A new UK political system designed by the people, for the people
Our political system is broken and despite their promises, successive governments have proven themselves both unwilling and unable to provide the reform we need. Our government is driving a counter productive program of austerity against our young people, the poor, disabled and those who are least able to defend…
Help stop the rise in Court Fees #saveukjustice
Please help ask the government not to increase the fee for a general application in civil proceedings to £255 The government are proposing to increase the court fee for a general application in civil proceedings ( the N244 application used to ask to set aside a default judgment, apply for a stay, compliance with a 31.14…
The House of Commons and the Government launch new petitions website
For the first time ever, members of the public will be able to electronically petition the House of Commons. Any British citizen or UK resident will be able to start or sign a petition, raising concerns about issues that either the Government or the Commons are responsible for. This new initiative comes as a result of the…
What is a good gift idea for Mother's Day?
What is a good gift idea for Mother's Day?Any alternative software or better suggestions also be welcomed.
CHAS children's hospice campaign
Sunday Post have started a campaign to raise a million pounds for a children's hospice. Very worthy cause. http://www.sundaypost.com/that-s-life/real-life-stories/oor-hoose-introducing-our-campaign-to-raise-a-million-pounds-for-robin-house-1.889397
changing places song
http://www.astorbannerman.co.uk/news/when-youve-got-go/ catchy wee song about a serious issue.
What small change do you want from the new government?
The new government is almost in place and while we're bound to see big legacy changes announced in the next few weeks we don't want politicians in any party to miss small easily-implemented changes that can have a big impact and help us all. So we want your ideas... If something bugs you this is your chance. Tell us, in no…
Say no to proposal for 250 acre solar farm in Northern Irish countryside
Donglemouse regular contributor from days gone by to the match betting board here Folks plans are afoot to build the largest solar farm in the UK here in the sleepy Northern Irish greenfield countryside Whilst renewable energy isn’t a bad thing, destroying 250 acres of countryside for a solar farm isn’t something I can…
Save Sheffield established healthy street trees
If you live work or study in Sheffield ( relevant criteria to participate, but all support welcomed.) I would appreciate it if you could sign and share this petition, regarding the trees on Rustlings Rd, next to Endcliffe park. 12 lime trees are due to be felled, as the council contractors, Amey, " improve" the highways.…
Save Sheffield established healthy street trees
If you live work or study in Sheffield ( relevant criteria to participate, but all support welcomed.) I would appreciate it if you could sign and share this petition, regarding the trees on Rustlings Rd, next to Endcliffe park. 12 lime trees are due to be felled, as the council contractors, Amey, " improve" the highways.…
Please sign the petition to make JSA & ESA payable from day 1 of claim.
Please feel free to sign the petition HERE aimed at making JSA & ESA claims payable from day 1 of the claim. It is quite possibly a breach of the HRA to force claimants to wait 7 days before payments kick-in and can leave many people in dire financial straits.
#ProtectOurNHS #CutCostsNOTCare
Please could you sign and support if you agree? Our NHS needs the public's support! https://www.change.org/p/david-cameron-mp-protect-our-nhs-cut-costs-not-care?recruiter=41355521&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-no_msg&fb_ref=Default
Amazon Prime Rip Off
Amazon have now increased their minimum order amount to £20 to qualify for super saver delivery which has doubled overnight! If you wish you can subscribe to Amazon Prime for £79 per year. That is unless you live in the rest of Europe. It seems that everyone else can subscribe to Prime for just €49 per year (approx. £37).…
Donate to wildlife conservation today, Google will match it £ for £
In celebration of Earth Day Google.org will match your online donations to ZSL up to $20,000 until April 30th - so if you donate £1 online Google.org will give ZSL £1 as well. http://technology-trust-news.org/7U7...7A/cr.aspx?v=0 ZSL London Zoo ZSL Whipsnade Zoo Science Conservation Donate to protect wildlife and…
Call for an Inquiry into the Psychological Impact of Austerity
Please sign here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/psychological-costs-of-austerity-inquiry TO: LEADERS OF ALL UK POLITICAL PARTIES. Commit to a parliamentary inquiry assessing the Psychological Impact of Austerity. Why is this important? The evidence is clear, austerity policies are having damaging psychological…
Hull City AFC to evict local sports clubs
This news has featured on BBC1 Look North News. The Airco Arena in Hull is an excellent multi sports venue. It is used by grassroots sports and elite athletes. You might've seen netball (Yorkshire Jets) on Sky Sports, live from the Airco Arena. Hull City AFC have given the users one month to vacate and find another…
What do you think of the Green Deal?
[FONT="]What do you think of the Green Deal?[/FONT] The Government-backed scheme to help households cover the upfront costs of energy-saving measures is now over a year old. MPs are looking at how successful (or unsuccessful) it's been. Have you heard of it? Have you tried to use it? Does it work? Tell them what you…
Name & Shame Companies That Spam
I would like to suggest a campaign to name and shame companies guilty of spamming. I realise most people may not be aware where the spam they get comes from, but for many years I have used Sneakemail addresses to create a unique address for each place I submit an email address, so I have been keeping an eye on what…
Your privacy has been trashed. Take a look!
Apologies if this has been posted in the wrong area. I have never been on the electoral register and take my privacy very seriously. The website below lists information that you may be concerned about. freeelectoralroll It appears that it may be a rogue site after reading this google 'freeelectoralroll.co.uk complaints'…
it's all about dignity
Fiona and Anne Fiona is 31 years old and enjoys a variety of activities, including shopping, bowling, and visiting friends. Fiona is often unable to get and about to do the things she loves however – simply because there is nowhere for her to use the toilet. Fiona and her mum Anne, who provides much of her care, need to…