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Weekly Flylady Thread 1st December 2014

Dustykitten Posts: 16,503 Forumite
First Anniversary First Post Combo Breaker
edited 4 December 2014 at 11:12PM in Old style MoneySaving
Welcome to the weekly Flylady thread. If you need help organising your week or getting motivated when it comes to housework then come and join us.

Thank you Natty for last week's thread

There are 3 levels per day with Level 1 being very basic, level 2 in the middle, up to 3 which is more advanced and time consuming. Feel free to mix and match to suit your own personal circumstances.

Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up.

These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.

Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.

A few of the basics before we start the week

Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!

Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.

Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.

Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.

Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis

HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. other music may be used if you prefer!

Click here to read Toots wonderful welcome guide.

Monday - Kitchen
15 minutes....

Declutter and mop/vacuum the floors
Use a cloth to get into the corners and wipe the skirtings
30 minutes to spare ....
Clean WM filter and drawer and DW too
Find and wipe the worksurfaces
Wipe all door handles and light switches to cut down on bugs
Got an hour ....
Sort the cupboard under the sink
Clean the window
Sort through tea towels, table cloths etc and find the Chirstmas ones

Write a list to stock up on Washing powder/liquid, pet food, kitchen roll, foil etc to see you through into the new year

Tuesday - living room, hallway, stairs
15 minutes

Clear the floor of clutter
Remove anything now which can give more space for putting the tree up (or tidy your tree if it is up)
Wipe the mantle and coffee table
30 minutes to spare ...
Vacuum the stairs and hallway and living room
Give the downstairs loo, sink etc a good clean
Got an hour....
Wash the windows
Sweep you step, tidy your porch and wash down the paintwork to make it welcoming
Write some cards if you need to

Get yours overseas cards in the post some last dates are this week. Check dates here
Sort out toys/DVDs/books - any for re-homing before gifts arrive.

Wednesday - bathroom, study/desk
15 minutes

Clean the loo and the bath and the shower and the basins!
Only got 30 minutes...
Defragment PC and run spyware scans while scrubbing
Clear your desk, wipe it and only put back what belongs there
Got an hour ....
Wash bathmats/shower curtain
Wipe any dusty places in these rooms, on top of cabinets etc
Hoover and wash the floors
Replace any sponges/flannels/toothbrushes etc that need it
Throw out any empty bottles.. decant dribbles into fuller bottles - make sure your have enough stock of everything to last the month, including tissues and cold relief, don't forget the cream for the Rudolf nose - festive but sore

Thusday - Master bedroom and landing
15 minutes ......

Strip the bedding and get it washed
Empty any upstair bins
30 minutes to spare ....
floordrobe/junk clearing!!
vacuum the landing and floor
Collect up plates, cups etc which have been abandoned, or get the culprit to!
Got an hour ....
Clear and dust one flat surface
Clean the windows and sills
Collect all the dirty laundry from upstairs

Sort out any extra bedding you will need for overnight guests. Check you have spare tights for any parties.
Does your 'special occasion' watch need a new battery?
Clean any jewellery to make it sparkle

Friday - Rooms of Doom or just neglected spaces
15 minutes...

... sorting, filing, flinging, putting away
Only got 30 minutes...
Me time, we are all starting to feel the pressure, take some time out for yourself, this is not optional
Got an hour ....
Vacuum through the rooms that need it
Wash any soft furnishings that require freshening (cushion covers)
Sort out your handbag
Wipe keyboards, phones, games controllers etc
S&S toilets and sinks

Write a list of all store cupboard items you need to top up, sauces, salt and pepper, pasta, rice, cereals, Tbags etc plus anything you need for Festive baking
Update remaining present lists
The birds of sadness may fly overhead but don't let them nest in your hair


  • decogecko
    Thanks for this week's lists Dusty. I'm in again x
  • bossymoo
    bossymoo Posts: 6,924 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post
    Thank you, me too!

    Hi deco x

    Away with the fairies :beer:
  • dancemum
    dancemum Posts: 2,562 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Thanks for the threads x

    I'm in this week. DS1 is 18 on Friday :)
  • Narc0lepsy
    Narc0lepsy Posts: 2,694 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Me too.
    Had a weekend of mixed mini-flights and fun.
    Lots of leaves decluttered.
    Emptied one whole bin of home-made compost; mulched fruit bushes with it.
    Did significant pruning over pergola - we built pergola 20+ years ago and it is now rotting - held up by wisteria, clematis etc. it is 10 posts long i.e about 60ft, so we aren't going to replace the whole lot. Another session like this afternoon's and we will be better able to see what needs building anew.
    Wrote more Christmas cards.
    Sorted a load of bank and visa statements for tax return.
    Checked The Big Give site ready for Thurs/Fri/Sat donation - anyone who gives to charity, do have a look as everything you give is doubled by kind businesses. My family just do small cheap presents then a 'customised' charity donation as we're fortunate that we don't need much ourselves these days.

    And the fun: started today meeting friends, also on motor bike, drove through scenic Herts/Essex villages to a friendly cafe for a lovely breakfast. Sun came out on the way home.
    Have a good week everyone, loins girded for flying!
    Remember...a layer of dust protects the wood beneath it.
  • Frizzle_2
    Frizzle_2 Posts: 1,104 Forumite
    Had such a lovely day.
    Food shopping this morning, then a mooch around the shops for an hour (ok that wasn't very exciting)
    Then met some family at the pub for a catch up. Then this afternoon we put on some Christmas music, opened up a tub of chocs and put up the Christmas tree. Our youngest is nearly three so he could join in a bit more this year! Then half way through, the door bell mysteriously rung and our elf had arrived! Ds1 was so excited! Lots of excitement and then after I had to clear up all of the empty boxes (about 6 crates) and put all the empty boxes, tissue paper and all the other stuff away. Hopefully OH will put them up in the loft tomorrow.

    Job wise
    I have-
    washed kiddies bedding
    Weekly shop (included some bits for when we go away)
    Bought a couple more Christmas pressies
    Unloaded and loaded dw
    Made some bread
    Does de cluttering chocolate count?
    Ok. So not much! I will try and do the basics tomorrow.

    Monday - Kitchen
    Declutter and mop/vacuum the floors
    Use a cloth to get into the corners and wipe the skirtings
    Find and wipe the worksurfaces
    Wipe all door handles and light switches to cut down on bugs
    Grocery challenge-
    J- 52.40/£200 M- 187.56 A- 212.93 M-193.44 F-201.31 J- 240.62 D- £149.27 N- £210.69 O- 196.80
    S- 213.68 A- £213.03 J- 249.66 J-206.29, M- 252.91, A-£250, M- £250

    debt free as of feb 2015. Now saving for deposit for new house! Moving in June 2015!!!
  • michbright
    I'm going to join in this week.

    I seriously need to get this house in order for December 2015. Yes, I do mean 2015. My in-laws will be visiting from abroad and I do not want them to arrive to CHAOS!

    Also, we are planning on TTC no. 4 early next year, but if I don't get this house in order and some sort of routine going, I will not be able to cope!

    I'm off to do an hour's work, then off to be and will start on the kitchen tomorrow.

    Night all!
  • ionafan
    ionafan Posts: 4,483 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Thank you Dusty - I'm in this week. After not having flown properly for about 10 days, my house needs some TLC before we put up any decorations, and I really need to get my brain in gear. I will write a list in the morning.

    Hope your new neighbours settle down quietly, dancemum
    Totally justified rant, Honey Bear

    Looking forward to opening my Advent calendars tomorrow: neither of them with chocolate, though ;)

    Good night all x
  • froddington
    froddington Posts: 6,697 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    I'm in - thanks Dusty :A

    Will sort a list tomorrow!

    Night all, sleep well xx
    "There's only one way of life and that's your own" - Levellers

    "I'm feeling like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night" - Bon Jovi
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,104 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Thank you to Natty and Dusty, as always. I'm in again this week, and tomorrow's list is an absolute 'Must Do' - the kitchen is looking positively tired.

    Top and bottom layers will do as they are after all the attention they had today, so I need to concentrate on kitchen, shower room and bathroom early in the week and stairs and reception rooms later in the week.
    Better is good enough.
  • pigpen
    pigpen Posts: 41,077 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Cheers chicky.. I'm probably here but not in.. I have to get this cardy finished asap
    LB moment 10/06 Debt Free date 6/6/14
    Hope to be debt free until the day I die
    Mortgage-free Wannabee (05/08/30)
    6/6/14 £72,454.65 (5.65% int.)
    08/12/2023 £33602.00 (4.81% int.)
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