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Ebico / SSE partnership has ended!



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,175 Forumite
    First Anniversary Photogenic Name Dropper 10 Posts
    Majestic12 wrote: »
    I have the Ebico gas and electric tariff at the moment. If I want to keep the tariff do I know just leave it as be and it will be administered and supplied by SSE?

    Because the initial letter (and email) received from Ebico says the contrary.

    You need to tell them you want to stay on SSE Ebico otherwise you will be automatically moved over to Robin Hood Ebico.
  • uk1
    uk1 Posts: 1,839 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Name Dropper
    ....fwiw ..... I noticed that we had way over-paid SSE at the start of the week and asked via their web site for a refund and the first arrived yesterday and the second today. Great service.
  • A.Penny.Saved
    A.Penny.Saved Posts: 1,832 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    Majestic12 wrote: »
    I have the Ebico gas and electric tariff at the moment. If I want to keep the tariff do I know just leave it as be and it will be administered and supplied by SSE?

    Because the initial letter (and email) received from Ebico says the contrary.
    Why on earth would you want to stay when lower prices are on offer with the new supplier? I am not using Ebico electric so I do not know about that but the gas is certainly cheaper with Robin Hood energy. I cannot see a downside to switching.

    You can go to the ebico website via the link in the letter and indicate that you want to stay with SSE if you really want to. The SSE deal will run out though and you will probably need to switch when the SSE deal runs out.

    I moved mine to Robin Hood, just need to setup the DD.
  • BillTee
    BillTee Posts: 62 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post
    Ebico figures quoted in letter for both Elec and Gas are higher than my current Equi rates: New 16.128 vs Current 16.08; New 4.967 vs current 4.95.

    Ebico Zero rates quoted on UK Power comparison service are 15.2 and 4.68 respectively.

    Similar discrepancy on brother's account in another county.

    Anyone else found this?
  • footyguy
    footyguy Posts: 4,157 Forumite
    First Post Combo Breaker
    BillTee wrote: »
    Ebico figures quoted in letter for both Elec and Gas are higher than my current Equi rates: New 16.128 vs Current 16.08; New 4.967 vs current 4.95.

    Ebico Zero rates quoted on UK Power comparison service are 15.2 and 4.68 respectively.

    Similar discrepancy on brother's account in another county.

    Anyone else found this?

    Yes, there was someone else earlier in this thread who said that.
    It's what happens when you compare inc vat prices as shown in the email to ex vat prices you will see on a bill.
  • A.Penny.Saved
    A.Penny.Saved Posts: 1,832 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    edited 10 March 2017 at 12:21PM
    I do not think that this is correct. I cannot get it to work out as Ebico say. With a 4.5% reduction done on the SSE pre VAT price of 4.95p, with VAT then added I get 4.9636p/kWh which is not 4.967p as suggested by the Ebico letter. 5.5% reduction on 4.95p gives me 4.9116375p/kWh when VAT is added.

    Do my figures look correct? Why are the Ebico prices different?

    The letter I received suggests the 4.967p/kWh is the standard rate without Direct Debit as no DD is initially setup. TCR 4.97p/kWh rounded t2dp. This suggests that the DD price offers a further reduction by calculating 5.5% of 4.95p/kWh and adding VAT(5%).

    However using the SSE TCR of 5.2p/kWh with a 4.5% reduction gives 4.966p/kWh which would include VAT which is close but the SSE TCR which itself is rounded up to 5.2p from 5.1975p and using this figure gives 4.9636125p as already given above. Therefore I cannot see where the 0.001p comes from. Doing the reduction on the pre VAT price gives a lower value.

    BTW 5.5% off 5.2p gives 4.914p. Unless my maths is off, it does not add up correctly.
  • paul_h
    paul_h Posts: 1,072 Forumite
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    edited 10 March 2017 at 1:39PM
    footyguy wrote: »
    James_Mass wrote: »
    This is the wording on the letter they've posted dated 24 February. I've not received any email correspondent on needing to opt-out.
    If you take no action, your energy will continue to be supplied by SSE at the current energy rate. SSE will write to tell you about any significant change to your current terms and conditions, including any increase of price, at least 30 days before it takes effect.
    This is going to get interesting if they switch people over automatically when the notice advised they do nothing if they want to stay put.
    So you've rececived a notification contrary to what everyone else has received, and contrary to what is posted on the Ebico website have you? :cool:

    There's always one isn't there...

    Good luck!

    (And Trump thinks he has problems)

    Well, there's two now. To be fair, it isn't contrary to the notification everyone else has received, it's contrary to the one YOU have received.

    My elderly parents have also received the same letter from Ebico with identical wording to that posted by James Mass, I have seen it with my own eyes. It very clearly states that they will stay with SSE if they do nothing.

    They do however, receive the WHD payment every year... I wonder if that's the reason for the different letter?
  • paul_h
    paul_h Posts: 1,072 Forumite
    First Post First Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Why on earth would you want to stay when lower prices are on offer with the new supplier? I am not using Ebico electric so I do not know about that but the gas is certainly cheaper with Robin Hood energy. I cannot see a downside to switching.

    It may not be suitable for those who are eligible for the Warm Home Discount, as RHE don't offer it.
  • A.Penny.Saved
    A.Penny.Saved Posts: 1,832 Forumite
    Part of the Furniture Combo Breaker First Post Name Dropper
    Maybe but I do not think that SSE offer WHD to the broader group, only the core group which might be how your parent's get it. I do not use SSE electric but when I did they did not offer the WHD to me and I did ask.
  • atsblack
    atsblack Posts: 6 Forumite
    Like James Mass, I too received the “Do Nothing” letter. If you do nothing, you remain as you are for the time being. My letter does not mention the15th March. To move to Ebico Zero I have to opt in. I think it’s the PAYG customers who are being automatically switched to RHE if they don’t opt out, and all the credit customers receive the “do nothing” (or opt in) whether they’re receiving WHD or not.

    Ebico, instead of listing all the circumstances, and options available for all customers in one letter have chosen to send out different letters to customers depending on how they pay for their fuel. I paid for my fuel (dual) quarterly on receipt of account. What a shambles Ebico have created. The fact that everyone on this thread has a different opinion of what to do reflects on Ebico’s incompetence.

    When I joined Ebico 11 years ago everyone paid the same rate regardless. That’s how it should be. The Ebico tariff when I joined was a few pence per kwh cheaper than the SSE rates at that time with no standing charge. Now Ebico rates are well above SSE current rates. I’ve known for years that I could save money switching, but have stayed because of the equi principle. Now, apparently Ebico see nothing wrong with PP customers being charged a standing charge, and DD payers receiving a discount.

    Ebico have caused this situation not SSE. I also have doubts that Council run RHE can cope with such a mass switchover. Ebico have have in the past been praised for their customer service, when in fact their billing and customer service for the last 20 years has been provided by SSE. I’ve never phoned Ebico, only SSE. When I moved to Ebico all those years ago it was because their partner was SSE.I certainly wouldn’t have moved had their partner been council run RHE. Now when everyone is trying to phone Ebico / RHE direct they can’t get through.

    The day I received the Ebico letter I had a look for feedback on RHE. Although there’s not much, the feedback I found was around 50-50 and obviously pre the current situation. However, having enjoyed an excellent customer service from SSE over the years, the negative reviews I did see were enough for me. I agree with Anthorn’s view (earlier in this thread) and have also switched to SSE. Even with a standing charge I’ll pay £70 less than the Ebico Zero tariffs even with their full 5.5% reduction, and it’s fixed for a year not just to December.
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