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Court claim received – Britannia / BW Legal

Hi All

I’ve done lots of reading on the fantastic advice on this forum. Issue date 21st Nov and AOS submitted on 26th Nov, so I know I have just a few days (28+5) before I must submit my defence.

Background – Car parked at ANPR-controlled parking at train station (like most days) and one day driver totally missed paying (normally done via Britannia website within 24 hours as allowed). NTK received outside of PoFA rules (schedule 4, section 9 para 4b, 5 and 6), by just 1 day.
Unbelievably, Britannia quoted ‘It is not a requirement that we must notify you of your Parking Charge Notice within 14 deliverable days.’ right before quoting compliance to PoFA schedule 4! Likewise POPLA appeals process proved fruitless as flagged by many here – they do not understand the rules and cannot count. NB: Driver was not established/disclosed. As part of appeals process, the SAR was thorough – unlike a lot of appeals here, the signs are clear enough in my opinion and Landowner had given clear consent. So my only defence is akin to the David Beckham speeding offence where the Notice of Intended Prosecution arrived 1 day late (i.e. day 15).
The Court Claim lists £100 for PCN, <£10 interest, £60 ‘contractual costs pursuant to PCN Terms and Conditions’, £25 court fee, £50 Legal representative costs. So I also have the ‘Abuse of process’ defence around the £60 addon.

This is a personal for me as I know someone who has fallen foul of a technicality with this provider in the past – the PPC ‘pay for parking’ website changed without notice – defaulting to the previous day when paying for parking. They therefore paid for bank holiday Monday (when they weren’t even there) rather than the actual day – Tuesday. These PPC’s are bleep bleep bleep…

Anyway, based on what I’ve read here, my draft defence is as follows: (NB: point 5 onwards is the standard Abuse of Process detail)

Thanks in advance for your comments..


CLAIM No: xxxxxxxxxx




xxxxxxxxxxxx (Defendant)


1. The Defendant denies that the Claimant is entitled to relief in the sum claimed, or at all.

2. It is admitted that the Defendant is the registered keeper of the vehicle in question, parked at the noted car park on the day and time in question.

The POFA 2012 is against this Claim
3. The Claimant issued Parking Charge Notice / Notice to Keeper under Paragraph 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (‘the POFA’) as the driver was not identified. The Defendant denies that the Claimant has fully complied with the POFA Schedule 4, as per relevant paragraphs:

Paragraph 9(4) states that the notice must be given by (a) handing it to the keeper, or leaving it at a current address for service for the keeper, within the relevant period; or (b) sending it by post to a current address for service for the keeper so that it is delivered to that address within the relevant period.
Paragraph 9(5) states the relevant period for the purposes of sub-paragraph (4) is the period of 14 days beginning with the day after that on which the specified period of parking ended.
Paragraph 9(6) states that a notice sent by post is to be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, to have been delivered (and so “given” for the purposes of sub-paragraph (4)) on the second working day after the day on which it is posted; and for this purpose “working day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in England and Wales

4. The Parking Charge Notice sent to Defendant as Registered Keeper was produced in their offices showing a purported date issued of 21st mm yyyy, however only actually arrived (delivered) ‘after Christmas’. By not sending recorded delivery (or equivalent) the Claimant is relying on Paragraph 9(6) above to determine date of delivery as Thu 27th mm yyyy. This is day 15 and so ‘given’ 1 day later than that required to meet Paragraph 9(4)(b) of Schedule 4 of the POFA. This is demonstrated in the table below:
hxxps: //

The purported added 'costs' are disproportionate, a disingenuous double recovery attempt, vague and in breach of both the CPRs, and the Consumer Rights Act 2015 Schedule 2 'terms that may be unfair'.

5. The arbitrary addition of a fixed sum purporting to cover 'recovery costs' is also potentially open to challenge as an unfair commercial practice under the CPRs, where 44.3 (2) states: ''Where the amount of costs is to be assessed on the standard basis, the court will –
(a) only allow costs which are proportionate to the matters in issue. Costs which are disproportionate in amount may be disallowed or reduced even if they were reasonably or necessarily incurred; and
(b) resolve any doubt which it may have as to whether costs were reasonably and proportionately incurred or were reasonable and proportionate in amount in favour of the paying party.

6. Alleging that the letters the parking firm sent have caused an additional loss, is simply untrue. The standard wording for parking charge/debt recovery contracts is/was on the Debt Recovery Plus website - ''no recovery/no fee'', thus establishing an argument that the Claimant is breaching the indemnity principle - claiming reimbursement for a cost which has never, in fact, been incurred. This is true, whether or not they used a third party debt collector during the process.

7. The Defendant has the reasonable belief that the Claimant has not incurred an additional £60 in damages or costs to pursue an alleged £100 debt. The arbitrary addition of a fixed sum purporting to cover 'damages/costs' is also potentially open to challenge as an unfair commercial practice under the CPRs, where 44.3 (2) states: ''Where the amount of costs is to be assessed on the standard basis, the court will –
(a) only allow costs which are proportionate to the matters in issue. Costs which are disproportionate in amount may be disallowed or reduced even if they were reasonably or necessarily incurred; and
(b) resolve any doubt which it may have as to whether costs were reasonably and proportionately incurred or were reasonable and proportionate in amount in favour of the paying party.

7.1. Whilst quantified costs can be considered on a standard basis, this Claimant's purported added £60 'damages/costs' are wholly disproportionate, are not genuine losses at all and do not stand up to scrutiny. This has finally been recognised in many court areas. Differently from almost any other trader/consumer agreement, when it comes to parking charges on private land, binding case law and two statute laws have the effect that the parking firm's own business/operational costs cannot be added to the 'parking charge' as if they are additional losses.

The Beavis case is against this Claim
8. Parking Eye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67 ('the Beavis case') is the authority for recovery of the parking charge itself and no more, since that sum (£85 in the Beavis case) was held to already incorporate the costs of an automated private parking business model including recovery letters. There are no losses or damages caused by this business model and the Supreme Court Judges held that a parking firm not in possession cannot plead any part of their case in damages. It is indisputable that an alleged 'parking charge' penalty is a sum which the Supreme Court found is already inflated to more than comfortably cover all costs. The case provides a finding of fact by way of precedent, that the £85 (or up to a Trade Body ceiling of £100 depending upon the parking firm) covers the costs of the letters.

8.1. This charge is unconscionable and devoid of any 'legitimate interest', given the facts. To quote from the decision in the Beavis case at Para [108]: ''But although the terms, like all standard contracts, were presented to motorists on a take it or leave it basis, they could not have been briefer, simpler or more prominently proclaimed. If you park here and stay more than two hours, you will pay £85''. Ad at [199]: ''What matters is that a charge of the order of £85 [...] is an understandable ingredient of a scheme serving legitimate interests.''

8.2. In the Beavis case it was said at para [205]: ''The requirement of good faith in this context is one of fair and open dealing. Openness requires that the terms should be expressed fully, clearly and legibly, containing no concealed pitfalls or traps. Appropriate prominence should be given to terms which might operate disadvantageously to the customer.''

8.3. At para 98. {re ...The desirability of running that parking scheme at no cost, or ideally some profit, to themselves} ''Against this background, it can be seen that the £85 charge had two main objects. One was to manage the efficient use of parking space in the interests of the retail outlets, and of the users of those outlets who wish to find spaces in which to park their cars [...] The other purpose was to provide an income stream to enable ParkingEye to meet the costs of operating the scheme and make a profit from its services...''

8.4. At para 193. ''Judging by ParkingEye’s accounts, and unless the Chelmsford car park was out of the ordinary, the scheme also covered ParkingEye's costs of operation and gave their shareholders a healthy annual profit.'' and at para 198: ''The charge has to be and is set at a level which enables the managers to recover the costs of operating the scheme. It is here also set at a level enabling ParkingEye to make a profit.''

The POFA 2012 and the ATA Code of Practice are against this Claim
9. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, Schedule 4 ('the POFA') at paras 4(5) and 4(6) makes it clear that the will of Parliament regarding parking on private land is that the only sum potentially able to be recovered is the sum in any compliant 'Notice to Keeper' (further, the ceiling for a 'parking charge', as set by the Trade Bodies and the DVLA, is £100). This also depends upon the Claimant fully complying with the statute, including 'adequate notice' of the parking charge and prescribed documents served in time/with mandatory wording. It is submitted the claimant has failed on all counts and the Claimant is well aware their artificially inflated claim, as pleaded, constitutes double recovery.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 ('the CRA') is against this claim
10. Further, the purported added 'costs' are disproportionate, vague and in breach of the CRA 2015 Schedule 2 'terms that may be unfair'. This Claimant has arbitrarily added an extra 60% of the parking charge in a disingenuous double recovery attempt that has already been exposed and routinely disallowed by many Courts in England and Wales. It is atrocious that this has been allowed to continue unabated for so many years, considering the number of victims receiving this Claimant's exaggerated Letter before Claim, or the claim form, who then either pay an inflated amount or suffer a default judgment for a sum that could not otherwise be recovered. It is only those who defend, who draw individual cases to the attention of the courts one by one, but at last in 2019, some areas noticed the pattern and have moved to stop this abuse of process at source.

10.1. In the Caernarfon Court in Case number FTQZ4W28 (Vehicle Control Services Ltd v Davies) on 4th September 2019, District Judge Jones-Evans stated: ''Upon it being recorded that District Judge Jones-Evans has over a very significant period of time warned advocates [...] in many cases of this nature before this court that their claim for £60 is unenforceable in law and is an abuse of process and is nothing more than a poor attempt to go behind the decision of the Supreme Court in Beavis which inter alia decided that a figure of £160 as a global sum claimed in this case would be a penalty and not a genuine pre-estimate of loss and therefore unenforceable in law and if the practice continued he would treat all cases as a claim for £160 and therefore a penalty and unenforceable in law it is hereby declared [...] the claim is struck out and declared to be wholly without merit and an abuse of process.''

10.2. That decision in Wales was contested in a N244 application by VCS, but the added £60 was still disallowed on 30 Oct 2019. District Judge Jones-Evans stated that even in cases parking firms win, he never allows the £60 add on, and despite parking firms continuing to include it in their Particulars, most advocates have now stopped pushing for it at hearings. The Judge said that a contract formed by signage is a deemed contract, which the motorist does not have the opportunity to negotiate. That, and the fact that there is no specified sum on the signage, means that the extra £60 cannot possibly be recoverable. He said that the £60 was clearly a penalty, and an abuse of process. The considered sum in that case was reduced to £100 with a full case hearing to follow, but the £60 would not be awarded under any circumstances, and further, he ordered that the Claimant must now produce a statement of how they pleaded claims prior to Beavis, and subsequently.

10.3. In Claim numbers F0DP806M and F0DP201T - BRITANNIA PARKING -v- Mr C and another - less than two weeks later - the courts went further in a landmark judgment in November 2019 which followed several parking charge claims being struck out in the area overseen by His Honour Judge Iain Hamilton-Douglas Hughes QC, the Designated Civil Judge for Dorset, Hampshire, Isle of Wight & Wiltshire.

10.3.1. Cases summarily struck out in that circuit included BPA members using BW Legal's robo-claim model and IPC members using Gladstones' robo-claim model, and the Orders from that court were identical in striking out all such claims without a hearing during a prolonged period in 2019, with the Judge stating: ''It is ordered that The claim is struck out as an abuse of process. The claim contains a substantial charge additional to the parking charge which it is alleged the Defendant contracted to pay. This additional charge is not recoverable under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, Schedule 4 nor with reference to the judgment in the Beavis case. It is an abuse of process from the Claimant to issue a knowingly inflated claim for an additional sum which it is not entitled to recover. This order has been made by the court of its own initiative without a hearing pursuant to CPR Rule 3.3(4) of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998...''

10.3.2. BW Legal made an application objecting to two 'test' cases that had been struck out by District Judge Taylor against a parking firm for trying to claim for £160 instead of £100 parking charge. This has been repeated conduct in recent years, on the back of the Beavis case, where parking firms have almost unanimously contrived to add £60, or more, on top of the 'parking charge'. Members of both ATAs who have influence on their self-serving 'Trade Bodies' have even voted to have this imaginary 'damages/debt collection' sum added to their respective two Codes of Practice, to create a veil of legitimacy, no doubt to allow their members to confuse consumers and to enable them to continue to 'get away with it' in several court areas which are still allowing this double recovery.

10.3.3. That N244 application to try to protect the cartel-like position of some of the 'bigger player' parking firms, was placed before the area Circuit Judge and a hearing was held on 11th November 2019, with other parking charge cases in that circuit remaining struck out or stayed, pending the outcome. The Defendants successfully argued on points including a citation of the CRA 2015 and the duty of the court to apply the 'test of fairness' to a consumer notice (a statutory duty that falls upon the courts, whether a consumer raises the issue or not). All three points below were robustly upheld by District Judge Grand, sitting at the Southampton Court, who agreed that:
(a) The Claimant knew or should have known, that £160 charge (howsoever argued or constructed) was in breach of POFA, due to paras 4(5) and 4(6).
(b) The Claimant knew or should have known, that £160 charge (howsoever argued or constructed) was unconscionable, due to the Beavis case paras 98, 193, 198 and 287.
(c) The Claimant knew or should have known, that £160 charge where the additional 'recovery' sum was in small print, hidden, or in the cases before him, not there at all, is void for uncertainty and in breach of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, Schedule 2 (the 'grey list' of terms that may be unfair) paragraphs 6, 10 and 14.

10.3.4. At the hearing, the Judge refused their request to appeal. It was successfully argued that the parking firm's consumer notice stood in breach of the CRA 2015, Schedule 2 (the 'grey list' of terms that may be unfair) paragraphs 6, 10 and 14. Using the statutory duty upon the Courts to consider the test of fairness and properly apply schedule 2 of the CRA 2015 it was irrelevant whether or not the consumers' defences had raised it before, which they had not. The same issues apply to this claim.

10.3.5. A transcript will be publicly available shortly. In his summing up, it was noted that District Judge Grand stated: ''When I come to consider whether the striking out of the whole claim is appropriate, that the inclusion of the £60 charge means that the whole claim is tainted by it, the claimant should well know that it is not entitled to the £60. The very fact that they bring a claim in these circumstances seems to me that it is an abuse of process of the court, and in saying that, I observe that with any claim that can be brought before the court that if a party doesn't put in a defence to the claim, default judgments are entered. So, the Claimant, in bringing the claims is, in other cases, aware that if the defendant doesn’t submit a defence, the Claimant is going to get a judgment of a knowingly inflated amount. So I conclude by saying that I dismiss the application to set aside Judge Taylor’s ruling.''

10.4. Consumer notices - such as car park signs - are not excused by the CRA 'core exemption'. The CMA Official Government Guidance to the CRA says: ''2.43 In addition, terms defining the main subject matter and setting the price can only benefit from the main exemption from the fairness test ('the core exemption') if they are transparent (and prominent) – see part 3 of the guidance.'' and at 3.2 ''The Act includes an exemption from the fairness test in Part 2 for terms that deal with the main subject matter of the contract or the adequacy of the price, provided they are transparent and prominent. (This exemption does not extend to consumer notices but businesses are unlikely to wish to use wording that has no legal force to determine 'core' contractual issues).'' The parking industry is the exception to this rule because they have no consumer 'customers' yet are consumer-facing. Their intention is very clearly in many cases (including this case) for a consumer not to see the onerous terms hidden in their notices and it is averred that no regard is paid to consumer law.

10.5. The definition of a consumer notice is given at 1.19 and the test of fairness is expanded at 1.20: ''A consumer notice is defined broadly in the Act as a notice that relates to rights or obligations between a trader and a consumer, or a notice which appears to exclude or restrict a trader’s liability to a consumer. It includes an announcement or other communication, whether or not in writing, as long as it is reasonable to assume that it is intended to be seen or heard by a consumer. Consumer notices are often used, for instance, in public places such as shops or car parks as well as online and in documentation that is otherwise contractual in nature. [...] Consumer notices are, therefore, subject to control for fairness under the Act even where it could be argued that they do not form part of the contract as a matter of law. Part 2 of the Act covers consumer notices as well as terms, ensuring that, in a broad sense any wording directed by traders to consumers which has an effect comparable to that of a potentially unfair contract term is open to challenge in the same way as such a term. There is no need for technical legal arguments about whether a contract exists and whether, if it does, the wording under consideration forms part of it.''

11. In December 2019 in a different Court circuit, Deputy District Judge Joseph sitting at Warwick County Court had clearly heard about the decisions affecting the IOW, Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire circuit because he summarily struck out another parking ticket claim. The Judge mentioned the POFA 2012 and the Beavis case, and determined that ''it is an abuse of process for the Claimant to issue a knowingly inflated claim for an additional sum which it is not entitled to recover.'' Further, in issuing his Order without a hearing, the Judge stated that he had ''considered S71(2) of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 for the fairness of the contract terms and determined that the provision of the additional charge breached examples 6, 10 and 14''.

12. In summary, the Claimant's particulars disclose no legal basis for the sum claimed and it is the Defendant's position that the poorly pleaded claim discloses no cause of action and no liability in law for any sum at all. The Claimant's vexatious conduct from the outset has been intimidating, misleading, harassing and indeed untrue in terms of the added costs alleged and the statements made.

13. The Defendant is of the view that this Claimant knew or should have known that to claim in excess of £100 for a parking charge on private land is disallowed under the CPRs, the Beavis case, the POFA and the CRA 2015, and that relief from sanctions should be refused.

14. If this claim is not summarily struck out for the same reasons as the Judges cited in the multiple Caernarfon, Southampton, IOW and Warwick County Court decisions, then due to this Claimant knowingly proceeding with a claim that amounts to an abuse of process, full costs will be sought by the Defendant at the hearing, such as are allowable pursuant to CPR 27.14.

Statement of Truth:

I believe that the facts stated in this Defence are true.



  • Redx
    Redx Posts: 38,084 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post Photogenic
    I believe you should number all paragraphs sequentially , easier to refer to paragraph 8 and not etc
  • The_Deep
    The_Deep Posts: 16,830 Forumite
    I have only skim read this. Have you mentioned bye laws? Is the land covered by bye laws?
    You never know how far you can go until you go too far.
  • RedMonkey
    Thanks The Deep - This car park was custom built in the last 5 years and was taken over by Britannia at end of 2017 I believe. Within 6 months they had totally renewed all signage and obtained Landowner authority explicitly covering all points from Paragraph 7 of the BPA CoP, as per one of Coupon Mad's 2016 posts. This is covered in detail in their SAR reply. No byelaws mentioned.
  • KeithP
    KeithP Posts: 38,045 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post First Anniversary
    RedMonkey wrote: »
    I’ve done lots of reading on the fantastic advice on this forum. Issue date 21st Nov and AOS submitted on 26th Nov, so I know I have just a few days (28+5) before I must submit my defence.
    With a Claim Issue Date of 21st November, and having done the Acknowledgement of Service in a timely manner, you have until 4pm on Tuesday 24th December 2019 to file your Defence.

    That's one week away. Plenty of time to produce a Defence, but please don't leave it to the last minute.

    When you are happy with the content, your Defence could be filed via email as suggested here:
      Print your Defence.
    1. Sign it and date it.
    2. Scan the signed document back in and save it as a pdf.
    3. Send that pdf as an email attachment to
    4. Just put the claim number and the word Defence in the email title, and in the body of the email something like 'Please find my Defence attached'.
    5. No need to do anything on MCOL, but do check it after a few days to see if the Claim is marked "defence received". If not, chase the CCBC until it is.
    6. Do not be surprised to receive an early copy of the Claimant's Directions Questionnaire, they are trying to keep you under pressure. Just file it.
    7. Wait for your DQ from the CCBC, or download one from the internet, and then re-read post #2 of the NEWBIES FAQ sticky thread to find out exactly what to do with it.
  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 133,290 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    edited 19 December 2019 at 2:08AM
    You can't add a dropbox table link to a defence.
    So my only defence is akin to the David Beckham speeding offence where the Notice of Intended Prosecution arrived 1 day late (i.e. day 15).
    No it's not. When was the alleged contravention, which year? And did Britannia's NTK actually have wording that matched 9(2)f of the POFA or just some old dross about assuming you were the driver.
    PRIVATE 'PCN'? DON'T PAY BUT DON'T IGNORE IT (except N.Ireland).
    CLICK at the top of this/any page where it says:
    Forum Home»Motoring»Parking Tickets Fines & Parking - read the NEWBIES THREAD
  • RedMonkey
    Thanks Coupon-mad. I only added the table in Dropbox here as I couldn't work out how to make the table presentable in this forum - it will be there when I submit my PDF defence as per KeithP's notes.

    NTK from late 2018. It did have the full POFA ref:
    The signage displayed at the entrance of the car park and throughout states that the site is private land operated by Britannia Parking (the creditor). The conditions detailed on the signage must be complied to or a Parking Charge Notice will be incurred. Motorists who choose to park their vehicle in the car park are thereby agreeing to be bound by these terms.
    As the motorist has contravened the terms and conditions detailed on the signage, a parking charge notice has been issued and is now payable to Britannia Parking.
    Protections of Freedoms Act 2012 Paragraph:
    You are notified under paragraph 9(2)(b) of schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 that the driver of the vehicle is required to pay this parking charge in full. If you were not the driver of the vehicle at the time, please inform us of the name and current postal address of the driver and pass this notice on to them.
    You are advised that if, after 29 days from the date given (which is presumed to be the second working day after the Date Issued), the parking charge has not been paid in full and we do not know both the name and current address of the driver, we have the right to recover any unpaid part of the parking charge from you as the vehicle’s Registered Keeper. This Notice is given to you under Paragraph 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and is subject to our compliance with the applicable conditions under Schedule 4 of the Act.
    Should you provide an incorrect address for service, we may pursue you for any Parking Charge amount that remains unpaid. Should you identify someone who denies they were the driver, we may pursue you for any Parking Charge amount that remains unpaid.
    Failure to pay the full amount of this notice within 29 days may result in the proceeding of debt recovery action and/or issuing court proceedings against you. Additional costs will be incurred.
    Please see reverse for details of how to pay or transfer liability.
  • Coupon-mad
    Coupon-mad Posts: 133,290 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Post Photogenic First Anniversary
    I meant you don't attach anything to a defence, except for the new tactic of attaching the order by DJ Grand in CEC16's thread (it is also linked in post #14 of the abuse of process thread by beamerguy).
    PRIVATE 'PCN'? DON'T PAY BUT DON'T IGNORE IT (except N.Ireland).
    CLICK at the top of this/any page where it says:
    Forum Home»Motoring»Parking Tickets Fines & Parking - read the NEWBIES THREAD
  • RedMonkey
    Thanks all for your guidance - I've emailed my defence just now and I will update this thread when I know more.
  • Fruitcake
    Fruitcake Posts: 58,426 Forumite
    Name Dropper Photogenic First Anniversary First Post
    edited 23 December 2019 at 2:04PM
    RedMonkey wrote: »
    Thanks The Deep - This car park was custom built in the last 5 years and was taken over by Britannia at end of 2017 I believe. Within 6 months they had totally renewed all signage and obtained Landowner authority explicitly covering all points from Paragraph 7 of the BPA CoP, as per one of Coupon Mad's 2016 posts. This is covered in detail in their SAR reply. No byelaws mentioned.

    Just because no byelaws were mentioned does not mean byelaws do not apply. You need to confirm this from an independent source.

    You say they have landowner authority, but are you sure their contract is with the landowner or a landowner agent? Have you checked with the Land Registry to determine who actually owns the land? This only costs a few quid.

    When you get sight of the contract, check it thoroughly and see if it conforms to the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. (Two authorised signatories from each side, or a director and witness from each side).
    I married my cousin. I had to...
    I don't have a sister. :D
    All my screwdrivers are cordless.
    "You're Safety Is My Primary Concern Dear" - Laks
  • RedMonkey
    Since my last post I had letter from BWLegal with 'Notice of Intention to Proceed' - yeh, whatever..
    This was followed by Court papers 'Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Small Claims Track', which I duly responded to with a completed N180 form.  Small time later received 'Notice to Transfer Proceedings' court doc.
    After five long weeks, I got the 'General Form of Judgment or Order' stating the magical works....   IT IS ORDERED THAT - The Claim is struck out as an abuse of process.
    It's a long hard journey, but with the fantastic support of this forum the result is worthwhile.  Thank you and keep up the good work.
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