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Mrs PG's Hopes & Dreams for a debt free future !



  • PinotGrigio41
    :T:T fifth! :T:T

    And we have a squirrel in the loft, which made me think of you guys :). Think we've sorted it out for now ...

    I hope you have a strategically placed ladder to enable the squirrel to exit your loft Apple Muncher !!

    That seems like forever ago that we had the sunbathing squirrel ! x
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • PinotGrigio41
    brizzledfw wrote: »
    Apple muncher...I had quite forgotten those PG antics..:rotfl: that made me smile..come on mrs PG we need you back posting if only for the tales of wildlife in places they shouldn't be..

    Ooer Mrs B , have you been on the Slo Gin tonight, that sounds rather rude !!!

    We do need some silly tales, I am sure there have been lots but they have been lost in amongst real life antics I'm afraid.

    We need a fresh start ! xx :D
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • PinotGrigio41
    I have somehow managed to follow Mrs B all around the diaries this evening and then ended up right back here. I have lots more to read and catch up on but I will have to save those lovely people for tomorrow now. Its been lovely to catch up though. :D

    Mr PG is working through the night, the girls are fast asleep in bed. DD1 has three exams tomorrow, two controlled assessments ( one is a resit as she wants to try and improve her grade as the exam was sprung on her after she had missed school last year) and one mock. The stress is getting to her badly. She also is poorly again with another stinker of a cold. School is actually being pretty good, as long as I jump up and down and keep a close eye on things. Think they may be getting a tad fed up with me but I don't care really !! They have signed her up for Yoga Classes to try and relax her and get her back on track as she is so stressed and still not herself . I am worried she is going to make herself really poorly, so I am keeping my beady eye on her. Every now and then I see the old happy, smiley, chilled out DD1 popping by to say hello and then she curls up in a ball beside herself with grief and sobs and sobs :(

    I have been bad and bought some supplements for her hair as where she has been quite poorly after everything that has happened, it took its toll . I spotted some expensive tablets in TK Max that should have been £30 but were £15. I bought two boxes as there are only a fortnights supply in each. I remember watching the lady behind the product trying to get investors for these products on Drag0n$ D£n last year. Anyway we bought the packs and she has taken them religiously for the last two weeks ( they are huge horse tablets ) and already I can see an improvement so well worth the naughty spends in my eyes.

    Right , now I am going to head for bed and read a book. I love reading but have had trouble concentrating for sometime now but this book has me hooked and for once I cant predict the ending !

    Tomorrow I will tell the tale of THEM and the letter that arrived today ! xx
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • Box_of_Fluffies
    Glad all is going well PG. Congrats on the $43K paid off. :j

    DS1 got so stressed with exams at the end of last term, he suffered from alopecia. I didn't notice at first and then one day he mentioned it and there was a big chunk of hair missing. It doesn't help that he's a poor sleeper. So he's now taking multivitamins and a supplement to aid his sleep. His hair is also looking much healthier and his bald patch has gone. So I say your £30 is money well spent.
    Diary: Conquering Debts Once and For All
    CC1 Jan 2012 $875.32 / CLEARED
    CC2 Jan 2012 $5,883.33 / June 2014 CLEARED
    Mortgage Jan 2012 $382,997.08 / Sept 2014 $367,775.37
    Business Loans Feb 2012 $48,407.52 / Sept 2014 $5,289.09

    Ex mortgage - 89.07% debt paid
  • apple_muncher
    apple_muncher Posts: 14,768 Forumite
    First Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! First Post Name Dropper
    As a secondary teacher, I get sooooo cross when schools don't look after their pupils - especially once mum or dad has let them know about the stuff going on.

    Hope dd1 does well and can show her true ability in her assessments.

    ps: no ladder for squirrel - we don't have one! Dh sprayed loads of one of his deodorants up there, as we read that squirrels don't like strong smells like ammonia or mothballs. Quite a leap from there to deodorant,
    but it's whatwe had available! And dh also rigged up a lamp as it doesn't like the light. He'll keep spraying til we can borrow/acquire a ladder!
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
  • Eager_Elephant
    Eager_Elephant Posts: 4,714 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    edited 12 February 2014 at 7:49PM
    The stress is getting to her badly. She also is poorly again with another stinker of a cold.

    I have been bad and bought some supplements for her hair as where she has been quite poorly after everything that has happened, it took its toll . I spotted some expensive tablets in TK Max that should have been £30 but were £15. I bought two boxes as there are only a fortnights supply in each. I remember watching the lady behind the product trying to get investors for these products on Drag0n$ D£n last year. Anyway we bought the packs and she has taken them religiously for the last two weeks ( they are huge horse tablets ) and already I can see an improvement so well worth the naughty spends in my eyes.

    As a family we love all supplements and to be honest our kitchen cupboard can rival a Holland and Barrett shop:T

    My DH takes garlic tablets 1000mg - it started a few years ago when they decided his poorly eye was caused by shingles but were too late to treat with anti-virals but garlic would work (it did clear up the pain in his eye) and every day he has taken them and he has never had a cold:T
    Now my DH catches any illness going and this is like a miracle plus of course it makes his life easier as cold = really bad head = a couple of days in bed.

    Just seen H & B are doing his tablets in the 50% of sale which has another 48hrs to go - I will go and get him some more.

    If you want to try them for DD I am happy to get some extra boxes and send them to you if you cant get to a H & B today.
  • PinotGrigio41
    Thankyou EE, that's so kind of you. I have a meeting today and there is a H&B nearby. Thankyou for the advice as usual, I will give the garlic supplements a try as she is very prone to colds and sore throats at the moment despite my shovelling fruit, smoothies etc down her at any given opportunity ! I am glad that they are working for your DH, shingles is very nasty.

    It looked like a chemist this morning int he kitchen with all the tablets laid out , DD1 with her two Horse Tablets for her hair, day nurse for her cold, and her Teen Vitamins and DD2 with her Teen Vitamins and tablets for Period Pain. What a sickly bunch I have at the moment ! xx
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • PinotGrigio41
    Glad all is going well PG. Congrats on the $43K paid off. :j

    DS1 got so stressed with exams at the end of last term, he suffered from alopecia. I didn't notice at first and then one day he mentioned it and there was a big chunk of hair missing. It doesn't help that he's a poor sleeper. So he's now taking multivitamins and a supplement to aid his sleep. His hair is also looking much healthier and his bald patch has gone. So I say your £30 is money well spent.

    I am so sorry to hear about DS1 Mrs F , but so glad that he appears to be on the mend. Its such a stressful time for the children isnt it ? I wish I could whisk her away for a few days in the sunshine to relax, but sadly thats not an option . I will go and get some more of the Hair Supplements today whilst purchasing the Garlic tablets EE has recommended. The Tax Man can wait, DD1 is far more important !
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • PinotGrigio41
    As a secondary teacher, I get sooooo cross when schools don't look after their pupils - especially once mum or dad has let them know about the stuff going on.

    Hope dd1 does well and can show her true ability in her assessments.

    ps: no ladder for squirrel - we don't have one! Dh sprayed loads of one of his deodorants up there, as we read that squirrels don't like strong smells like ammonia or mothballs. Quite a leap from there to deodorant,
    but it's whatwe had available! And dh also rigged up a lamp as it doesn't like the light. He'll keep spraying til we can borrow/acquire a ladder!

    What subject do you teach Apple ? I am sure DD1 will do just fine. She has set herself a goal , knows what she needs to get to college and is determined to get there, but as she has had these gaps and two of her courses are 60% coursework, so its taking its toll, combined with not feeling top of the world .

    I emailed the Pastoral Care at the school last night and she is going to have a quiet hour there today catching up on some coursework as the deadline is approaching and it came to light at the weekend she is far behind. Such a shame as she won an award for this particular subject last year for being top of her year group. It is also something she wants to study at A Level. She will be missing what I call a "Rubbish Lesson" to do this, but I think it will be beneficial. She is struggling with the noise, general behaviour of the other kids in class, so this bit of peace and quiet will hopefully be good for her. She is also armed with rescue remedy and a flask of hot sweet tea ! She has a Mock Chemistry Exam today and two Controlled Assesments for English. Feel sorry for her as she has this stonking cold, also time of the month and generally feels rubbish but hey ho she will step up to the plate I'm sure.

    Hmmm your squirrel issues dont sound good. Thankfully ours didn't get in the house just sunbathed in the gutter. I never did discover if he used the ladder to escape ! x
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
  • PinotGrigio41
    I have mentioned before and as is shown my signature, we have a lovely Tax Bill, which should officially have been paid in full last October. We came to an arrangement with THEM which began in December that we would pay a minimum of £500 per calender month in order to clear this asap. We have some biggish contracts in the summer so we are hoping to pay much more towards it during those months in order to get it cleared before the next one is due.

    We paid £530 in December, so slightly over the agreed amount. In January they sent a letter to say that we hadnt stuck to the arrangement (?) but if we had actually paid to ignore the letter. I had paid so I ignored it.

    In January we paid £535.00 to them. So far in Feb we have paid them £150. Yesterday we received a Warning of legal proceedings letter. Grrrr !!! :mad:

    They say we haven't stuck to our payment plan and they plan to use their "legal powers" to collect the debt. The amount that they say is due corresponds exactly with what I believe we owe them taking into account all of the payments made above. Therefore they clearly have received the monies, so what on earth are the silly people talking about ?!

    I feel a sense of Deja Vu here. Have I not been in the same old position time and time again with THEM. I really think they should spend their time worrying about people who really dont pay anything at all (and believe me I know plenty of those ), than chasing around after us ? Someone said, and I cant remember if it was actually here on my diary that they chase the people that they know are Dead Certs for payment ,whilst leaving the others alone ! No idea if there is any truth in that, but it is so infuriating and time consuming. I tried yesterday over the course of three hours to speak to someone but could not get through. I will now sit and write a letter to them today detailing all of the payments and telling them exactly where to get off. :mad::mad:
    LBM July 2011 - Finally took control Nov 2011 DFD Sometime in the distant future ! :eek:
    Total debts Nov 2011 [STRIKE]£96796.75[/STRIKE]:eek:
    Total Debts JUL 2020 £00.00
    Cleared Jul 2020 £96796.75
    Emergency Fund / Rainy Day - £5500 . DMP Mutual Support Thread 428
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