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Frump to Fab - Summer Solstice Sizzler



  • Bitsy_Beans
    Bitsy_Beans Posts: 9,640 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    now i can manage the break the ice comment and then when the other person has responded my head turns into an empty bubble and I struggle to continue the conversation :o
    I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it'll be with a knife :D Louise Brooks
    All will be well in the end. If it's not well, it's not the end.
    Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars
  • Rummer
    Rummer Posts: 6,550 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary
    I wanna be fab too!

    Sick of being told how i USED to be really pretty
    Sick of seeing really nice clothes/designs/styles and knowing i am too fat for them to look nice
    Sick of myself moaning about being fat and frumpy and STILL not doing anything about it...SO IT STOPS NOW!

    This could have been written by me. In fact the other day I bumped into an old aquaintance who told the person she was with that I used to be so slim and pretty. It was a real slap in the face, what put the boot in further was someone later in the day not recognising me because I looked "So different".

    I did have a wee bubble to myself (well on OHs shoulder) and then I pulled myself together and decided to do something about it!
    Taking responsibility one penny at a time!
  • liz-paul
    liz-paul Posts: 899 Forumite
    Great post about meeting new people (was it lesson learned?)! When I was 19 I moved from London to N Ireland. I have been shy all my life and dreaded meeting new people or experiening new situations. Over the years of living here I have somehow learned to talk to anyone. I still feel a bit uncomfortable walknig nito a room of strangers by myself but the difference is that now I do it. I think that really what has done it for me is practice. I only realised this massive change in me about a year ago, it was deffo gradual. But living here you don't really have an option except to make chit chat with people!!!! I am also less bothered what people think about me, partly becuase I do have some good friends (making good friends really boosts your confidence, but I know its hard to do) & so i don't care if people want to be my friend or not. My tip is look out for other peoples signals; loads of us hate meeting new people and feel very shy, look for the people who are smiling nervously or trying to start a conversation (esp in a situation that you are comfortable in, remember how you felt when you were new?) & say hello.
    Plus there is no harm in having stuff to talk about ready prepared in your head first.... :)
    1% at a time no. 40. £8000 (For dream family holiday) 94/100
    MFW 2013 no. 62 £10,000/£10,000
    MFW 2014 no 62 £8000/£7000
  • adelight
    adelight Posts: 2,658 Forumite
    liz-paul isn't having evenly distributed weight a good thing? you can pull of most styles if you are in proportion no matter what your size and 16 really isn't big you can still get clothes from basically every shop, you can go to topshop and evans- most people don't get that choice! if you're in the process of losing weight then why not just get a few things like a new pair of jeans and some cheap tops from asda if you're just going to shrink out of them. spend your money on some comfy boots and accessories :)

    Loving some of these observations of NYE outfits. Ill fitting underwear which gives bigggg visible lines in my pet peeve, it just looks so bad. Why not just wear the right size bra?
    Living cheap in central London :rotfl:
  • LameWolf
    LameWolf Posts: 11,235 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Post
    Rummer wrote: »
    This could have been written by me. In fact the other day I bumped into an old aquaintance who told the person she was with that I used to be so slim and pretty. It was a real slap in the face, what put the boot in further was someone later in the day not recognising me because I looked "So different".

    I did have a wee bubble to myself (well on OHs shoulder) and then I pulled myself together and decided to do something about it!
    Rummer have a Wolfy (((HUG))); that was a real kick in the teeth, for sure!

    Just thinking about it... the quote from one of Damh the Bard's songs that I put as my signature a couple of months back, is somewhat apposite for the way forward from Frump to Fab, I reckon.;)

    Anyways I've managed, with Mr LW's assistance,:A to wash my hair this morning :o - one of the things I want to achieve is washing it a bit more frequently. Because I need help with it, I'm reluctant to ask too often, so it ends up like rats' tails. It's still falling out in handfuls; that's one of the joys (!) of lupus, and there's not a lot I can do about that, but keeping it clean has to help, right?:o

    I've also done 20 mins Wii Fit, and intend doing another 15 mins later. I'm still a tad limited on which exercises I can do, as my left shoulder is still incredibly painful - but if necessary, I can do some of them twice to get the time in.;)

    I've just taken a carrot'n'orange cake out of the oven, so Mr LW will have something tasty for his lunch box this week; and the beadmaker is busy making a loaf as I type.

    Have a happy *checks calendar* Monday, everyone.:beer:
    If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion.;)
  • lessonlearned
    lessonlearned Posts: 13,337 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    Rummer wrote: »
    This could have been written by me. In fact the other day I bumped into an old aquaintance who told the person she was with that I used to be so slim and pretty. It was a real slap in the face, what put the boot in further was someone later in the day not recognising me because I looked "So different".

    I did have a wee bubble to myself (well on OHs shoulder) and then I pulled myself together and decided to do something about it!

    How awful for you, how rude, spiteful and insensitive of those other people. Good job you had your lovely OH to comfort you.

    The good thing is - you've decided to deal with a horrible experience by turning into a learning one, making it the jumping off point for your journey to a fab new you.

    Well done on being so positive. When you reach your goals and become fab-u-lous you will have to write them a charming letter and thank them for helping you see the light.

    That'll learn 'em.

    Well done, if you get a bit low and start to flag (we all do from time to time) just remember those moments and vow never to go back there again.

    My LBM was a photo.:o

    My Fabbing Today

    Just defuzzed, bathed, eyebrow tidy and aspirin face mask. Re the grains - it's quite normal. I use the back of a metal spoon to crush or you could try a pestle and mortar - must treat myself to one.

    The dispersible aspirins are quicker of course - no crushing - but I find them just as grainy.

    Anyway off to plant my bulbs, lunch and then visit OH.

    Have a great day everyone. x
  • Lara44
    Lara44 Posts: 2,961 Forumite
    Hey Peeps

    Just wondering if I might join? I'm one of those perpetual student types, with a raggedy wardrobe to match! I'll be 30 in April and I still look very young. My clothes are quite random and I'd love to be a bit more sorted-looking. My big problem is buying bits and pieces in sales because money is a bit tight, but these bits don't go together at all. Actually I have no skills at putting outfits together at all. I am a pear shape with a small waist which I find very hard to shop for. I think I must have no shopping skills either!

    I lost a load of weight over the summer and am about 6lbs off my ideal weight for my (small) height, so that is good. I'm saving hard for some new makeup and some new clothes. I was thinking I should start buying outfits together at the same time, in order that they should go together. I also study from home, so there is absolutely no motivation for me to look nice for anyone else or any professional requirement. But I would like to look nice for my own self-esteem. So that's the challenge!

    Liz-Paul, I'm a Northern Irish girl living in London, so the reverse of you :)

    Rummer - I can't believe those comments, what rude people :eek:

    Hi Bitsy :wave:
    :A :heartpuls June 2014 / £2014 in 2014 / £735.97 / 36.5%
  • WelshWoofer
    WelshWoofer Posts: 5,076 Forumite
    Rummer - gggrrrr! :mad: It would have been all I could do not to slap them!
    Just wait until you're all gorgeous, I bet you look different already, a bit more groomed and a teeny bit more confident - that will make a difference to how you project yourself I'm sure.
    Just think, you can get better and be happier with yourself, those nasty old winge bags might be skinny/pretty but they'll always be ugly inside!

    LoneWolf - it sounds like you're really making progress - hope you're starting to feel better about yourself.

    With regards to the meeting new people thing, I think I'm an odd one - I used to travel the world in a sales and marketing management role and had to speak to people and schmooze as part of my job and I never had a problem with it (still don't as a teacher) but that's "work" if you know what I mean. When it comes to building personal relationships I fall down. I must try to find something that interests me that's cheap and fun that will get me "out there" - somebody mentioned the Spice UK website to me www.spiceuk.com and I've looked at it but am yet to take the plunge - for those that aren't familiar with it its a group of adults of all ages that get together and do various different activities from visits to the pub to jumping out of planes! May be of interest to someone?

    On the positive side, I tried blow drying my hair a different way today and it definitely looked a bit better, fuller and more glossy.
    I've just been out to B&M (glam!) to buy new razors and wore a nice top, make up and perfume, a new coat that's been hanging on the back of the door and some lovely red leather gloves and I spoke to the check out lady! I do feel better about myself already (after only a couple of weeks) so thank you to everyone here - you're a lovely bunch!:T:T:T
  • lizzie157
    lizzie157 Posts: 542 Forumite
    LL-What do you fancy doing
    I have a few ideas but the one I'd really like to go with is the dog walking/ dog/cat/ small animal sitting -walking for people who work FT and can't manage and looking after animals whilst owners on hols (in their home not mine ). A friend ( one of those i hadn't seen for a while) was supposed to be contacting me about taking her dog out which would have been my 1st customer. This was my sort of practice /build up and I explained I was thinking of doing it as a business etc was hoping she'd recommend me to others and so on. Unfortunately she hasn't got back to me. I wanted to get a bit of experience etc before going into it properly want to be responsible about it all. Have done a bit of research and there does already seem to be a few in my area so don't really know if its viable just yet, but it is an aim for sometime in the next couple of years. I do look after a relatives dog ( for free) which has given me a bit of experience walking 2 dogs together, and of getting my sometimes snappy dog to accept another dog. Which I managed quite well (even though wasn't confident it would work), so I do think I could do it. I'm hoping to do some voluntary work soon so am going to try to get something in this line and kill2 birds with 1 stone so to speak.
    Anyway sorry to ramble on.
    Frump to Fab - Solstice Sizzler :)
    OU creative writing student :)
    Striving for a better life! :)
  • lizzie157
    lizzie157 Posts: 542 Forumite
    Bitsy -now i can manage the break the ice comment and then when the other person has responded my head turns into an empty bubble and I struggle to continue the conversation :o
    This sounds like me or I go away and think "why did I say that, bet they think what a T*t" lol when really they probably don't at all.

    somebody mentioned the Spice UK website
    Have looked for something like this near me but the nearest one is too far without my own transport. Maybe I should start my own -maybe thats something to think about in the future?

    I'm having a few problems with my shoulder and bicep muscles (must go to docs with it), just wondered if anyone knows of any oils or something like that I could massage in to it to help it for now. Must go back on the glucosamine and see if that helps.
    See you all later off for walk in sunshine now with my gorgeous doggy companion :D xx
    Frump to Fab - Solstice Sizzler :)
    OU creative writing student :)
    Striving for a better life! :)
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