We'd like to remind Forumites to please avoid political debate on the Forum. This is to keep it a safe and useful space for MoneySaving discussions. Threads that are - or become - political in nature may be removed in line with the Forum’s rules. Thank you for your understanding.

May the (NST) force be with you



  • 498louise
    498louise Posts: 67 Forumite
    Seventh Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Sign me up too please
    NSD Dec: 0/15
    Make £1 a day in Dec: £0/£31
    Credit Card1: £0.00
    Credit Card2:
    Bank Loan: £0
  • ilovetea
    ilovetea Posts: 1,272 Forumite
    1,000 Posts First Anniversary Name Dropper
    Can I join please?

    ilovetea xx
    Make £2024 in 2024 £1161.08
    Declutter 2024 things in 2024 1522/2024.
    NSD's in August 11/20
  • crazy_cat_lady
    crazy_cat_lady Posts: 7,063 Forumite
    Eighth Anniversary Debt-free and Proud! First Post Photogenic
    Me please misstara - thanks for running the challenge :D
  • Ladykernow
    Ladykernow Posts: 286 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Car Insurance Carver! First Post Combo Breaker
    Count me in for May please! :)
  • mrshubbard
    mrshubbard Posts: 176 Forumite
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary
    After a half hearted April debt busting effort I'm back whole heartedly this month :) I haven't managed the 16 NSDs yet so this is that month.
    1 debt vs 100 days -
    Debtfree by Xmas
    NST - 1/18 NSDs £54/£250 food 0/£60spends
    Debts - CC1-[STRIKE]£4438.89[/STRIKE] £4329.82 CC2-[STRIKE]4560.38[/STRIKE] £3672.52 CC3-[STRIKE]£10,326[/STRIKE]£10,155.85 CC4 - [STRIKE]£3286[/STRIKE]
  • FurryBeastOz
    FurryBeastOz Posts: 1,380 Forumite
    First Post Ninth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    I really need to find the force. Fast. So I'm in. I've done my budget for next month, and its all covered. So the whole of next months rental income can go into savings as a buffer against August onwards until we have a resolution to what the h*ll we are doing after November.

    I've reviewed all the utilities. Unfortunately I can't switch anything as it's possible we will end up leaving the country for a year and they all want a tie-in. Very frustrating. However I have cancelled my Paycare as it wasn't paying its way now my eyes have settled. I'll squirrel the £35 into savings against emergencies.

    I'll try hard to post daily, as I really finds it helps me focus.

    I'm off to try and find my goals from January to see how I'm doing.
    Goals - Weight loss 6/26lb at 22nd Jan 18
    Mmmm. 26lb at 1/7/18. Oops:o
  • mothernerd
    mothernerd Posts: 4,858 Forumite
    Ninth Anniversary Debt-free and Proud! First Post Name Dropper
    I was going to sit this one out but count me in. Gratitudes I can do, posting I an do (internet permitting), will go and wrangle my positive head on. May is a new start.
    My mission in life is not only to survive,but to thrive and to do so with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humour and some Style.
    NST SEP No 1 No Debt No mortgage
  • apple_muncher
    apple_muncher Posts: 14,917 Forumite
    Tenth Anniversary Mortgage-free Glee! 10,000 Posts I've been Money Tipped!
    I'm also a May baby, and will become a step-grandma this month too! And my step dd (who is having the baby) is a May 4th baby herself.

    Count me in.
    NST March lion #8; NSD ; MFW9/3/23 Whoop Whoop!!!
  • Me oooh oooh me please!!!
  • Mothernerd - glad you're not sitting it out. I'd have worried x
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