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Cooking for one (Mark Three)



  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    You lot eat some funny old stuff :)

    I'm starving, I'll probably do toast for breakfast as that's quickest/easiest. Whether I add beans to that will be decided right at the last minute....
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,130 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    The weather is shocking, I can only imagine it must be much worse away from the coast:(, my lights are on as it is almost dark outside and the heating is on a decent level. Hope any CFOers hit by this weather are safe and snug:).
    I've started reading Nigel Slater's "The Christmas Chronicles", it's more about winter overall than just the festive period so while it is more of a read than a cookbook I'm hoping for some ideas for "winter warmers". :)
    For the first time in 2018 I had some breakfast, just toast and cheese spread but it settled the tummy rumbles up until today I've not been hungry in the morning but was really ready for something earlier.
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,130 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Yikes - just looked outside and in the last few minutes quite a bit of snow has fallen and settled:eek:
  • Wednesday2000
    Bluddy Virgin media! My internet has been down since this morning.:mad:

    As I couldn't go online I did 2 loads of laundry and went for a walk to the shops. I bought 2 tins of toms and 2 tins of chickpeas. The wind was icy cold!:eek:

    I'm about to make some roasted chickpeas and then will have veggie pasta later. I forgot I had a bit of a pasta sauce jar left in the fridge and that needs to be used by today.
  • Farway
    Farway Posts: 13,365 Forumite
    Homepage Hero First Post Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited 17 January 2018 at 3:46PM
    caronc wrote: »
    Yikes - just looked outside and in the last few minutes quite a bit of snow has fallen and settled:eek:

    I know ours will be nothing as bad yours, but snow is forecast here, it is black and snow looking weather outside. Here of course more than two flakes of snow counts as a blizzard:)

    Pot of my HM yoghurt with honey for breakfast
    Into Lild on way to x ray, nothing YS to tempt but did restock on tartare sauce, unfortunately the cod offer was all gone, now I have the sauce but no cod:(

    Lunch was the last of the pate on toast

    Dinner is the HM creamy spud & celery soup, I think I will make some croutons to bung in it. Slightly better tasting than just dunking bread IMO

    Seeing the red cabbage idea, I have one LO from Christmas, I may pickle it though, can't see me braising cabbage / apples etc. Does it keep if I did it?
    Eight out of ten owners who expressed a preference said their cats preferred other peoples gardens
  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 16 January 2018 at 5:15PM
    I had to pop out .... into £land - and they have my favourite choccies... so I bought a bag. Inside it's pot luck what you get as they're "seconds/assorted" and this bag's not brilliant, but still enjoyable.

    In the main the contents tend to be 2-3 different sorts, this bag so far has yielded fudge and runny caramel barrels.... edit: ooh and creme egg filled barrels :)

    Today's food is:

    3 digestives for "breakfast"
    Beans/cheese on toast for lunch
    Choccies for tea :)
  • moneyistooshorttomention
    moneyistooshorttomention Posts: 17,940 Forumite
    edited 16 January 2018 at 4:11PM
    Blinkin' cold weather here today - thankfully no snow (at least snow here is as rare as I'm used to personally - ie it's only once in a blue moon and there hasnt been any snow since I moved here).

    So I've spent the better part of the morning freezing my little !!!! off in a meeting of a group I'm in - no blimmin' central heating and not much supplementary heating there. Followed by freezing my !!!! off further doing a bit of work in the garden.

    Now in my centrally-heated house:)

    Shall also have a go at that idea of yours caron - re ratatouille with a bit of feta cheese.

    The "other" cheeses have now been given away - a friend has just walked off with them and that sriracha sauce I found much too hot for me. So - oh I've not "had the benefit of" - but, on the other hand, we "swop favours" with each other - so I gotta give summat back so to say....

    Apji - that sounds positive that 2 of these 3 EA's have both come to the same verdict as to price. That makes it all the clearer exactly what price the house should be set at then. If the third one also says the same - then that will be a useful "bargaining chip" to quote to this possible would-be buyer to prove you're not overpricing the house and will, hopefully, help to cut short any attempts to beat you down to less than the house is worth.

    I confess to not going to 3 different EA's when I sold my last one. But my house was so "standard" that I could/did easily work out for myself "average condition 2 bed starter house in average area" and there was so many more like mine on the market that I could easily think "Well that house is in my area - but so much more modern than mine/better condition - so I can't charge as much as them". "That house in my area is in worse condition than mine and they're desperate to get shot of it - so I charge more than them". and I pretty much got paid what I anticipated I would be for it (though it was just sheer luck that 2 people were after it eventually on the same day - so there was a bidding war). I did have to reject the first offer I'd had some weeks beforehand from someone else - as I was well aware what they were offering wasn't enough and they never did come back and offer more.

    So I checked out various EA's and then found a small independent one with a genuinely ethical stance, that charged a reasonable commission level/presented the properties better than any of the others and was trying to get a better foothold in the area. So that was the one I commissioned.

    Thanks re the comment on stress levels affecting cholesterol - my skyhigh reading did come at (one of) those times when my job was being a particular "pain in the !!!!". That job is a very long and stressful story as to how it was and I was absolutely having to force myself into going in there for years - but I've retired since then...
  • mcculloch29
    mcculloch29 Posts: 4,972 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler
    My appetite varies a lot, from wanting to eat everything in sight, to not really wanting food at all, and I'm in light eating mode at the moment. That makes me sound a bit unbalanced, but it's very normal for me. I don't eat everything in sight when I feel like that, incidentally. I just take a bit more filling. I listen to my body, and things generally run better when I do. A little bit of cheese and a couple of oatcakes today.

    On the weekend I posted a suggestion of making cheese and bacon wraps out of puff pastry on the Aldi Shoppers FB page, and with all the ingredients to hand, the result was inevitable.
    They were very, very nice, though the bacon (from Heron) was very salty indeed. It was Irish 'cooking' bacon, i.e. bacon for use in recipes, not rashers. Unusually, it was all smallish bits of rashers. You never know what you will get in these kilo packs of bacon, lately it had been big, big chunks of gammon and bacon chops. The bits are actually much better for wraps. Fantastic value, at £1.29 a kilo.
    Erma Bombeck, American writer: "If I had my life to live over again... I would have burned the pink candle, sculptured like a rose, that melted in storage." Don't keep things 'for best' - that day never comes. Use them and enjoy them now.
  • caronc
    caronc Posts: 8,130 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post
    Farway wrote: »
    I know ours will be nothing as bad yours, but snow is forecast here, it is black and snow looking weather outside. Here of course more than two flakes of snow counts as a blizzard:)

    Pot of my HM yoghurt with honey for breakfast
    Into Lild on way to x ray, nothing YS to tempt but did restock on tartare sauce, unfortunately the cod offer was all gone, now I have the sauce but no cod:(

    Lunch was the last of the pate on toast

    Dinner is the HM creamy spud & celery soup, I think I will make some croutons to bung in it. Slightly better tasting than just dunking bread IMO

    Seeing the red cabbage idea, I have one LO from Christmas, I may pickle it though, can't see me braising cabbage / apples etc. Does it keep if I did it?
    As I'm so close to the sea we don't tend to get that much, this morning's downfall has more or less been washed awy but subsequent sleet. However, just a few miles inland it seems to be pretty bad with the police closing roads, I'm glad I'm on the coast :)
    Re braised red cabbage, once cooked it will keep a few days in the fridge. It does freeze really well though:).

    With the weather so foul, I've had a right "duvet" day. I have (for me) been quite busy/active recently so probably no bad thing to have a quiet one especially as I'm hoping to go out for a coffee on Thursday:).
  • PasturesNew
    PasturesNew Posts: 70,698 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    .... wraps out of puff pastry .... bacon (from Heron) was very salty indeed.
    I find the pastry sheets simply too large to bother with. I could open the box, cut them into 2-4 pieces and freeze the rest ...but that's a pain in the butt and it still needs to be eaten.

    I don't like/eat bacon as it's so salty... I don't mind a tiny bit in some ready made meals, but it's not an ingredient I'd choose.

    As a family, growing up, bacon was never something I remember entering the house at all!
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