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Next MSE Collective Switch Coming to an End

M271 Posts: 238 Forumite
Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
I am currently on the MSE Collective Switch with BG which comes to an end on 3rd October. Will a another collective switch be launched before then (statement aimed at MSE reps) or should I just start looking at the best deals around 4 to 5 weeks before my deal comes to an end?


  • grahamm
    grahamm Posts: 81 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    According to the MSE Cheap Energy Club you can switch up to 50 days before your deal ends without getting exit penalties.

    I'm sure there's going to be another Collective Switch soon.

    I certainly will switch somewhere because British Gas have just emailed me to tell me that they're going to virtually double my Direct Debit because of the amount of gas and electric they think I'm going to use in the next year (based, presumably, on their hiked prices!)
    if i had known then what i know now
  • Hi M271,

    We’re hoping to run another collective switch later this year, but as yet we’re not able to confirm dates. The energy market has been challenging in recent months, so there’s no guarantee that we’ll be successful.

    Although we’ll always aim to beat it, the cheapest deal available today may not be available by the time we next hold a collective. You can either fix and lock in your prices now to be safe, or hold on to see if we can negotiate a better deal.

    MSE Laura
  • Hi there, is the big switch deal a fixed deal? BG are charging me more than what the Energy Club says I am on and also just had a letter advising my Electricity price will be rising on 1st September.

    Thanks Alex
  • Hi, We too have just received notification that they are more than doubling our payments as of 20th August because they estimate that's what we should pay when they increase their prices. I am trusting MSE and will pay the increase but would hope for a refund from BG if we leave at the end of the collective deal. Why oh why do these utility companies put us through all this stress?
  • Alex_S wrote: »
    Hi there, is the big switch deal a fixed deal? BG are charging me more than what the Energy Club says I am on and also just had a letter advising my Electricity price will be rising on 1st September.

    Thanks Alex
    LyndaL wrote: »
    Hi, We too have just received notification that they are more than doubling our payments as of 20th August because they estimate that's what we should pay when they increase their prices. I am trusting MSE and will pay the increase but would hope for a refund from BG if we leave at the end of the collective deal. Why oh why do these utility companies put us through all this stress?

    Hi both,

    A fixed tariff means that the rates of the tariff are fixed, rather than your payment amounts. Your payments can increase or decrease depending on how much energy you're using.

    If you can, it's best to send regular meter readings to your supplier so that both yourself and the supplier are able to monitor your usage and adjust your payment amounts accordingly.

    However if you think that British Gas has increased your direct debit unfairly, you can challenge this. For more info, see our guide:

    Hope this helps.
    MSE Laura
  • Cardew
    Cardew Posts: 29,048 Forumite
    Rampant Recycler First Anniversary First Post Name Dropper
    Alex_S wrote: »
    Hi there, is the big switch deal a fixed deal? BG are charging me more than what the Energy Club says I am on and also just had a letter advising my Electricity price will be rising on 1st September.

    Thanks Alex

    The MSE BG Collective tariff - the subject of this thread - is a fixed deal that ends 03 Oct 2017.

    Sounds like you are not on this tariff?? Prices vary in different regions of UK, but as a guide the charges in the Midlands are 9.02p/kWh electricity, 2.541p/kWh gas and 21.809p daily standing charge for each. Prices include VAT and there is a £15 discount for dual fuel.
  • frmarcus
    frmarcus Posts: 25 Forumite
    I'm on the MSE Collective: I do hope MSE can negotiate another soon. I'd rather stay with BG but not if MSE can't negotiate another decent deal with it, and I know it's only a chance that a new deal will be with it...
  • M271
    M271 Posts: 238 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Post First Anniversary
    grahamm wrote: »
    According to the MSE Cheap Energy Club you can switch up to 50 days before your deal ends without getting exit penalties.

    I'm sure there's going to be another Collective Switch soon.

    I certainly will switch somewhere because British Gas have just emailed me to tell me that they're going to virtually double my Direct Debit because of the amount of gas and electric they think I'm going to use in the next year (based, presumably, on their hiked prices!)

    Thanks for your feedback.
    As it takes in my experience 4 to 6 weeks to typically change suppliers, if there isn't a Collective Switch available at the beginning of September I'll go with a competitive company on the cost comparison tool. Even a few unnecessary weeks at BG standard rate would blow any marginally cheaper deal cost advantage.
    I'll watch this space with interest as all of the best deals at the moment are with small companies which I will need to evaluate carefully before selecting.
  • r2015
    r2015 Posts: 1,136 Forumite
    Cashback Cashier Home Insurance Hacker!
    I'm on the SG MSE collective as well and SG gave me a refund of £70 and put my DD up to £105 from £84 so will collect £210 by 3rd Oct.

    I'm going on holiday and will probably only use £125 of gas and electricity by then, going on what I used last year for that time. so they will have to refund me £85 if I leave them.

    At least I will get an extra 84p from Santander.

    This is the second time they have put up the DD, if they had left it at what it was I would have had a zero balance on 3rd October.
    over 73 but not over the hill.
  • MSE_Laura wrote: »
    Hi M271,

    We’re hoping to run another collective switch later this year, but as yet we’re not able to confirm dates. The energy market has been challenging in recent months, so there’s no guarantee that we’ll be successful.

    Although we’ll always aim to beat it, the cheapest deal available today may not be available by the time we next hold a collective. You can either fix and lock in your prices now to be safe, or hold on to see if we can negotiate a better deal.

    MSE Laura

    the problem is, the thousands of people that took up the collective switch last September, ending 3 October this year, are all reaching the end of the BG contract with 35% price increases if we stay with BG. It might be a bit difficult, but we really need you to sort out another collective switch for us by then! And surely it being a bit difficult is what your job is there to sort out!

    if you don't have a new collective switch asap, we will all be randomly going to different suppliers. Surely you need to replace the current expiring one with another? It needs to be done now, before the high (and so expensive) use of fuel over the cold winter months. Plus surely you want us all to switch with you, as it's how you quite rightly make your income from the swith-in fee that suppliers pay?

    When you do get round to it if you don't do it now, we will all be mid-contract and it won't be any use to any of us.

    I did a Uswitch and EnergyClub comparison. It will be a bit more expensive next year, but the problem is that all of the deals are with small suppliers with seemingly awful customer service reports. So it's difficult for us - but we're not professionals like you at sorting out deals.

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