel the other some time back which i did but pay the amount into my childs bank account instead. she received a call from the cms a couple of…
Why am I still paying the CSA after case has closed?
My case closed 2 years ago due to the CSA no longer handling them, just before it closed I had arrears and my regular monthly payments so I paid off my arrears and set up a standing order for my regular monthly payments to the CSA. In October 2015 the case closed and I had a letter saying it will be up to the parents to…
CMS showing arrears?
I've been paying CSA up until the end of September they took a DEO payment from me on the 27th which is my paydate every month. I spoke to CMS at the end of September by which he told me the payments over the phone and my ex agreed a Direct Pay agreement I then had to wait for the payment plan to come through the post to…
Ex has up and moved
Hi , completely new too this but hoping for some advice , I have struggled with my ex for years , he's had two contact orders put in place and changed them within months of being given them (over four years ) then I had too apply too the courts too take them aboard on hols as he refused permission 8 months ago (which he…
Cms change of earnings
Hi does anybody know if you have a change in earnings whether they backdate it to when the change occurred or when it is reported? Thank you
Ex has a second job..
Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could give me some advice. My ex and I have a private agreement for child maintenance payments based on his salary, however a friend had been showing me post my ex has been putting on Facebook (which are hidden from me and my family) promoting wine. He has basically joined one of these…