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Weekly Flylady Thread 14th January 2019



  • atypicalblonde
    Morning all,

    DH and I were fast asleep by 9pm last night. I've got a hectic week ahead, but trying not to think/panic about it. Will get through it, must plan a nice Friday tea as a treat.

    I'll walk the dog shortly (looks grim out there mind), then need to make some soup and generally clean round. Cajun chicken with roasties and veg for dinner xx
    MFW :)
    [STRIKE]Mortgage 8.2.15 - [/STRIKE][STRIKE]£171,064.64[/STRIKE] Mortgage 1.5.2018 - £99,980.45
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  • roundtuit
    roundtuit Posts: 4,147 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Morning :wave:

    Wow :D I MAD yesterday :T Something to build on!

    I obviously had the right head on as I found myself fluttering during the advert breaks on the film I stayed up to watch last night :) This resulted in me taking up six empty gift bags when I went to bed. Stashed in the drawer under my bed for now - to be reused :money:

    I'm going to set my timer and start with another HHC. Anyone want to join me? I'll be listening to 60s music - but that's optional ;)

    Rosemary Ikpeme
  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,972 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    edited 20 January 2019 at 10:51AM
    Morning all, hope you're all ok this morning.
    HB - your sewing classes sound great. I've now got as far a threading my machine that DH bought me for Xmas, so exciting times to come. Today I am designing a sewing table for our furniture maker to make for me.

    So far today, I have done the dailies (except making the bed as DH is still ill), S&S'd kitchen and bathrooms, put a whole chicken to cook in the slow cooker.......and that's it. Just having a cuppa, then I'll walk the dogs.

    Nearly forgot, also gave myself a pedicure first thing. Saving £25 on what I normally spend.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • notimetospare
    Morning everyone,

    Had a really good nights sleep last night so lots of bits planned for today, Dogs walked, bacon frying and then I intend to:
    Hoover through
    3x WM and TD and Ironing
    Empty dishwasher
    Tidy the kids rooms( I say kids, they are 18 and 21), to be fair they’re not too bad, just a quick s& s should do)
    Clean the oven after dinner
    Mop the kitchen/conservatory floor
    Meal plan for next week
    Do an hours paperwork

    Think that will be enough for a relaxing Sunday 😜
    ‘‘Tis very cold and frosty here, so wrap up if you’re going out ❄️
    See you soon x
  • roundtuit
    roundtuit Posts: 4,147 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    edited 20 January 2019 at 12:12PM
    I hadn't finished what I wanted to do after HHC, so I set the timer for a further QHC :D (I wish I always had this head on - what a difference it makes when BD is away chasing all your sticks or sleeping in the cage that pigpen thoughtfully provided.)

    So, in my FFMC, I:

    set the timer
    put a bowl of pots to soak
    loaded WM with towels / tea towels and set swishing
    opened the curtains (upstairs small windows still open from yesterday - just a tad to let in some air :) )
    got washed and dressed, combed hair, cleaned teeth
    put on perfume, and body lotion on my elbows (forgot yesterday)
    took a pile of clean washing up from the sofa
    changed towels and DS's flannel in bathroom
    brought down 'dirty' towels and flannel
    put out the recycling
    fed the birds
    WUDUPA bowl of pots
    rinsed and recycled the glass bottles that were soaking yesterday :o
    put two more bottles to soak - the last two :T (another dot cleared :D)
    laundry shuffle - work shirts now airing on radiators
    rinsed and recycled a can
    filled the kettle for a brew when DS's dad calls for coffee

    :T:j:T while listening to 60s hits :cool:

    And found myself thinking that, in future, I'll buy tissues in the square boxes not the oblong boxes as that will take up less room on my side table.

    Is this normal behaviour? It doesn't feel like a terrible high - just a release from a terrible low.

    The sun shining certainly helps! Those towels / tea towels are going out on the line when they're ready :)

    Rosemary Ikpeme
  • roundtuit
    roundtuit Posts: 4,147 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post
    Washing line wiped
    Towels and tea towels hung out - while listening to two robins establishing their territories :)
    Conifer branch picked up from lawn and slung on to conifer branch pile
    Wash basket left by door so I don't forget towels are out
    More towels loaded in to WM and set swishing

    ahh here's DS's Dad - brew time :T

    Rosemary Ikpeme
  • MadamMim2013
    Washing done, spun again and about to be put on horsey..Decluttered a few coffees and washed my bonce:rotfl:
    Feeling a little low today, DS2 is being a t*t again with certain behaviours etc & it’s getting me down.. Work in a bit too, that thought does not spark joy in me either :(
    Have an ultra busy day tomorrow, Drs, Mums to sort the Water peeps (who may/may not need to take down her shed:eek:) haircuts for the DS’s and then carpet being laid after 5pm.. its the bit after that I need to save some energy for as its all the furniture going back in and then dismantling and rebuilding one bed, then rebuilding another along with putting all the clothes back etc, etc.. I know DS1 will assist (never sure if DS2 will be a help or hindrance) so it wont be so bad..
    Hark at me being a Moaning Myrtle.. :o
    I know it’ll be fab once finished, thankfully its the very last room to have its carpet replaced so I can relax and enjoy my hard work done over the last year.

    Off to kick myself up the a*se and find my missing mojo..
    Thanks for letting me offload, much appreciated..;)
    "There's a little witch in all of us"🥰
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  • Jazee
    Jazee Posts: 8,972 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post
    Dogs walked, letter posted, bins emptied and rubbish put out ready for tomorrow, design for sewing table texted to maker. Bet he's laughing his socks off at my drawing. Going to have an early lunch now and then MAYBE some flying.
    Spend less now, work less later.
  • Pollybear
    Pollybear Posts: 3,235 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Post Photogenic
    Morning all (I know it's after 12 but if I haven't had lunch then it's morning ;)).

    I think I forgot to post for a day or two. Yesterday I cleaned right through the house including stripping a bed and getting all that washed. The heating played up on Friday evening and Saturday morning but I whacked it up to 30 which made the radiators come on - although the temperature only got up to 20 in the kitchen which was normal - it seems to be OK now so hopefully it was just a glitch. Or it's waiting for the really cold weather to really give up..... We've just had the garage door mended and the bedroom window latch so I'm waiting for the third thing, while hoping that was the vacuum dying a couple of weeks ago.

    Today I've done some washing which I've pegged out, although it feels too cold for it to do much.
  • kazwookie
    kazwookie Posts: 13,909 Forumite
    Name Dropper First Anniversary Photogenic First Post

    I thought today was Monday, was sat wondering where the new thread was!!

    House looks clean nad tidy, hoovering done, bins done, sinks cleaned, sides done.

    Airport run tonight.
    Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
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    Sun, Sea
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