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Hazelnutty's New Start



  • Crumpets
    Crumpets Posts: 1,014 Forumite
    Hi Hazelnutty

    Good luck with your journey, and great news about the new bed for dd :T I managed to get a second hand loft bed for my dd earlier this year, and then I spent a fortune painting it :rotfl: I hope you don't need to do the same!
    Mortgage March 2011 £143,927.6
    Mortgage Feb 2019 £78,323.18
  • greent
    greent Posts: 10,689 Forumite
    10,000 Posts Mortgage-free Glee! Debt-free and Proud! Rampant Recycler
    If you have a load of books/ dvds/ games console games to get rid of you could try scanning into Ziffit or Music Magpie. You don't necessarily get much per item, but it's a good way to shift a lot of items quickly and still get some money for them. And you can go through tcb/ quidco first for an extra bonus :)

    I find if I list a heap of things which are similar it gives a better result - some people buy more than 1. Also timing - so I'm saving the few Xmas things I've got until mid-late Nov to stick them on fb00k marketplace. Also, if I sell stuff I'm motivated to list some more :D

    The carbooty stuff - would suggest either get rid for free or list as a car boot lot on your local faceb00k selling pages for £20, or whatever - something for it is better than nothing, and sometimes the clear space is worth more than an extra few £ x
    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul
    Repaid mtge early (orig 11/25) 01/09 £124616 01/11 £89873 01/13 £52546 01/15 £12133 07/15 £NIL
    Net sales 2024: £20
  • Hazelnutty
    Hazelnutty Posts: 724 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Posts Name Dropper
    Thanks everyone. It's a reasonable price and the seller seems reasonable too (which you can't always say on FB - so many people seem to be seriously flaky on there!) They're going to deliver as I only have a small car and help me carry everything up the stairs. I'll just cover it from my savings and not stress about not having a 'pot' for it.

    Thanks for the tips, greent - I hadn't realised you could sell carboot bundles on FB marketplace. I might just have a good rootle through and bundle up. I have a lot of kids' toys so those could go well at xmas (having said that the proceeds go to DD as an incentive to have clear-outs every so often so she'll be the beneficiary not the mortgage!)

    A low-spend day today. £1.30 for parking at work, £3 at S@insbury's for bits not sold at @ldi and 55p for a chocolate babyccino for DD after a tough day at the chalkface...

    PP's small steps
    *TT of 1.79 yesterday (nothing today)
    * Lovely marble cake baked by OH for my first writing session at home with colleague (vs coffee/cake in cafe)
    * Funky postcards bought in P@perchase for mum's and partner's birthdays, just as cool as birthday cards
    Choose kind:)
  • Hazelnutty
    Hazelnutty Posts: 724 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Posts Name Dropper
    Hi all
    I definitely felt motivated to get stuff shifted after all your comments. I had a blitz through some boxes of DD's stuff that had been clogging up the storage room. Listed some individual bits (2 of them are already pending pickup :T), a job lot of stuffed toys, a box ready for a carbooty job lot (to sort later once I've done some work :D) and a box of stuff for the tip. We might actually have a room to use at some point! OK it's only a few quid here and there but it'll help pay for the loft bed at least. Come to think of it, I'd better list her current bed or I'll just be filling the storage room back up again :p

    Oh well, better get on with some work. Catch you all later and have a good Tuesday!
    Choose kind:)
  • Hazelnutty
    Hazelnutty Posts: 724 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Posts Name Dropper
    Hmmmm, not a great start to my FB selling. One person messaged me to say I wasn't home and she'd gone away :think: then the second said she'd had to give up because of the traffic (I believe this one though as it's a nightmare in my town). So I am precisely £0 better off :p although it's also an NSD :j
    Choose kind:)
  • Happy new diary, Hazel.

    Good luck with the bed-selling.... I know only too well how quickly clutter gathers :rotfl:
    Mortgage balance October 2015: £99875 Mortgage balance June 2023: £69999.40
  • Hazelnutty
    Hazelnutty Posts: 724 Forumite
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Posts Name Dropper
    Thanks YGW! I do like a good clear-out but it's waaaay overdue in that room. Lived in the house 18 months now and it's still a whole heap of boxes and bags. I'd like to claim there's some sort of order but I'm not sure OH is convinced!
    Choose kind:)
  • pinkypig
    pinkypig Posts: 1,814 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture First Post Photogenic Name Dropper
    Hiya HN, just popped into to say :wave:and to wish you the best of luck on your journey.
    Keep counting those little steps as they real do add up to huge strides:p xx
    Original mortgage £112,000 . Final payment due August 2027.
    Mortgage neutral achieved August 2020 - 7 years early!!!
  • Thanks PP! I love your diary - you've been quite the inspiration :)
    Choose kind:)
  • So latest developments on my clearing out spree. Delivered one item today to a house (owner was out) and left £5 in a hidey place. Just hope what I left doesn't get nicked! Went to do the second drop of a huge bag of DD's old cuddly toys and it turned out the person was gathering clothes and toys to send out to children in Romania - so I told her I wouldn't be taking any money :).

    So am £5 up, two items out of the storage room plus a Freecyle item delivered and a tip run done. Detoured via L!dl and found a winter jacket for DD for £11.99 so I guess I'm really £6.99 down! But she hasn't got anything in her size having had a completely unsanctioned growth spurt :p so it was needed.

    Guess I'd better get back to work :cool:
    Choose kind:)
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