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December 2017 Grocery Challenge



  • Suffolk_lass
    Oh my, this Christmas stuff is so tempting. I think it was pure greed that made me pick up the frozen free-range goose in Morries - it was £31 but I had to play freezer tetris for half an hour to make room for it and there are still 4 packs of meat to stash ready for boxing day. Got to brave the shed. Nothing else for it. Freezer No3 is normally just garden fruit but these are easier to flatten in my never-ending tetris game so the meat will have to go out there.

    Butter was £1 a pack before the vote. It was £1.50 yesterday. There was an article in the paper saying our processed dairy products could be in short supply over Christmas and New Year because the export prices are so good. I don't have room to freeze cream so we may just go without!
    Save £12k in 2024 - #2 target is £5000 only £798.34 so far
    OS Grocery Challenge 2024 31.1% spent or £932.98/£3,000 annual
    I also Reverse Meal Plan on that thread and grow much of our own premium price fruit and veg, joining in on the Grow your own thread
    My Debt Free Diary Get a grip Woman
  • Highland_Fling
    Good morning everyone,
    well last night I sat and completed an Asd* shop which will be delivered this evening.
    £70 bringing my total up to £105.

    This order includes a very large box of washing powder, a pack of 24 toilet rolls and also cleaning materials.
    I also ordered some nibbles and treats for Christmas.

    I would seldom have a delivery but due to a combination of weather and ill health decided it was the best option this month. Therefore I took advantage and ordered heavy and bulky goods along with usual fayre and I then believe I have had better value from my delivery charge.
    I am now going to have a look at cupboards and create some space.

    Feel more organised now for the coming festivities although I have not gone crazy and shown some restraint as I do not want waste.
  • PipneyJane
    PipneyJane Posts: 4,164 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post I've been Money Tipped!
    edited 10 December 2017 at 5:28PM
    Grrr.... Who turned off the outside heating? (Only kidding.)

    It was very snowy when we ventured out this morning to Mr T’s and our local authority has definitely NOT gritted. Mr T’s car park was virtually empty, as was the shop - almost unheard of for a Sunday. We spent £40.39, which brings our total spend for the month to £77.76/£162.70 leaving £84.94 left to spend.

    I know a few people have commented on the price of butter, but has anyone else noticed the 30+% increase in the price of milk? A month or so ago, we were paying 98p for 2 litres, today it was £1.30.

    How are you coping with the weather?
    "Be the type of woman that when you get out of bed in the morning, the devil says 'Oh crap. She's up.' "

    It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it - that’s what gets results!

    2024 Fashion on the Ration Challenge 66 coupons, 8 spent.
    4 coupons - 200g Caithness Yarns DK Sedge
    4 coupons - 2 x 100g WYS Signature Sock
  • YorksLass
    YorksLass Posts: 1,729 Forumite
    First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    edited 10 December 2017 at 6:15PM
    PipneyJane wrote: »
    I know a few people have commented on the price of butter, but has anyone else noticed the 30+% increase in the price of milk? A month or so ago, we were paying 98p for 2 litres, today it was £1.30.

    Yup, our 4-pinters (soz, don't do litres :D ) were £1, now £1.10.

    Weather here in W Yorks is [STRIKE]cold[/STRIKE] perishing: 2C today, forecast -5C overnight. Dull, with a little bit of snow this afternoon, not settling much, but very icy on the pavements. Tbf, gritters have been out, almost every day, for the last few days.

    Week 1's spends ended up at a total of £46.19 made up of: £20.30 market, £6.27 Co-op and £19.62 Sainsbobs where I got 2 ys items - x2 melting middle smoked haddock fishcakes with Cheddar & leek for £1.65 and 1kg minced beef for £3.05 that's now portioned up and frozen. :)

    I also bought some festive food - x6 chilled dessert pots (all long dated until after Xmas), after dinner mints and posh biscuits. These were all on promotion, so a few more pennies saved there. :):) I haven't included the cost of these in my normal budget as I have a separate Christmas pot that I feed with £2 every week throughout the year. I'll probably not spend all of it as (a) there are only the two of us and (b) we're not doing the hosting this year. If anyone does pop in unexpectedly, I have enough in to rustle up "something". ;)

    Thanks to concentrating on using stuff from the freezer, spaces are now appearing :j so this week (and next) I'll be filling up the spaces by prepping stuffings, mince pies and roasties ready for The Day.:D I'll also be making jars of marmalade, some of which will be given as gifts.

    Haven't done a meal plan as yet for the coming week but I have a rough idea of what we'll be having, something along the lines of:

    Su - Chicken, bacon & leek bake, sprouts, mashed potatoes (chicken and cooking bacon bits from freezer)
    M - Lazy dinner of soup + hot dogs & onions in rolls (haven't had these for yonks)
    Tu - Smoked BBQ beefburgers (freezer), cabbage, mash, onion gravy
    W - Fishcakes (freezer), fried sliced potato and side salad
    Th - Something to use up the remainder of Sunday's chicken - maybe a pasta meal or stir-fry or curry

    I have an online delivery slot booked for the 18th and I'm using this to stock up on basics etc that should see us well into the NY and save us trips out in the cold. :D

    Even though we normally come in on or under budget each month, I'm going to try reducing our grocery budget by £5 a week from January. Not sure how I'll get on with it but it's worth a try in the fight (or should that be warfare?) against price increases. ;)

    Stay warm and well everyone.
    Be kind to others and to yourself too.
  • Mrs_Cheshire
    Popped into the C0-0p on the way home from my parents today to grab some milk for breakfast and something to go with the bits I already had for tea, got mushrooms and smoked sausage. Made pasta with tomato sauce, with peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms and the sausage.
    Spent £4.84

    Having a sorting day tomorrow. Want to move and defrost the freezer and do a cupboard inventory before I go shopping.
    Grocery Challenge 2024
    Feb £419.82 Mar £599.53 Apr £405.69 May £531.37 Jun
    Declutter challenge 2024 0 items
  • JingsMyBucket
    Happy Sunday everyone. I'm on a train back home after whirlwind weekend of stocking up and attending a birthday party.

    £12.90 - Waitrose on their Carmargue/wild rice mix that OH loves; loads of crackers/oat cakes and some jarred jerk seasoning (so hard to find both where I live!!)

    £40.45 - M & S. I bought their delicious fake Bailey's Irish cream so I can make a Bailey's and chocolate cake trifle for Christmas dessert. Also picked up various chocolates, oat cakes, and cheeses.

    £31.31 - Waitrose again this afternoon. This time I got two (!!) of their 300g smoked salmon platters that were only £8 each!! Can you tell I'm excited about salmon? I also got some aubergine and feta burgers for OH, some cheddar cheeses and crackers.

    Can you believe I forgot the bloody haggis?! I'm so annoyed with myself. I think it's also because that branch didn't have it and neither did the M & S I visited today. Blast.

    There were various other purchases at Boots but a lot of that stuff like body cream or perfume so I won't count it. Nonetheless, I think we're pretty well stocked in terms of toiletries for the next 6 months or so. I just need to get soap for myself later next week.

    I can't wait to get home and unpack everything. :)


    £179.86 / £200 London stocking up fund
    €49.58 / €350.00 for groceries
    1 NSD
  • XSpender
    XSpender Posts: 3,811 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Post

    £40.45 - M & S. I bought their delicious fake Bailey's Irish cream so I can make a Bailey's and chocolate cake trifle for Christmas dessert. Also picked up various chocolates, oat cakes, and cheeses.

    Please could you share the recipe for the baileys and chocolate trifle as this would be ideal for a NYE party we are going to (if we have any baileys left by then ;))
    Save £10,500 - £2673.77 - 25.5%
    Pay off £7000 - £1743 - 19.4%
    Make £2021 extra income - £99.75
  • pamsdish
    pamsdish Posts: 2,585 Forumite
    First Anniversary Name Dropper Photogenic First Post
    Went B&M today and lidl, picked up some 2 pack thermal long sleeve T,shirts, 1 for me 1 for neighbour, rang her to make sure size and colour, wandering by till and realised I had put my bag down to rummage, no bag, shot back to T shirts still there, I was more worried about car keys as my spare is in the safe, the key of which is on my key ring, car keys, house keys, and sid safe. Will remove it from the safe and put else where, will update spends from bank statement as can`t find B&M receipt, also while other friend checking out and i am packing her stuff, cashier busy discussing staff rota with next cashier, heard an item beep 3 times, my friend had 2 dog treats £2.99 each, asked her to check it straight away, oh no only done 2 she checked 3 charged, travesty of an apology, rota very important for them. I know life is hard for store and supermarket staff, been there done that, but it`s hard enough to get money without being over charged.
    Do I need it or just want it.
  • adventureofmemories
    £52.04 spent on this weeks shopping.

    £2.70 is a Christmas gift and i also had to buy little essentials like oven cleaner and loo roll as well as more ketchup/mayo .
    Debt to fiancee - £404.00 (left to pay) | Save £12,000 in 2018 - £371.90 all together|2,018 items in 2018 (8/2,018)
  • Mrs_Cheshire
    Spends of £58.83 tonight in Lidl. Includes 3 bottles of their Primitivo wine @£4.99 each, a couple of packs of smoked trout they had reduced which I love but its a rare treat as the only place I've seen it before is at Sainsburys where it's £5.25 a pack, I got 2 for £4.88! Bought the things I need to make the sticky toffee cupcakes and food and snacks for DH and his mates who are coming round Saturday. So just as well I upped the budget for the month, already at £109.11!

    Do you have a recipe for the cupcakes, they sound just up our street!
    Grocery Challenge 2024
    Feb £419.82 Mar £599.53 Apr £405.69 May £531.37 Jun
    Declutter challenge 2024 0 items
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