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Weekly Flylady Thread 12th August 2019



  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,980 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Uniform Washer Mortgage-free Glee! Rampant Recycler
    Been fiffing faffing around all day with this that and the other.

    It's been raining all day

    Love photos piggers
    Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
    D- Day 80km June 2024 80/80km (10.06.24 all done)
    Diabetic UK 1 million steps July 2024 to complete by end Sept 2024. 996,000/1,000,000
    Sun, Sea
  • Evening all

    Oh Jue that’s not good!

    ASB how is your dog now? I’d agree with the others. Eating grass usually means they are trying to make themselves sick.

    Been really busy. I’ve managed to keep on top of the living room and kitchen/diner. Actually hoovered for the first time ever before work yesterday LOL. What is happening to me??

    Busy Saturday as the Fringe is still in full swing, so I’m going to the Book Festival to see Sofia Hagen. Might try to fit in another show too.
  • nicki_2
    nicki_2 Posts: 7,321 Forumite
    I've been Money Tipped! Photogenic First Anniversary First Post

    We didn't get the house clean properly but (ignoring DS's room :p) it is tidy which included a good HHC from me putting work related stuff where it should be. Then we cleared out under the stairs, made a shopping list of what paint etc DS needs to buy tomorrow with Ex, put it all back under or in the bin as appropriate then I quit as that wore me completely out. I'll do some cleaning tomorrow while DS is out. Oh, and DS ordered takeaway for tea so no cooking for me tonight :D So if it's gone from the list it's done.

    Level One...
    Clear and wipe kitchen surfaces - Partly done but there's still dishes to do.
    Level Two..
    Sweep and mop floors
    Level Three...
    Dust any extra furniture checking for cobwebs on way round
    Wipe and replace all those small appliances.. kettle, toaster etc
    Wipe & declutter all the windows sills in these areas!!
    Clean cupboard door fronts and fronts of appliances .. don't forget those kick boards..
    Check those washing machine filters and drawers for ickiness!!
    • Clean the fridge.. it is smelly!!
    • Wipe down any tiles and shine those taps.. a toothbrush is great for cleaning away the gunk!
    • Empty the bin.. wash it out.. and make it smell SWEET
    Level Two...
    Clean baths, toilets, and sinks. - Already done this past week but needs a quick once over again
    Level Three...
    Wash your bathroom mats, etc
    Wipe down tiles in bathroom
    Empty and clean out all the upstairs bins!
    Hoover and mop
    • Wipe the skirtings, door and window frame
    • Empty the shelves and clear them off
    • Grab yourself a toothbrush and scrub the manky bits
    Kids room
    Level One...
    Vacuum the floor, even if it's just where you can see
    Level Two...
    Clear away anything that isn't in it's place, clothes, toys, books etc
    Dusting.. all those shelves and flat fluffy surfaces!! Don’t forget the light shade and curtain pole!!!
    Level Three...
    Wipe any sticky marks off walls and doors
    Extra Task List
    • Wash a set of curtains, nets, duvet or throw
    • Wipe the radiators, skirtings and window & door frames!
    • 30 minutes ironing.. you love me & you know it!
    Master Bedroom
    Level Two...
    Dust surfaces & make sure no cobwebs..
    Level Three...
    Vacuum floors in bedroom and on landing
    Extra tasks list
    • Clean windows in these rooms
    Living Room, Hall and Stairs
    Level 1
    Vacuum floors and sofas
    Dusting, even if around everything
    Level 2
    Vacuum under furniture you can manage to move without hurting yourself
    Remove clutter making sure stairs especially are safe this is a work in progress as the livingroom is currently filled with dustsheets airing and my sewing project supplies :o
    Clean a window
    Level 3
    Wipe light switches, sockets (make sure they are not switched on!!) and banister
    Clean any other glass like mirrors, pictures etc
    • Clean TV, other electricals and cabinets
    • Wipe doors and handles downstairs
    Personal list (runs over the weekend as well)
    Make room in freezer (bread, ice cubes)
    Poo pick (if it dries up enough to get out there)
    Text builder measurements
    Text electrician re coming to look at the oven
    Update bujos
    Set up symptom tracker diary
    Lubricate the curtain rail in master bedroom so I don't have to keep dragging the curtains shut.
    Meal plan / Book Mr A delivery for tomorrow? (Blank paper)
    Arg order - plan - add ink!
    Wash dog bowls
    Fix dog bed
    Put Uni term dates onto calenders
    Work on work dates for September onwards.
    [STRIKE]Clear out understairs cupboard
    Make shopping list for DS to go DIY shopping with Ex tomorrow for paint etc for his bedroom (Hopefully nothing will be needed ;)) [/STRIKE]
    Groom dog
    Cut net to fit master bedroom window then use downstairs while washing livingroom net
    Revise toots list.
    Pot up herbs if they survive
    Sewing projects!

    I'm going to curl up with my e-library book for a bit then I'm going to bed. It's been a busy day even though the house doesn't look like we've done much :( Catch you all tomorrow :wave:
    Creeping back in for accountability after falling off the wagon in 2016.
    Need to get back to old style in modern ways, watching the pennies and getting stuff done!
  • Valli
    Valli Posts: 25,042 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper Second Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    Just been to Mr T because DS's GF tipped me off that they'd got CrockPots for £16.:money:

    Got the last one!
    Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY
    "I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily Dickinson
    :heart:Janice 1964-2016:heart:

    Thank you Honey Bear
  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,980 Forumite
    Debt-free and Proud! Uniform Washer Mortgage-free Glee! Rampant Recycler
    Up with the larks today

    WM is on
    Whole house hoovered
    Kitchen done
    DW sorted

    Now what else for the day? :)
    Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
    D- Day 80km June 2024 80/80km (10.06.24 all done)
    Diabetic UK 1 million steps July 2024 to complete by end Sept 2024. 996,000/1,000,000
    Sun, Sea
  • roundtuit
    roundtuit Posts: 4,356 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    Morning :wave: :D

    I'm here :D. Giving myself a pat on the back for successfully completing my first week back at work :T Convinced it was flylady vibes which helped - especially lunchtime hugs from Jue :heartsmil

    I only managed WM x 1 during the week :o but I'm reporting for flylady duty this weekend. Weekend Willi Returns Part 1 :D

    I sorted Mount Washmore in to loads whilst the kettle was boiling for my morning brew - and the first load has just stopped swishing. Looks like rain - forecast says 70% chance of rain 9 - 10 am, then dry: so I'll drape this load on the airer and set the second load swishing. Fingers crossed the 'dry' will have arrived by the time that load is ready to be pegged out.

    Then I'll get washed, dressed - including socks :T I love being NOT HOT!!!! before I make a start.

    Anyone heard from Mademoiselle lately? Good to 'see' LW popping in :)

    Back soon
    Rosemary Ikpeme
  • Honey_Bear
    Honey_Bear Posts: 7,191 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    Hi Lamewolf! :wave: Thanks for popping by - I was getting really worried about you. Good luck with the PiP Review.
    Heroic, Ionafan, six on one day! It sounds like a magical time, the sort of days people remember forever.
    ASB, I agree with the others about grass-eating. If it's completely new behaviour for the dog and it lasts three day it's vet time. Grass-eating per se is perfectly normal for some dogs - if Layla eats it shc's sick pretty immediatley, Kelpie used to postively graze and was hardly ever sick. Only you know your dog, and new behaviours are the ones that are significant. I hope it's better today.

    Flying minimal because I seem to be in the routine of doing all the routine stuff that needs doing on Sundays, but that's not something I've ever decided I should do. I think it's directly connected with getting enough sleep on Friday and Saturday nights but in the meantime I'm not complaining because the house looks better than it ever had before. We're pulling the bed out today, swizzling the mattress and cleaning thoroughly behind Layla's crate, the bedhead and OH's bedside table. He's started sneezing and coughing again in the mornings which is usually a sign that there's a build up of dust behind there.
    Better is good enough.
  • Morning all

    ASB/B] my dog eats grass all the time, I think he is just strange, it's not necessarily anything to be too worried about but I agree keep an eye out for tummy trouble.

    So... nice meal out for wedding anniversary last night. Then DS2 went to pick his brother up from the pub. DS1 was very drunk and was messing about while DS2 was trying to get him into the car and somehow he fell over and banged his head. I get a phone call at 2am from DS1 crying and saying his head was really bad so had to get out of bed and drive 10 miles to where they were to sort it all out. DS1 is fine, brought him home and he is in bed sleeping off the drink, but its not a good start to the weekend.

    We are at a family BBQ later, not sure what else the day brings. Doing my finance spreadsheets first.
  • roundtuit
    roundtuit Posts: 4,356 Forumite
    Name Dropper Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic
    Washed & dressed - including socks :D
    made my bed
    put clean towels in bathroom
    took clean clothes (from airer) upstairs
    draped first WM load on airer
    2nd WM load now swishing
    fed birds
    put cardboard inner from wrapping paper in to recycling bin
    tore up cardboard box - to be recycled
    sorted pile of DS's (clean) underwear - which had been left on the landing??? following his sort out: odd socks in to odd sock bag; paired socks and decent underpants put on DS's bed (to be put away by DS); holey underpants binned - fling :T
    one pair of my socks (with holes) binned - fling

    There is something sharp on one of the stairs which catches the heel of my right sock on my way down and pulls a hole in it. I've felt with my hand along the suspicious stairs - not entirely sure which exact step is the culprit as it doesn't happen when I come down one at a time only when I'm coming down in the normal fashion. This has now happened to my favourite socks with a cute penguin on - :( Intense investigation a la Sherlock will be carried out - grrrr. My fault I should have investigated earlier - but I only remember when the blasted thing does it!

    It didn't rain. Well it wouldn't, would it? Because I didn't hand hang out the washing!!!! Both loads will now be pegged out - bound to sling it down then. Cynical? Me? :rotfl:

    Rosemary Ikpeme
  • Valli
    Valli Posts: 25,042 Forumite
    Photogenic Name Dropper Second Anniversary I've been Money Tipped!
    WM X 2 to be pegged out when I launch myself from my pit.
    DW x 1 to be emptied ditto.

    Today might be the day when I shift the stuff off DS's wardrobes and clean on top of them and move them and clean behind them too.
    Got a feeling it will be both appalling (at first sight) and satisfying (job well done).
    Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY
    "I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily Dickinson
    :heart:Janice 1964-2016:heart:

    Thank you Honey Bear
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